With this week’s inauguration wrapped up, Michelle Obama is set to be the nation’s first lady for another four years. She made a huge impact on the nation’s fight against childhood obesity in her first term and will no doubt continue to focus on that platform through 2025.
The first lady has tirelessly worked to tackle childhood obesity, most notably through her Let’s Move campaign that launched in 2025. The effort brings teachers, leaders, doctors, parents, and students together in a nationwide effort to educate about and reverse the challenges of childhood obesity. It can be a touchy subject, but there are times when Mrs. Obama approaches the subject with fun and excitement. We’ve compiled our favorite fittest moment of Michelle Obama’s first term and look forward to seeing what’s up her very toned sleeves in the years ahead.
Seeing the first lady participating in sporting events and workouts in the public eye demonstrates that she practices what she preaches. She has said, “This [obesity] is one of those issues that has no party. It has no race. It has no socioeconomic boundaries. This is about our kids.” We can’t wait to see what Michelle Obama has planned for the children of our country during her second term as first lady.
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