Sound Therapy for Weight Loss and Giveway Offer

The ReMind Weight Loss MP3 Player

Guest bloggers, Jill Slane and her husband, Rod, developed Prescription Audio in 2005. Prescription Audio offers a wide variety of portable MP3 and CD programs that promote healthy living through natural wellness. For more information, visit Prescription Audio.

Does it ever feel like your mind is literally working against you when you’re dieting? That’s probably because it is. Many of our choices about what, when and how to eat are subtly and overtly influenced by a host of factors every day – including work schedules, sleep patterns, travel time, exercise plans, available food options, their relative costs, advertising, our families and peer groups, along with many other influencers. 

Our bodies are so stressed by the rigors of modern life we often switch our brains to autopilot without even noticing when faced with thousands of daily decisions. That’s one reason why it’s so hard to break habits and partly explains why we have to literally retrain our minds to achieve long-term dieting and health success.

Scientists have been interested in music’s powerful effect on the brain for hundreds of years and new studies demonstrate that music and sound impact us more profoundly than we may even imagine. Groups like Prescription Audio, the developer of Sound Solutions for a Healthier Life, are at the forefront of this research. In fact, many people have been able to improve their diet results by simply listening to specific types of audio programming that better harness our inner powers to positively alter behavior. Now we know more about why some audio programs fly while others flop.
ReMind Weight Loss, one of Prescription Audio’s most popular audio programs, reinforces behavioral change through sound science. A breakthrough technique, called vibrational sound therapy, has successfully driven behavior change in a number of areas, including sleep, smoking cessation and weight loss. 

Here’s why: Properly tuned audio sessions tap the creative resources of listeners’ brains, while feeding powerful reminders to the subconscious. Daily use of the most advanced audio programming has been clinically proven to tone down the adrenal cortex, which is responsible for pumping harmful stress hormones through the body while introducing Theta brainwave entrainment and positive weight loss affirmations that change the way users think about themselves and their relationship with food and exercise.
The power of sound and music is well known, but we’ve only recently learned to harness it for weight loss and other specific goals.

Are you interested in how sound therapy might help you reach your weight loss goals? By commenting on this blog post, and telling us why and how you intend to use sound therapy as a way to meet your health goals, you will be automatically entered to win one ReMind Weight Loss MP3 Player, valued at $149.95.

In addition, all readers of this blog post can receive a 25 percent discount on any ReMind Weight Loss products. Simply use the coupon code dietreview when you check-out. Discount expires on July 31, 2025.

DISCLAIMER: Eligibility requires a comment posted on this blog post by May 31, 2025. The prize of one ticket to each of two individuals will be drawn at random on June 1, 2025. Winning individuals will be notified via the email address provided in the comments form. is not responsible for lost or stolen packages, nor failed shipments due to user providing an incorrect address. Prize value is $149.95.

One Response to Sound Therapy for Weight Loss and Giveway Offer

Nadia says:

I can definitely benefit from this because for many years I’ve struggled to lose weight & keep it off. I’ve tried so many different diets. I recently did a health survey test and I am at high risk for so many diseases due to being overweight. I would love to give this a try.

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