Recovering from Post-Super Bowl Depression

You have heard of postpartum depression. You may have heard of post-nuptial depression. You might have even heard of post-adoption depression syndrome. Today, I am introducing the idea of a post-Super Bowl depression. There are hormonal changes involved with postpartum depression, but there are other contributing factors that all of these share, as well as factors unique to each. Below are six things you can do to help you recover from Super Bowl XLVI and avoid post-Super Bowl depression, whether you were cheering for the Giants or the Patriots.

Eat Healthy Food – Let’s face it you probably have not been eating the purest diet in the last couple of weeks. You have likely ended up eating a lot of snacks and food on the go. I saw a tweet from @EatThisNotThat that said Americans eat more on Super Bowl Sunday than they do on any other day, except Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, this probably includes low nutritional value items high in processed ingredients. The more nutritional your food is the more physical energy you will have and the more emotional energy you will have as well.

Find Something to Anticipate – After such an exciting week and intense game, getting back to the daily grind is likely to feel like a grind. Some may feel accomplished in being productive again, but others may be left thinking “now what?”. Investing so much energy into planning an event is one of the reasons that post-anything-depression exists. My secret to making it through the winter is to plan for and celebrate the next thing. I can find a holiday or special even every couple of weeks. Valentine’s Day may or not be something for you to anticipate, but Mardi Gras is coming up or the more creative may enjoy the lists of something to celebrate every day.

Sleep – Many have been staying up late with all the events and excitement at Super Bowl parties and in the Super Bowl Village. As an adult, your body really needs 8-10 hours of sleep. Even if you do not sleep that much normally (you should), when you are in recovery mode, it is essential to schedule enough time for sleep.

Exercise – Indy residents probably walked a lot more than normal if downtown at all. The NFL Experience kept going and going, and most of us parked several blocks from our destination. With all the extra walking, you’ve already gotten a kick start on a great habit if you stuck with it. Your body is probably feeling the after effects; whether that’s sore muscles or increased endorphins; the best thing to do is to keep at it. (If you have an actual injury or medical condition consult your doctor.) Physical activity is good for the body and the mind.

Drink Lots of Water – Most Super Bowl parties include indulging in alcohol in addition to the food. While it may feel good in the moment, alcohol is a depressant and can contribute to a depressed mood as you recover, especially if you over indulge. If you drink alcohol, you need more water to hydrate your body.

Leave the House – In all the hype you were probably reminded of something cool the Circle City offers on a regular basis or a new restaurant you would like to try. The crowds are gone, so there is no reason for you not to be out and about exploring the city.

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Image via Getty

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