UPDATE: October 29th, 2025, Judge Rick Brown found Kimkins Diet founder Heidi Diaz guilty of fraud and false advertising.
I wanted to share this Kimkins follow-up with what looks like Kimmer herself. Back in October, Diets In Review shared with you the disappointing news that many Kimkins customers feel that the Kimkins program is fraudulent. Their PR manager, Jeannie Baitinger, responded to Diets In Review and we shared that post with you here.
It appears that in early December, Jeannie left Kimkins. This morning we received a response from Kimmer explaining the departure.
Please be advised that Jeannie continues to follow and support the Kimkins Plan today.
She simply left Kimkins in order to help spread the word via her own Kimkins-based website. She has my blessing and full support for her Kimkins CTF Diet.
Jeannie is still a very strong Kimkins supporter, and she remains my right hand here at Kimkins. Kimkins would not be the success it is today without all the hard work and support that Jeannie has given me and continues to give me on a daily basis.
If your life has been benefitted by the Kimkins Diet, you owe a great debt to Jeannie and all her hard work.
I couldn’t have achieved all that I have achieved without the monumental contributions made by Jeannie.
She is a fine testament of the proof that the Kimkins Diet is working miracles for thousand of obese men and woman every day. – Kimmer Jan 1st, 2025 at 6:21 pm
The truth is that Jeannie left Kimkins because she was going to be part of the lawsuit that Heidi is embroiled in. Jeannie has immunity from prosecution because she cooperated with John T. (the lawyer). That’s the truth.
Thank you for the updated information, Brandi! WOW?!
It would be nice to actually hear from Jeannie about this though. It sounds a little like Kimmer (aka Heidi Diaz) may be trying to smooth things over and make it “appear” as if all is hunky-dory over in Kimkins’ Land.
Although Jeannie appeared to be a very supportive PR person when she was on The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet, she did say “I made a vow to the low carb community that I was gonna go in there and make every wrong right or I wouldn’t work there.” So apparently she wasn’t able to “make every wrong right” and left.
Probably there was simply just too much wrong to overcome, even for one as energetic and enthusiastic about it as Jeannie was. Although from her previous mentions it IS also apparent that Jeannie lost the majority of her weight with Atkins, and that she only “cycled” Kimkins when her weight loss has stalled. So, is that really Kimkins? Not according to Kimmer’s description of it. It really sounds more like Atkins with his meat fast to get things moving again, which can all be found in the Atkins book.
It sounds to me like Kimmer is scrambling around to try to make things look better than they actually are, at the expense of Jeannie and her own new venture.
Please do consider contacting Jeannie to hear her side of this story.
In the meantime folks, please be sure to do your homework, no matter what type of diet you are looking at. Kimkins is a dangerous diet. Very low calorie diets are not a healthy way to lose weight. Turbo weight loss is not something to pursue. Losing weight a pound or two a week is the healthy way to do it. Pick your plan, take it to your doctor and discuss it with him.
Say NO to Kimkins.
With all that has happened, I think it is unwise, maybe even downright brainless, to trust anything Heidi Diaz says, writes, swears to.
Then again, Jeannie has not shown herself to be a paragon, either.
Saying NO TO KIMKINS is always a good idea; but to be safe, say NO to anything Jeannie B is fronting, too. Eventually, the dust of flim flammery and fibbing will settle, and we will know who is who and what is what. Kimkins will still be a crap diet, regardless.
The Princess
Please do contact Jeannie, aka Tippy Toes. Tippy has devised her own methods of losing weight and I don’t see why she needs to name her diet plan anything close to Kimkins.
As for Kimmer feeling a debt to Tippy, that statement may not be far off base. Kimmer relies on others to make the diet up for her. When the vegetarian option recently became available, those poor people really had no support or guidance. It was all up in the air with the question, “what recipes do you have to contribute?” People are herded in like a science experiment. Regardless of Tippy’s motives, I do believe she did try to up the calories and get people going in the right direction. But once you up those calories to a proper level, it’s not “Kimkins” any more.
I truly hope Jeannie addresses this issue and pronto. Her new business is at stake.
I am friggen stunned! I just don’t know what else to say. Cutting/reducing fats from Atkins does not make it Kimkins. I have done both and I know the difference.
First, I am in no way affiliated with Kimkins. In fact, I don’t even visit the site. Check the stats for yourselves. I will try to make this very clear. I left Kimkins to avoid being dragged into a lawsuit and a serious one at that. It is not my intent to bad mouth Heidi or her Kimkins plans. That is NOT saying I support her or any fraud she has done.
I am not following Kimkins diet. I am at goal. I did re-gain a tad over the holidays. I tried STILLMAN’S Quick Weight Loss and took it off. I do believe in freedom of plan choice and I will never bully or harass anyone for their plan of choice. As far as Kimkins plans, yes I did lose weight and a lot of it. No one wants to hear it but I will not lie about it. I have no reason to. I stalled on Atkins after about a 50lb loss. I tried Kimkins but learned I just couldn’t stay on it long. But I also saw weight loss for the first time in a very long time. So, I learned to cycle it back and forth–Kimkins to lose–Atkins to maintain. There are threads at LCF which show this though they are mostly overlooked. :Smiley A matter of convenience I am certain. Check the thread “Has Atkins Quit Working For You”. It’s all there. Another thread I posted a lot on was Support Unlimited. And for a while Banta Babes. Some say that was never Kimkins… But on a Kimkins cycle round it WAS.
Because I did lose a lot of weight using Kimkins I have not asked her to remove my success story. I know that is going to make a lot of people mad to read but that is how I feel. It is fair. I have not had contact with Heidi about my pics, my story or anything else. All ties are severed. We do not communicate by email, telephone or 3rd parties. And while I have been granted immunity from the lawsuit in exchange for cooperating I have not joined the lawsuit nor do I want my money refunded. I just want to be left in peace from all sides. This has been a nightmare.
A family member has started reading all the blogs and such about me and is now worried to death over it all. He didn’t need that at all. He has had one stroke previously and suffers from other health and stress problems. My daughter started reading it too and is very angry over the obvious lies. In fact, my entire family is worried sick for me. People who do not know me at all are repeating the lies. It is sickening of the joy some get from attempts to ruin a person’s life. I don’t understand it.
I had no idea when I left Kimkins that I would be starting a site. In fact, I looked into Amy’s site as a new home and was instantly banned thanks to LCF members who are determined I am not worthy of support, even though I have supported so many of them on my weight loss journey. This is what lead to Brian and Heather offering to build us our very own “home” and that is how Camp Carbaway was born. There was no master plot happening at Kimkins. We can all clearly see how people who follow her diets are treated by the other low carb communities. IF she should be forced to shut her doors due to the lawsuit her people are most assuredly welcome here. In fact, I don’t care if they want to be members of both. That is their right.
Further, I find it surprising that Heidi would want us to offer Kimkins plans here as she sent Brian an email with a hint she would sue anyone for copycatting her plans. And, after all, they do belong to her. I respect that. Because of that I find it hard to imagine that Heidi would write that at all… And I suspect she did not. What I do suspect is just another person claiming glory to once again put a dagger in the middle of my back. Seems my suffering is their joy.
Thanks for your response Jeannie, and Kimmer. It’s nice to hear from both sides and I hope all of our Diets In Review readers appreciate your time and attention.
Thank you for the reply Jeannie. I only hope the people still in the Kimkins plan get that message. Maybe someone can clarify it for Kimmer, as it seems she may a bit snatt from her own diet and doesn’t understand.
I believe Jeannie as far as her severing all ties. She’s just too scared of losing what she owns to satisfy a million dollar lawsuit. But her head is screwed on backwards if she thinks someone other than Heidi wrote that expose. Wake up, TT! That’s Heidi’s version of sharing the blame and discrediting any testimony you may give or have given. It’s too bad she never praised you when you were on her site. Why now? THINK!
I believe I have made an error as to the author of the “Kimmer” post. I believe the above post was from Heidi Diaz… As a result I no longer will allow her to use my success story or pictures. This Cease and desist letter has been sent to [email protected] as well as a copy to John Teidt. A hard copy will follow.
Jeannie Baitinger
Zephyrhills, Florida, 33541
Re: Cease and desist demand
Dear Sir/Madam:
This letter serves as notice to cease and desist using the name of Jeannie Baitinger, success story, and any image of Jeannie Baitinger, for advertising, marketing and selling of the Kimkins.com program and website. Ms. Baitinger is convinced the owner and operator of Kimkins.com AKA Heidi Diaz and any assigns obtained the release fraudulently, under false pretenses, now subject to criminal and civil fraud allegations. Therefore, it is null and void. This cease and desist applies (but is not limited to) the following:
Success story rotation including Jeannie Baitinger
Front page images or write ups of Jeannie Baitinger
Affiliate links obtaining images of Jeannie Baitinger
Any and all use of Jeannie Baitinger’s name, image, or story in promotion of kimkins.com or anything related to Kimkins.com.
This will serve as your legal notice to cease and desist all further actions described above.
Further usage of Jeannie Baitinger’s images or name may be subject to inclusion within a civil class action lawsuit.
Just a note to update my view of the Kimkins diet. I have recently been made aware of serious health complications that may be caused from following Kimkins diet. I urge anyone who is following this diet plan to discontinue the diet until you have the chance to speak with your Physician about the plan. Please tell your Physician your calorie and carb counts and provide a detailed menu with portion sizes and exact amounts. Be sure the Physician knows how long you have been using the diet and how much weight you plan to lose. Many times we say low carb veggies and lean meats that sounds great but when broken down into the diets guidelines may prove to be dangerous. I would no longer advise anyone to follow the diet at this time after seeing examples of health problems in members who’s Doctor’s feel is likely is a matter of complication from following Kimkins. There are many low carb diets available with great results as well that have not been linked to the complications that may be from Kimkins. Atkins, when done properly is one, Protein Power is yet another. I recommend before starting any diet, it is written and approved by the founding Physician or health professional as well as your own. I no longer endorse Kimkins Diets.