Caboki Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

cabokiWhat is it?

Caboki is a hair fiber brand used to help provide the appearance of a full head of hair in just a few minutes. There’s no required surgery, expensive treatments, or therapy, as it’s made up of a Moroccan cotton that can mimic the look of natural hair. It was rated by our review experts as being one of the best hair fiber brands available because of its positive reviews and reputable business practices. Provided in this link is their page for direct access to Caboki.

It uses only natural ingredients and is hypoallergenic as to not promote any potential allergies. Much like other hair fiber brands it will not regrow hair nor will it delay the hair regrowth process, instead it’s intended to help provide a cosmetic enhancement. The official website describes Caboki as:

  • Free of any artificial dyes, preservatives, animal additives, or any types of fillers.
  • Safe to use for scalps which may have sensitivity to cosmetics, this is due to its natural plant fiber ingredients which are free of any harsh additives.
  • Able to keep your hairstyle intact with 200% more retention.
  • Fast acting to make hair appear thicker, fuller, and able to cover up any bald spots.
  • Won’t provide a shoe polish or paint like look to hair. So it has a natural appearance that won’t appear fake and man-made.

There’s even short videos offered to help explain how it works and why Caboki is a real solution to improve the appearance of hair. There are 9 different colors available that include:

  • Black.
  • Light brown, medium brown, and dark brown.
  • Blond.
  • Gray, dark grey and silver/white.
  • Auburn.

Caboki is recommended to be added to dry hair and then stylized to meet one’s preference. Patting down is necessary to evenly distribute, and a comb or brush is advised to spread it out as to match one’s preferred appearance. It can all be topped off with the company’s Volume Control Mist which is sold separately.  This helps to provide structure to the hair and to keep it shaped in your desired style.

To achieve a certain hair color it’s advised to mix and match darker and lighter shades, starting with the dark shade first. Grey roots can also be taken care of with the multiple colors offered. When choosing a color it’s advised to select one that closest matches your roots, as it will look more natural when matched.

Caboki is described as offering the best ingredients that nature can provide for an all-natural appearance for both men and women. This review will help you understand what Caboki has to offer, and provide information on why this was rated as the best of its class  Click here to gain access to Caboki via their official Amazon marketplace.

Caboki Ingredients and Side Effects

They use natural ingredients and they say that their colorants are from natural minerals instead of using any artificial dyes which can potentially lead to unnatural looking hair. It was revealed that the ingredients are 2 kinds of additives:

Moroccan Gossypium Herbaceum Mineral-based Colorants (Natural iron oxide)

Moroccan Gossypium Herbaceum: This cotton species is found in parts of Arabia and Africa. It often makes up fabrics and clothing as it’s breathable and comfortable to wear, offering an effective solution for sweat wicking and water retention. A few other hair fiber brands also use this form of cotton as their main ingredient. It’s what gives a hair like texture and appearance, so as to not look fake or odd. It’s also easier to electrostatically charge, which is what’s needed in order for hair fibers to stick to already existing hairs. This makes it less likely that it will lose its appearance.

A website known as PS Micrographs has taken what’s known as an electronic micrograph in order to give a detailed look into this ingredient. They provide photos of what it looks like up close to see what the human eye cannot.

When viewed microscopically they appear to be electrostatically charged to attach to hair. This is the standard for all other hair fiber brands as it’s what attracts itself to the negative charge of existing hair. PS Micrographs describes it as:

“short lengths of chopped fibers with fine striations running along their length”

So it appears that this form of cotton is split in order to spread out more evenly.  The Caboki website also mentions that they use natural cotton with no altering in a laboratory, and without the use of any unnatural chemicals.  This is preferable as it not only contributes to a more natural appearance, but it ensures one is using a hypoallergenic product. It provides a better solution so as to not be made from a cheap source. To

The website that looked into this hair fiber product then concludes that:

“Caboki product is a manufactured fibre of the Viscose group that started life from a natural source of cellulose that has regenerated into a semi-synthetic fibre”

PS Micrographs seems like a legitimate source of information and judging from the pictures and the chemical test it appears that Caboki does use viscose. It’s a form of wood pulp that is used in many kinds of products.

This could be the reason why none of the potential side effects Web MD has listed for this kind of ingredient have been an issue with Caboki users. This makes it a far better kind of ingredient for providing a hair like appearance.  This is a natural source of hair fiber and it is well studied to ensure there are no kinds of irritations even to those with sensitive scalps.

To get Caboki from the source, follow this link to be directed to their official page.

Mineral-based Colorants (Natural iron oxide): A chemical mixture of both iron and oxygen. They are found in in many things and are durable and inexpensive ways to add color to products.

It’s also known as E172 when added to foods and cosmetics. The EWG which finds clinical studies for cosmetic additives gives it a safety rating score of 2, meaning it presents likely no potential hazards.

It can make it easier for the skin to absorb other ingredients. The EWG also adds:

“Not suspected to be an environmental toxic”

“Limited or incomplete evidence of cancer according to safety/hazard data – government assessment cannot classify as human carcinogen due to data gaps”

Because of all the available information, it’s concluded that:

“Classified as not expected to be potentially toxic or harmful”

Due to its widespread use and available research, it’s likely that this ingredient would be safe to apply to one’s scalp. It’s a natural dye that is better than artificial colorants that some other hair fiber brands use. Many other hair fiber brands will often add cheaper artificial ingredients. This is unlike many other hair fiber brands which often use artificial dyes since they are cheaper and provide vibrant colors.

Fortunately one can still keep the shine and luster of vibrant colors from these mineral colorants without any of the cheap use of chemical dyes.

It’s also known for having many different color options which can be created, which is the reason why Caboki has 9 different colors which can be mixed and match to provide even more options. This dye is also known for having a realistic appearance, so it won’t appear to be an obvious kind of dye which cannot be made achievable via genetics.

This is a healthier kind of dye and can easily be added to one’s scalp without any fear of unwanted side effects or other forms of complications. By clicking on this link you can learn about Caboki and purchase it from their online marketplace.

It’s important to avoid artificial dyes as they can sometime be absorbed via the skin, and there have been studies showing how it can lead to DNA damage and other side effects. The use of mineral based dyes such as the one’s in Caboki are better as they won’t lead to an accumulation effect which can lead to blockages within pores, or harsh rashes or irritations.

Caboki Quality of Ingredients

There are only two ingredients added to Caboki. The colorant found is all natural and unlikely to produce any allergies or rashes. It’s a much safer and completely natural dye that is used to provide 9 different colors which can be mixed and matched for a preferred look.

The other ingredient which actually provides the appearance of hair is Moroccan Gossypium Herbaceum which is a quality ingredient that is naturally hypoallergenic.  This reduces the risk of any kinds of allergic effects.

The official website also adds how Caboki is made up of:

“natural fibers from plants, safe even for sensitive scalp”

In researching Caboki its clear there weren’t any allergic reactions, so it does appear to be safe to add. It’s also made to hold up against the following:

  • Wind.
  • Rain.
  • Sweat.

This is meant to last all day and night which makes it a long lasting ingredient. It does appear that quality ingredients are added, all of which are free of any unwanted kinds of side effects, and they do not provide a cheap appearance that is obviously fake or altered in some way.

This makes it an optimal choice for people looking to improve the appearance of their scalp without any fears of it not lasting under stress. It makes it easier so one can live their lives without having to restrict themselves to only certain activities. This can be a concern for other brands which often flake off or will wash away easily.

For access to Caboki straight from the creators own marketplace, follow this link to be redirected to their Amazon page.

The Price and Quality of Caboki

Pricing depends on the size chosen, here are the available options:

  • 1.06 ounces for $34.95 (a 50 to 90 day supply)
  • 0.56 ounces for $19.95 (25 to 40 day supply)
  • 0.21 ounces travel size for $8.95 (8 to 14 day supply)

There is also value packs which combine bottles for a reduced price. Other offerings include a starter kit with mist or with the mist bottle sold separately. This mist allows for one’s desired hairstyle to stay in place longer. Using this mist is highly recommended not just by the company, but also people who have used Caboki. It includes stabilizers which are often found in other hair spray brands. This ensures that the product holds up even better, and that it won’t shift with environmental changes such as wind, sweat, or rain.

One does not have to use these additional products, but it does provide the ability to truly customize one’s look.

An auto shipment program is offered which automatically charges customers for bottles delivered without having to call the company in advance. Judging from the available customer reviews of the company, it appears that the makers of Caboki wouldn’t engage in unwanted charges however, which can be a concern for certain companies. The official website states the benefits as:

  • Free to access with no paid shipping.
  • Savings of up to 45%. So a $39.45 bottle of Caboki would sell for $29.95.
  • Ability to skip a shipment or to delay.
  • Can be cancelled at any time.

The pricing for Caboki is fairly standard to other hair fiber brands that use cotton as its main ingredient. The main difference is that this brand extracts their cotton from an optimal source, and they only use natural dyes that come from nature. From judging all these facts it appears that this hair fiber brand is made of quality ingredients at a fair price. Buy Caboki from the source; provided here is the official destination where you can gain access to this brand.

Business of Caboki

The name of the business is Caboki LLC. Their contact information is available on their official website which shows they can be reached via the following:

Address: 3 Corporate Drive

Cranbury, New Jersey 08512

Phone Number: (888) 738-2226

Email: [email protected]

They offer a full 30 day return policy minus the shipping fees with no questions asked. All one has to do is make sure to return the bottle, even if it’s completely empty. This allows for people to really be able to determine on their own accounts whether or not it would be a suitable product. No RMA number is needed and only your name and address are required to make the return. This is very uncommon as most companies ask for one to return empty bottles, or to request a return in order to answer questions or to be challenged for their money back.

This further makes it easier to trust the company, as they make it very easy to use their products with a thorough guarantee.

One free sample is available per person with no need to submit credit card information, nor is there any contracts or plans to cancel. Caboki is one of the few known hair fiber brands that offer a sample for people to try. Coupled with the 30 day money back guarantee it makes it an easy and secure way to try Caboki with no fear of risks.

The company’s Better Business Bureau page reads:

“BBB has determined that Caboki LLC meets BBB accreditation standards which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints”

Therefore any potential issues customers might have are dealt with in a timely and effective manner. This also showcases how this business is true to their word and not likely to scam or trick customers.

Get a hold of Caboki in different color choices by clicking the link cited here.

Since 2003 they’ve had 12 minor complaints on their Better Business Bureau page and all 12 complaints have been responded to by the company. These kinds of issues are common to any and all businesses, and they weren’t anything worth noting.  It’s even shown that customers were satisfied with how the business handled their transactions. Therefore Caboki has a very customer friendly business and there have been no FDA, FTC, or serious claims of them operating a scam.  All the available information about the company shows that they are transparent and honest about how they operate.

Caboki is only available from a few online markets including the official website. It’s advised to purchase direct from them however, as it’s backed by a full 30 day money back guarantee. Their official website is also secured to make sure there wouldn’t be any tampering with sensitive credit card information. Purchases can be made via Pay Pal as well. Their page also offers Caboki with the ability to use Prime shipping and with a guarantee.

Their Zoom account also reveals that:

“The founders of Caboki… are a group of professional makeup artists who began blogging in 2005 about the concern of hair thinning”

“Caboki has been dedicating to servicing theatrical and professional makeup artists”

They officially started selling their products in 2025 and are one of the most popular hair fiber brands available today. As of this review they are the 2nd most reviewed makers of a hair fiber product.

Judging from all the available information found online, it’s clear that they have ranked highly in terms of overall customer satisfaction and in being clear about their practices. They even allow for easy returns unlike any other brand. This makes it likely that they can be trusted in doing business with. Get a hold of Caboki to see what it can do for you by clicking on this available link.

Customer Opinions of Caboki

The official website has a total of 2,399 reviews and has 646 reviews at the time of this review. Here are some select quotes taken from positive reviews:

“Seriously, this stuff is magic. May God bless whoever invented this stuff. Caboki is basically a powdery substance which forms a carpet over your scalp giving the allusion that you have a lot of hair”

“The results are amazing! Every part of your scalp that used to show through now looks as though there is hair there”

“It’s a new chapter in my life honestly. Any kind of social gathering and even something as trivial as a subway trip used to fill m with dread”

“I have used a lot of hair concealers from Topix to Xfusion. I really like Caboki the best”

There were a great amount of highly positive reviews, with people praising how well it worked, and saying it was much greater than other hair fiber brands that they’ve tried. People added how it maintained its appearance over time, that it was easy to apply, and that they would recommend for others to use it.

Look at user reviews and gain access to Caboki by clicking on this featured link.

The official website does offer a lot of before and after photos for customers, which show impressive results. People are allowed to leave behind comments to show what they’ve experienced with this product. Both men and women have benefited from this, whether it was to cover up a bald spot, or to provide a head of real looking hair from all angles.

An important consideration is that Caboki is not marketed as nor will it improve balding hair. It’s only intended to be used for thinning hair as it needs something to cling to. This is often the case for most hair fiber brands; hair has to still exist on one’s scalp in order for the main ingredient to cling to your hair. This is due to the electrostatic charge which that attracts to the negative charge of hair.

They provide what’s known as a Norwood scale 7 which can help one decide whether or not they have enough hair to ensure that Caboki will work.

Customer reviews reveal that the following were good things to consider when using this hair fiber brand:

  • Choosing the right color and mixing and matching different colors to get the right look.
  • Using the sold separate spray in order for Caboki to distribute better and stay on.
  • Taking time to stylize and being willing to make alterations. Some users had to blow dry, comb, and carefully correct their hairline to adjust its appearance. This is to give it a more customized appearance to match one’s preferred style.
  • Willingness to add it on a daily basis and being comfortable with the occasional flakes and appearance in light colored clothing.
  • Having enough hair in order for it to have something to cling to. Similar to other hair fiber products it’s essential for one to not be either bald or have complete bald spots.

For those that did find it effective there was a lot of suggestions on how to apply correctly. There is also the option to simply apply it directly on the scalp if one prefers however.

Fortunately there was a great deal of positive reviews from people who were complimented on their new hair style. People were overwhelmingly giving this positive reviews since it provided them the appearance they were looking for without any artificial or harsh additives.  For access to Caboki from the creator’s official marketplace, simply click on this link to be redirected.

How does Caboki Compare to the Competition?

Caboki uses a form of Moroccan cotton to help improve the appearance of hair. Only a few hair fiber brands use this specific form of cotton, which is a quality source that is also hypoallergenic and created from a good source.

As far as pricing it’s similarly to other hair fiber brands, neither being expensive or cheap. In terms of ingredients though, because they use optimal additives, it raises the overall value of this product.  So in terms of it being matched by what is actually inside and its capabilities, it makes it the best solution of its kind.

In terms of customer reviews Caboki is the 2nd most reviewed hair fiber brand, which means it was very popular in comparison to other brands currently available. The majority of reviews were positive as well, with people praising how it truly delivered the results they were hoping for.

One major aspect where Caboki has an edge in the competition is its business practices. They offer both a no strings attached free sample, as well as a comprehensive 30 day money back guarantee without any questions asked. The official website states:

“If you are not completely satisfied with Caboki, simply return the products, even if they are completely used up within 30 days of receipt of your order, we’ll refund the entire purchase”

Out of all hair fiber brands Caboki offers the most secure and comprehensive support for customers. No major complaints or claims of them being scams are listed anywhere, and they’ve taken care of customer concerns according to their Better Business Bureau page.

Its availability is limited to online sales, but with their returns and samples available, there’s no risk in trying out Caboki. So for those who prefer to actually look at the bottle in stores there’s no worry in investing by trying it out online.

Caboki only uses natural dyes that are extracted from a quality source unlikely to cause any allergies, nor has there been any customer issues having to do with side effects. Not all hair fiber brands use all natural ingredients; often artificial dyes which may potentially result in side effects are used. This is not only important to sensitive scalps, but natural dyes don’t have the potentially carcinogenic effect that artificial dyes can have.

Overall Caboki has an advantage in not requiring customers to try this product without the full backing of a comprehensive money back return policy. This makes it a top ranking choice in terms of overall ability to function correctly, as well as overall business practices. There were no red flags raised when thoroughly reviewing this product and how they stack up against their competitors.

They are clearly transparent about their practices, which makes them, a trustworthy and consumer friendly business. It’s because of all these traits that this was rated as being the best of its class. Learn about what Caboki can do according to user reviews and purchase it from their official online marketplace; click here to be redirected.

Conclusion – Does Caboki Work?

Caboki is available in numerous colors and is made up of a form of cotton which is hypoallergenic and safe to use. The website has many before and after photos from mostly satisfied users who’ve noticed results. There’s even a free sample and 30 day money back return policy offered. All of this combines to help provide customers with a detailed transparency to ensure that one is covered from any potential issues.

Many users have said it can make your current hair appear thicker and fuller. Most reviews on this brand are highly positive from people who experienced noticeable changes.  The main highlighted benefits according to actual users were:

  • The ability for it to be customizable with blow drying, sprays, and the multiple hair dyes.
  • It’s ease of use and ability to be used without the fear of side effects or allergies.
  • Use of it even when exposed to environmental changes such as wind, water, and sweat.
  • Being capable of producing realistic effects without a painted on or artificial appearance.
  • Pricing and unmatched usability in comparison to other hair fiber brands. People ranked it as being noticeable better than many other popular products.

The company does provide great customer support as well as samples and a comprehensive return policy. There’s no harm in giving Caboki a try due to their supportive polices and money back guarantee on even completely empty bottles. Judging from the available reviews most users did find it useful for giving the appearance of thicker hair. Overall Caboki is a high ranking hair fiber brand that according to users was a great solution to balding and thinning hair. Because of this it is the best hair brand of its kind.

Buy Caboki from the source; provided here is the official destination where you can gain access to this brand.



11 Responses to Caboki Review

Theophilus says:

How long does it cling to head…. I mean one day or days together or until next hair wash?

Nic says:

From wash to wash.

Anonymous says:

I wash my hair everyday but it lasts through the next day if I don’t wash it out

Anonymous says:

It’s a kind of powder. So, don’t go under the rain, don’t go to bed before you washing your hair.

Kristy Canfield says:

Will it come off under a motorcycle helmet? I ride and wear a bandana on my head under my helmet. I’ll take the bandana off after I get to where I’m going.

Lorri says:

I am a woman with dark blonde hair. What color should i get? My hairloss is in the very front of my forehead.

John says:

Hi, I’m a 22 year old male and I’ve been experiencing hair loss for the past three years due to my genes. Since then I’ve tried different treatments but the progress was rather slow so I have decided to give Caboki a shot. However I would still like to continue my other treatments while using Caboki since I am still keen to naturally regrow my hair. I want to ask if the caboki will affect the progress of those other treatments.

Anonymous says:

it stays till next hair wash

Malik Aarif says:

I am gonna trying this product. Can someone give me an idea that this oil really helpful or not .?

Madhuri says:

Is safe from rain or water

Nick says:

Does it work for people who are completely bald?

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