Diabetes Returns in One-Fifth of Those Cured Through Bariatric Surgery

Many people who undergo bariatric procedures for weight loss like gastric bypass surgery, LAP band surgery, or gastric sleeve surgery enjoy drastic weight loss along with the elimination of many weight related diseases. Having a form of bariatric surgery happens to be one of the top ways to cure type 2 diabetes.

As many as 95 percent of patients with type 2 diabetes were cured of the disease through weight loss achieved as a result of their surgery. A new study done by the Mayo Clinic Arizona has recently shown that more than one-fifth of those who were cured have had their diabetes return within five years, even if the patient hadn’t gained any weight. Those who were most susceptible to this were those who had diabetes the longest prior to surgery.

In this study, 72 obese patients were monitored during the years 2000 to 2025 with all patients having had a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Of those studied, a total of 66 patients had a diabetes reversal at some time, and then 14 of those patients had their diabetes return between three and five years after their surgery. Those who had diabetes for more than five years had almost four times the risk of it coming back than those who had it less than five years before surgery.

This study is more evidence that weight loss surgery does offer benefits, but there are some drawbacks as well. While there are many benefits to weight loss surgery, it has also been linked to triggering eating disorders, abdominal pain and in some cases, long-term malnutrition. Of course the results vary depending on the person and the type of surgery performed. Weight loss surgery can be a helpful solution to those who are obese, but living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle go a long way toward lasting health and fighting weight related diseases.

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