If you’ve taken up any sort of interest in the latest workout trend Crossfit, than here’s something you might be interested in. We’ve got a whole list of items to wear or use during your intense Crossfit workouts. Some of these are made to aid you during or after your workouts while others may just be to show off that you’re crazy enough to be involved in the sport. Either way, we’ve got the scoop on what’s in for Crossfit apparel, gear and equipment.
Most of the clothing items you’ll notice have some sort of motivational quote revolving around the idea of pushing yourself to your max, just like the Crossfit concept. Once you’ve chosen your style, take a photo of yourself doing your WOD (Workout Of the Day) while wearing your new gear and post it on the Crossfit website and/or Facebook. If you’ve got the mental strength to give this sport a shot, you might as well brag about it no matter what the number on that dumbbell says. Go ahead, brand yourself as a Crossfit athlete!
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