Last week Courtney pushed you outside of your comfort zone, and this week she’s pushing you in to a cardio zone! You guys asked for more activity and you’re getting it, in the form of step ups.
She’s not prescribing a set amount of step ups to complete each day, although she does recommend a set of 10. She is asking that you practice what you learned last week in the challenge yourself challenge and push yourself beyond your limits a bit. If you can easily knock out 10, do a couple more. Courtney says there are “no excuses,” because you can do step ups virtually anywhere. Try a step stool, a curb, stairs, or even a park bench. Just get them done!
One participant this week will be rewarded with a cooler full of Wholly Guacamole, our sponsor, and a DIR T-Shirt.
Check out the live Yackit video chat event with Courtney from last week.
Don’t miss the healthy back to school snack recipes Courtney shared on WGN last week.