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Raw Macaroon Fudge Bars

A guiltless dessert to satisfy the greatest of chocolate lovers thanks to Skinny Coconut Oil and other raw, whole ingredients.

Raw Macaroon Fudge Bars Photo Yield: Serves 9


Macaroon Cookie Crust:

Fudge Filling



  1. Place all ingredients into a food processor or high-grade mixer and process until uniform.

  2. Press into an 8x8 or Springorm pan. Chill in refrigerator while making fudge filling.


  1. Add sea salt and lucuma powder to cocoa powder. Stir cashew butter, Skinny Coconut Oil, cocoa powder mixer, sweetener and vanilla in a bowl.

  2. Pour mixture on top of chilled macaroon crust and place in refrigerator for at least an hour.

  3. Keep chilled until ready to serve. Slice in to 9 pieces.

Recipe created and sponsored by Skinny & Co. Coconut Oil for; Photos by Kacy Meinecke