Weight Watchers is a tried and true weight loss program that has been around for over 40 years. It was recently named the number one commercial diet by U.S. News for 2025. You can’t watch TV, flip through a magazine or drive past a few billboards without seeing an ad for the program.
For those that have successfully reached their weight loss goals with Weight Watchers, there is the opportunity to earn a Lifetime Membership to the program. Although Weight Watchers offers membership options through physical meetings or online, the Lifetime Membership is only available for members that attended Weight Watchers Meetings.
The first step of earning a Lifetime Membership is to achieve a goal weight within the Weight Watchers healthy weight ranges that is at least five pounds less than your initial weight recorded from your first meeting. For your healthy weight range, you can also use a weight that is determined by your doctor. After you have maintained this weight within two pounds for six continual paid meeting weeks, you are awarded a Lifetime Membership.
You must also weigh in at least two times between your goal weigh in and your final maintenance weigh in. You will also need to be within two pounds of your goal weight at your final maintenance weigh in.
Benefits you can enjoy once you become a Weight Watchers Lifetime Member is the ability to attend meetings for free as long as you are within two pounds of your goal weight. If you ever become more than two pounds over your goal weight, you will only have to pay the weekly meeting fee to get back on the program. The weekly fee will have to be paid until you are back within two pounds of your initial goal weight.
You will never have to pay the joining fee as a Lifetime Member. Once you reach Lifetime Member status, you are always a Lifetime Member. Lifetime Membership is a huge honor for those that meet their weight loss goals. Aside from the fact that you’ve reached your goal weight, Lifetime Membership comes with the knowledge that you will never have to pay a joining fee to get back on track with the program. Attending meetings for free while you remain within the two pound range of your goal weight is also a great motivation to help you stay on track and keep the weight off.
Also Read:
Weight Watchers More Effective Than Doctor’s Care
5 Secrets to Maintaining Weight Loss
Weight Watchers Frequently Asked Questions
How are you commended for being a “Lifetime Member” ? Should you be recognized at a meeting? And how often?
I have lost my weight watchers Lifetime Members card how do I get another one
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