Jill Knapp’s Type 2 Diabetes Story Appears in First for Women

Guest blogger Jill Knapp is all about family and loves spending as much time with them as possible. Her second passion is bringing awareness to type 2 diabetes. It is near and dear to her heart. Since being diagnosed with the condition a little over three years ago, she has lost 100 pounds. She is a diabetes advocate and a passionate motivational speaker getting others inspired to lose with and get fit. She is now the mentor to the Miss Healthy Dr. Oz contestants. Visit her site: Get Up and Get Moving.

Since being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes four years ago I have lost 100 pounds. I have become a diabetes advocate, a motivational speaker and now a weight loss coach. So many blessings have happened since that dreadful day hearing the words “you have type 2 diabetes.” All though it was very depressing to hear those words it was not long that the depression I was feeling turned in to desire to change my life.

During that journey I had no idea what was in store for me. I have been so blessed to be able to spread my message far and wide in hopes to help others who have type 2 diabetes and those who struggle with weight issues change their lifestyle. I run a web site called “Get Up and Get Moving”. I have tips for shedding those unwanted pounds, I also have lots of information about type 2 diabetes.

This month, July 31 to be exact, you can pick up a copy of First for Women magazine where you can read my story between the pages. I am so blessed that the editors from First for Women really were excited to get my story national attention and wanted to feature me in their magazine. I really feel it’s my calling to help others in their journey to better health.

I recently was blessed with spending the day with some wonderful producers from New York. They filmed my entire day. I will be in an upcoming type 2 diabetes documentary. I really feel it’s my calling to help others in their journey to better health. It seems like daily more doors keep opening for me to do just that.

I also am very excited to compete for Mrs. Idaho International August 14. The Mrs. Idaho International pageant is all about platform. I love my state and I love my platform of type 2 diabetes. The passion I have is though living with this disease. Losing weight and now having the disease under control though diet and exercise only.  I have been truly blessed in my journey and am always wanting to find more ways to keep my message moving forward.

You can find out more about Jill by visiting her web site “Get Up and Get Moving”.

See more of Jill Knapp‘s guest posts here at DietsInReview.com.

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