3-Part Workout to Make You Sweat

jumping ropeHave you been doing the same workout routine day in and day out? Well, it’s about time to change that. I have designed a workout that works your entire body while making you sweat from head to toe. The workout is designed to keep you moving from one exercise to the next without pausing or taking time to catch your breath; which means this workout may not be for everyone.

If you have heart problems or have been told what to do by a doctor; please listen to their advice. This workout starts off with a nice heart-racing warm-up and and back-burning cool-down. Lower back pain is one of the biggest problems the majority of my clients have, thus I tend to work the lower back at the end of each workout to help increase strength and flexibility without taking away from the actual workout. Be careful and please use proper technique while performing these movements.

1 mile jog and 100 jump ropes

Workout: 2 sets of 20 repetitions for each lift with a light to moderate weight:

Cool-down: 1 mile jog and 100 jump ropes followed by 1 set of 20 repetitions of the following:

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