"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it."
—William A. Ward
It is officially the last day of December and it feels like the perfect time to reflect on 2010 and all that has transpired over the past year. I especially enjoy looking back at obstacles and challenges that were overcome and goals that were achieved. Here are a few of my personal highlights from 2010:
- Celebrating my third anniversary writing the Natural Health Newsletter, which allows me to share and engage with you!
- Introducing Meatless Monday to my family; we have enjoyed creative and delicious meals each week.
- Running my fourth annual 1/2 Marathon at my fastest pace to date.
- Surviving my first full Marathon, which could mean more are on the horizon!
- Celebrating my second wedding anniversary with my amazing husband, who was also at all of my finish lines cheering me on!
Looking toward 2011, I'm SO excited to share that we will be launching a new look and feel to the Natural Health Newsletter. While the content will not change, you can look forward to a "cleaner," more streamlined format. This new version of the newsletter will hit your inbox in January! At DietsInReview.com our goal is to share the best, most accurate health content, and I'm excited to continue to share with you in 2011.
Best in Health!
Healthy Resolutions You Should Make in 2011
With the start of a new year upon us, it is definitely a great time to look towards re-focusing our energy. This can mean setting new goals, embracing a new resolution, or revisiting one from the past--make 2011 YOUR year!! One positive or healthy resolution leads to another and another. Before you know it, small changes will trickle into all aspects of your life and healthy living will start to feel effortless.
Listed below are some suggestions for resolutions that you might want to consider in 2011. Please remember that change is gradual, not constant! Take things a day at a time and celebrate small successes.
- Replace one soda with a glass of water each day.
- Wake-up 30 minutes early during the work week. Use that time to read, meditate, eat breakfast, take a walk or simply not feel rushed in the morning.
- Take your lunch to work at least once each week.
- Eat dinner at the table without TV or other media interference at least one night each week.
- Pay for, and attend, three sessions with a personal trainer.
- Get a physical.
- Take a multi-vitamin each morning.
- Play outside with your kids for an hour each weekend.
- Don't eat while in the car.
- Introduce Meatless Monday to your week, which entails cutting down on your meat and poultry consumption. This is good for both your body and the environment.
- Introduce whole grains to your diet. This can be a loaf of bread or simply swapping white rice for brown rice.
To help you to stick to your resolutions, I strongly encourage you to put them in writing. And better yet, send your resolutions to me! I'll feature your resolutions in the January issue of the Natural Health Newsletter!
Recipe of the Month: Homemade Granola
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 15-20 cups
- 10 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
- 1 cup wheat germ
- 3 cups sunflower seeds
- 3/4 cup sesame seeds
- 3/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 1/2 cups maple syrup
- 2 tablespoons vanilla
- 1 cup canola oil
- 2 cups sliced or slivered almonds
- 2 cups chopped dried fruit (such as medjool dates, raisins, cranberries)
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Mix all ingredients except nuts and dates together and spread on two deep sided baking sheets or roasting pans. Bake for about 30 minutes, stirring once.
- Reduce heat to 250 degrees F and continue baking for up to an hour (depending on the strength of your oven) or until nearly brown, stirring frequently. Add almonds and bake another thirty minutes.
- Remove from oven and stir in dates. Cool thoroughly and store in air-tight containers.
Recipe via In Good Taste
In the News 
We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So would you eat four candy bars to get the day started? Many of the most popular and convenient breakfast foods are loaded with sugar, which will leave you feeling hungry, tired and irritable after a couple of hours.
To learn which breakfast options are the worst offenders click here. Certain brands of oatmeal, waffles and yogurt may surprise you!!
Giving Back
During the holiday season, we often turn our thoughts to those in need. A charitable gift to an educational organization not only helps students while they're in school, but can also give them a stepping-stone to a leading a better life.
Consider making a donation to an organization that is working to improve education around the world. A few that we have reviewed and provided details on are DonorsChoose.Org, Unicef, Millenium Promise, and BuildOn. Please visit Make a charitable donation to support education to read more and choose your cause to support this month.
Action Items
- Don't start your day with the equivalent of a candy bar! Try this month's receipt to make homemade granola and give your body a healthy jump start.
- Children's education needs your help. Please visit this month's giving back and check out the featured organizations, a little goes a long way!
- Check out the DietsinReview.com blog for the latest in health and fitness.
Weekly Articles
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It’s such a pleasure to help those closest to us become happier and healthier. Please forward this newsletter to friends, family members or colleagues who might be interested and inspired by it.
Also, if there is something you are interested in learning more about or would like me to feature in an upcoming newsletter please contact me.
Eat, Live Laugh newsletters are intended for overall general wellness. If you have condition specific concerns please feel free to contact me.