4 Ways to Stay Motivated for Fitness

Not all of us are natural athletes that dream about the next moment they will be able to sprint out the door to work out. Some of us have made peace with the reality that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise is a crucial. Although I love and cherish running, I have those days, or weeks, where I need some serious motivation.

I have my own personal motivation arsenal. It includes a variety of things that never fail to get me back on track:

  • My favorite one is just reminding myself of how I feel after a workout. The sense of accomplishment that comes from just 30 or 45 minutes of waking up my body and giving it a boast that will carry me through the day and through a long life.
  • My second weapon is vanity. I am not trying to achieve a perfect body or a super model physique – but I do want to be as toned and healthy as I can be. Using my vanity for good and not evil. Once again, I remind myself of the joys of being able to fit into my current clothes comfortably and not waste time agonizing over what to wear.
  • Find a friend. Maybe enlist a buddy who has been trying to adopt a fitness plan. This way you can mentor them, while reaffirming your own passion for fitness.
  • Lastly, break out the music. There is something about the right songs that make me feel as if I could accomplish anything. I love working out and running to music because it connects me to those feelings of invincibility I have when I’m singing along to my favorite songs. Freshening up the playlist always helps to get me up and out.

As you can see my motivation arsenal is made up of positive things. I believe fitness should be as fun and pleasant as possible.  Remember that the reason you want to be healthy and fit is because you are being good to you! Don’t belittle yourself – be kind to yourself and your body!

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