On today’s episode, Dr. Oz talks to Daymon Patterson, star of several YouTube food review videos that have gone viral, to give him a fast food intervention. He also explains why you might be exhausted on a daily basis and how you can get your energy back.
Patterson’s reviews of fast foods such as Five Guys’ burger and fries, Taco Bell’s Doritos locos taco, and Dairy Queen’s royal mint shake have made him an internet sensation. However, Dr. Oz is less impressed as he looks at Patterson’s weight, which is around 400 pounds, as well as his cholesterol, body mass index, and other health numbers. He tells Patterson that with his high numbers he is in danger of heart attacks, strokes, and other obesity-related complications. Patterson exclaims, “We gotta fix this today!”
Watch the video that made him famous, with more than 6.6 million views.
Dr. Oz helps him tackle his fast food addiction with a Healthy Fast Food Challenge.
Along with his fast food intervention, Dr. Oz gives the audience an energy intervention to help battle exhaustion throughout the day. He presents a simple solution for energy loss through a commonly overlooked nutrient.
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The Healthiest Menu Choices at Fast Food Restaurants