Achieving Health by Listening to My Body, Part II

DietsInReview guest blogger,  Rob Cohn is an ACE Certified personal trainer from the Los Angeles area. He has  many years of personal experience with emotional eating and recovery from a binge eating disorder and is passionate about helping other people deal with their emotional eating with guidance and support. You can read more on Rob from his own personal blog.

DietsInReview guest blogger, Rob Cohn

Here is part 2 of Rob’s lifelong battle with his weight and health. To start from the beginning, read part I – Achieving Health by Listening to My Body.

In March of 2025, I was gaining weight like crazy and I was eating what I thought was healthy. What I didn’t realize was what I was eating was making me sick. I decided to call a friend of mine who is into holistic health and knows a lot about nutrition. When I told her that I was eating one pound of raw vegetables with lunch and one pound of raw vegetables with dinner, she couldn’t believe it. She asked me if I were a horse and commented that I was eating enough rough vegetables to feed for a small family. 

We then further discovered that my problems were happening after lunch and dinner. She immediately made me change my diet. For one week I was not allowed to eat any vegetables at all and only simple grains like oatmeal, yams and sweet potatoes. I couldn’t eat anything that was loaded with fiber. That night when I had my new way of eating at dinner I felt so good it was crazy. After a week I gradually added a little bit of vegetables here and there. She also told me that if my body did flare up that drinking mint or chamomile tea would help calm things down.

What I learned out of this is that I can no longer afford not listen to my body and I have to pay attention to what my body is telling me after I eat certain foods. I have had to give up spicy foods for now because of how it makes me feel. I can’t eat the quantities of raw vegetables like I used to. Learning how to eat all over again has me feeling better than I have in years. My mind is so much clearer now and I don’t feel depressed anymore. I discover now that I can eat slower, eat more wholesome foods and feel fuller longer.

Although we want to fit in and we want to find an easy answer to help our bodies, we have to remember that we are all different and our bodies may require different things sometimes.  There are experts out there to help us when we cannot help ourselves.

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