Each week, DietsInReview.com will recap the hottest headlines in weight loss, diet and health news to keep you informed of news you can really use.
Starbucks Steps Up Nutrition Quality of Food and Beverages
This week Starbucks launched a whole line of new foods and beverages all inspired by customer ideas submitted at My Starbucks Idea. Changes include elimination of high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, artificial colors, plus a switch to all-natural turkey.
Top 5 Michael Jackson Workout Songs
As we all bid farewell to the King of Pop this week, we couldn’t help but make MJ’s numerous hits the soundtrack to our workouts. Favorite Michael Jackson songs for the gym include “Beat It” and “Rock With You.”
Didget is a New Blood Glucose Meter for Nintendo DS
New technology from Bayer is making it possible for children with diabetes to monitor their blood sugar by creating an add-on for the Nintendo DS that tests blood and tracks results.
Biggest Loser Audition Tips from Casting Director Allison Kaz
If you want to earn a spot on Biggest Loser season 9, then you’ll want to hear what Allison Kaz has to say. As the casting director since the beginning, she offers a few dos and don’ts for getting noticed.
Realize Band Users Chronicle Weight Loss Stories Online
Patients considering weight loss surgery can now find first-hand accounts of all aspects of the experience with REALIZE Band, thanks to a new YouTube channel launched by the brand.
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