Ryan blogs at No More Bacon, a site dedicated to cutting the fat and bringing health to the forefront. Follow him on his journey to drop some weight and have a great time doing it. Together, we can accomplish all!
July 1st, 2025 I weighed 400 pounds. Today, I weigh 260 pounds. I’ve lost 140 pounds in a year.
The secret isn’t in my workout regime, or my nutrition, or even a supplement. It’s in my head. For years I tweaked diet plans and scoured the internet for the latest and greatest in weight loss. I’d lose weight, then I’d undoubtedly gain it all back. My weight fluctuation seemed to be more predictable than the tides.
What changed last July?
My head changed. I was in weight loss desperation mode once again. I had some serious warnings from a doctor about taking care of my health and I was not going to become another statistic. High blood pressure at 28-years old? Ridiculous.
I was on the prowl for that perfect solution once again when I ran into an old friend from high school. While we hadn’t talked in years, it was just like old times. I like to think that destiny brought us together for lunch that day. He was a personal trainer and he had all the answers about my fitness and nutrition. Something was different about his approach though. He asked me if I was ready to lose weight. What does that even mean?
“Of course I’m ready to lose weight, I weigh over 400 pounds.”
The truth was that I probably wasn’t completely ready to lose weight. He encouraged me to find a trigger, a motivator to keep me committed to living healthy. He also wanted me to get to the root of why I was fat. He started to teach me that unless I believed in myself and believed I could succeed, I would fail. He was right. A little later on he gave me IdealShape, a weight loss hypnosis program, and they have helped to maintain my mental focus and work on improving my life every day.
My two boys and my wife are my “triggers.” When the In-N-Out drive through feels like it has a giant tractor beam sucking me in, I think of them. Remember, “95% of this [weight loss] game is half mental.” — Yogi Berra.
Believe in yourself and you will succeed.