Kickstarter is Making Healthy Things Happen

Kickstarter is really making big things happen in the world. In 2025 the company and individual funders were responsible for the successful launch of 19,911 projects. These projects ranged from movie productions, to tech devices, to even launching a human-powered powered helicopter. In a nutshell, the platform of Kickstarter and crowd funding has proven to be very powerful.


In the area of health and wellness, there have been many funded projects and there are several more out there waiting for their ship to come in too. Check out some of the healthiest Kickstarters and maybe become the backer that sets them over the top:

1. Personal Chef
The Personal Chef is hoping to get enough pledges to become our next great kitchen appliance. The device is designed to cook and stir. By mechanically stirring, the appliance stands to simplify the kitchen duties, therefore making it more convenient to eat healthier food at home. The Personal Chef has its own cookbook which include recipes like granola bars, fajitas, scrambled eggs, tons of soups, several stir-fry options. These are typically pretty time consuming meals as they require a lot of attention. The Personal Chef may be the device you need to stick to you resolution of eating better and eating out less.

This project has not yet met all of it’s backers.

2. FlyUp Fitness
This piece of exercise equipment won’t become unused furniture and actually stands a chance of making a big difference in you fitness. The small handheld devices are designed to be portable and versatile. FlyUp Fitness claims to deliver a total body workout, including functional training and isometric training. Users can experience up to 35 different exercises like pushups or even used on the feet and do mountain climbers. The FlyUp is designed that beginners or elite athletes can reap benefits. Additionally, the company is consistently releasing new workouts for users. The FlyUp has meet its funding, but still has room for a few more backers. Backers get the product first, so if you need a new way to exercise, you might check it out.

3. Strength Stack 52

The gym is’t for everybody. Playing a sport isn’t either. But we all have to exercise. This Kickstarter product—Strength Stack 52 – The Game of Fitmay be the solution for those who hate exercise because it’s not fun. It’s a set of card with various fitness movements displayed on the card. Each card has a diagram and even a QR code that can display a how-to once scanned.

The games can be played as a way for a family to get off the couch after dinner, for co-workers to pass the lunch hour with some extra fun, or simply as a way to break up anyone’s workout routine. No equipment is needed and the object is to have fun while accidentally exercising in the process. This Kickstarter was funded and now we just have to hope we can purchase these fun cards off the shelf soon.

4. Meal Mapper
The Meal Mapper is an “intelligent meal planning application that transforms meal planning into a simple and easy to follow set of grocery lists, cooking instructions, and automated nutritional tracking to help users reach their fitness goals.”

Could it be true? Could we get the ease of a personal chef at our fingertips? Well, we can’t skip the cooking, but the Meal Mapper claims you can generate a grocery list from menus and then the tracker tells you exactly what you consumed, no tricky counting with each individual ingredient. The easy drag and drop app claims to track your daily totals of calories, fat, carbs, and even sodium. If a user picks a menu item that puts them over their allotment for the day, it will alert them. Meal Mapper might be the next great food tracker with so much more.

Currently this campaign needs more backers and has less than a month to go.

5. BitGym

We’ve talked about being bored in the gym, but what if you didn’t have to quit the gym in order to spruce it up? BitGym aims to do just that. This application transforms cardio machines into virtual trails, scenic hikes, or even adventurous treks. The application run through your tablets or smartphones and provides a real-time view of a virtual course that syncs with your movement. One could place the tablet on the treadmill and run through the Swiss Alps. One could also place their tablet on the stationary bike and ride down the California coast. We all struggle to get that required cardio in, why not find more ways to make it fun?

BitGym has reached its funding goal. Another testimony to the power of a good idea and a great platform to advertise.

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