Avoid the Airplane Snack Trap

I recently went on vacation, and prior to heading to the airport I packed my carry-on with snacks. While munching on the plane, I realized that not everyone does this. I always see people forking over the $5 for a tube of potato chips or one of those gigantic cookies on the plane; and there are always those racing on to the plane with a bag of fast food because they barely made their connection, much less had time to choose the healthier meal.

Avoid the Airplane Snack Trap from Diets in Review on Vimeo.

I recommend packing healthy snack for the plane ride and layovers. My picks for this trip were Kashi Granola Bars, Goldfish Whole Grain Crackers and Trail Mix. I often make baggies of sliced apples or carrots and celery (stuff that travels well without being chilled). Look for snacks that have whole grains, fiber, protein, low calories and low sugar. This will keep you full and satisfied- whether you have the munchies, or you didn’t have time to grab a meal.

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