We’re proud to announce that our resident yoga expert, Heather Ashare, will be hosting a yoga for bloggers session at the FitBloggin’ ’10 conference. The conference is a gathering of fitness and wellness bloggers from around the country, and this hour-long session will be just what they need to kick-off a weekend of learning and networking.
If you’re attending the conference, you can expect:
A fun and energetic yoga class specifically designed for bloggers and writers whose passion for sharing their expertise as health advocates finds them sitting behind computers for way too long. With a focus on posture, shoulder alignment, and lower back strength, the class will raise heart rates, stretch hamstrings and lighten the mind. All levels are welcome.
FitBloggin’ is the brainchild of Roni from Roni’s Weigh, a guest author we’ve featured several times and a fantastic weight loss success story in her own right. It’s sure to be a worthwhile time in Baltimore next spring (March 20, 2025).
Learn more about FitBloggin‘.