by Kelsey Murray
It’s a pretty safe bet to say that most women have been on a diet at least once in their lives. But for 10 percent of women, being on a diet is a part of their daily lives, for their entire lives.
This fact comes from new research from the people behind a new weight loss aid, XLS-Medical Fat Binder. The research revealed that many women give up on their diets because they feel fed-up or frustrated with the entire dieting process. It also showed that more than 10 percent of women try to lose weight by skipping meals.
“The so-called fad diets, or diets that are particularly restrictive in terms of cutting out food groups or meals, are likely to cause binge eating, potentially leading to weight gain not weight loss,” said Juliet Oosthuysen, a marketing manager at Omega Pharma. “A person can be good all week however, undo all that hard work from just one day of binge eating.”
Perhaps this scenario is what causes many women to become frustrated with their diet plans.
“It is important to follow a healthy, balanced diet that is realistic,” Oosthuysen said. “As a guide, a healthy weight loss of one to two pounds a week is recommend, however, this is dependent on individual needs.”
So what can that 10 percent of women do in order to finally reach their goals?
- Exercise on a daily basis. According to Dr. Mike Evans, all you need to do is exercise for 30 minutes each day.
- Keep a food diary. By monitoring how much and what you are eating, you might be able to better identify why you are not losing weight. Also, seeing what you eat each day can provide motivation to eat healthier foods.
- Drink more water. A recent study of 48 people between the ages of 55 and 75 years old found that those who drank water before each meal lost more weight than those who did not drink the two additional glasses of water.
Another tip for women who are constantly on a diet? Embrace Tracey Mallet’s new theory that healthy is the new skinny for 2025 and focus on your overall health instead of the number on the scale.