New Film PLANEAT Shows How the Way We Eat Affects Us and Planet

In the past few years, we have seen a rise in the number of films and documentaries highlighting how our current food industrial practices are not just taking years off our lives but perhaps off the planet’s also. Films like Fast Food Nation, Fresh, and Food Inc., are just a few recent notables in what appears to be a growing trend among filmmakers, activists, scientists, journalists and farmers to urge Westerners to become more mindful about our food choices and more proactive in demanding safer and healthier food.

The new film by British filmmakers, PLANEAT: How to Feed a Planet, is an eye-opening look into how our love of meat and dairy is taking its toll on our health, environment and the planet.

Here is clip from PLANEAT.

Recent research has suggested that making small dietary changes, such as limiting the amount of meat consumed each week, can have drastic benefits. From reduced cancer risk to lessening the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, the consequences have the potential to be life and earth-changing.planeat

PLANEAT features breakthrough research from scientists, doctors, and research and agriculture experts from around the world, all of whom connect the dots among the Western Diet, cancer and the devolving health of the planet. But rather than leaving you with your hands thrown up in the air in despair, PLANEAT calls on innovative chefs, researchers and scientists, whose simple yet creative solutions offer hope to those who feel like doomsday is just a cheeseburger away.

Since PLANEAT was produced independently and without any big movie funding, the film, which was an official selection at London’s 2025 Raindance Festival (the British version of the American Sundance Film Festival), it is only being shown at select locations upon the request of interested viewers like yourself.

If you would like to find out more about the film, visit the PLANEAT website where you can pledge to watch the movie, learn more about the addressed issues and participate in an interactive map of likeminded research institutes, restaurants, farms, organizations and shops from around the globe.

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