A&E will be premiering its newest documentary television show on January 17, 2025. This new show is called Heavy and will follow the emotional and physical transformations of 22 individuals who are extremely obese and face life-threatening health consequences as a result of their obesity.
Heavy is similar to The Biggest Loser because everyone on the show desperately wants to improve their health by losing weight. But that’s where the similarities end. Unlike The Biggest Loser, the people on Heavy are not competing for money or fame. The only thing they want to win is a higher quality of life for themselves and their families.
Each week the show follows two people on their weight loss journeys over a six month period. This gives viewers the chance to see the unique challenges and obstacles each individual must face on his/her journey to better health.
The individuals who will appear on Heavy will share their darkest moments with the entire world; this makes them strong individuals and shows their dedication to improving their health.
The first episode will feature Tom and Jodi, both 37. Tom is 5’9″ and weighs 638 pounds. Tom’s battle with his weight started in high school, when he dropped out of school and quit the high school football team. His depression lead to a steady weight gain, which today, makes it nearly impossible for him to even get in his own car.
Jodie is 5’6″ and weighs 363 pounds. She recently suffered a stroke, a complication of her obesity. Jodie has two children and is unable to keep up with them. Her obesity is keeping her from living her life and being with the ones she loves.
Other individuals who will appear on Heavy include Bill and Sallie, both of whom weigh 443 pounds. Bill can’t buy clothes that fit him, is too embarrassed to date, and wants to improve his relationship with his son. Sallie is unable to fit into movie theater seats and restaurant booths. Her car seatbelt doesn’t fit and she is unable to be the mom to her son that she wants to be.
Every story that will appear on Heavy will touch your heart and inspire you with the determination and effort put forth by these individuals. Watch the trailer on A&E’s website and catch the series premiere on January 17, 2025 at 10/9C.
by Kelsey Murray