It can be really hard to get your workout in and eat healthy while traveling, but by no means is it impossible. Below are just a few suggestions you might want to consider while planning your next vacation or business trip.
Bernie Salazar Staying Fit on the Road from Diets in Review on Vimeo.
1. When possible make reservations at hotels that have fitness facilities.
2. Get out and enjoy your surroundings, if a gym is not available to you plan out activities that get you up and moving.
3. Be mindful of what you eat; just because you are on vacation does not mean it is time to “pig out!”
4. Carefully plan your meals, however be sure to allow yourself some wiggle room, after all you are on vacation and you may want to sample the occasional treat.
By planning for fitness while traveling you’ll be sure to better enjoy your time away. Please share with me some of the ways you stay healthy while on the road. Healthy Travels!