SkinnyMint Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Richard (Senior Reviewer) October 11, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

SkinnyMint is a weight loss tea brand used to help detox the body, provide energy, and produce fat loss without dieting. It’s made with natural ingredients, and it’s claimed to be a great tasting and effective blend of herbs.

It is said to be an effective tea made with ingredients that serve to complement each other. Both 14 day and 28 day blends are offered, as well as a morning boost and night time cleanse formula. It’s advised to start a 14 day detox, which is used to help cleanse the body. They also recommend taking a 4 to 6 week break in between each detox. After reviewing many weight loss diets our review experts found that the 18Shake Diet is the most effective. It offers a fat burning diet pill alongside a meal replacement that can suppress appetite for hours. They help to maximize weight loss results with no artificial ingredients or stimulants. Discover more about the 18Shake Diet by clicking the link here.

SkinnyMint Ingredients and Side Effects

Here are the ingredients to their morning boost and night cleanse formula which are found in the detox tea:

Green Tea Yerba Mate Nettle Leaves Dandelion Guarana Fruit
Natural Orange Flavoring Natural Leon Flavoring Peppermint Licorice Root Hawthorn Berries
Psyllium Husk Ginger Root Orange Leaves Lemongrass Senna Leaves

Green Tea: Common tea added due to its antioxidants and natural source of caffeine. It is added to help raise metabolism.

Though it is often used for weight loss, this claim has been disputed by clinical studies. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health mentions:

“There are not enough reliable data to determine whether green tea can aid in weight loss”

There are also numerous possible side effects including:

  • Insomnia, anxiety, and agitation.
  • Rapid heart rate, jitters, and muscle spasms.
  • Paranoia, mood swings, and agitation.
  • Rapid muscle twitches, difficulty relaxing, and restlessness.
  • Ringing in the ears, heartburn, and dizziness.

Web MD has also added:

“POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth long-term or in high-doses”

Yerba Mate: Plant used as a tea, it contains stimulants such as caffeine, theobromine, and more.  It contains more caffeine than most kinds of teas.

Web MD has also questioned its safety:

“yerba mate is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. It increases the risk of mouth, esophageal, laryngeal, kidney, and bladder and lung cancer”

It is used for weight loss due to its caffeine. It can promote side effects such as:

  • Dizziness, agitation, and fainting.
  • Restlessness, anxiety, and feelings of nervousness.
  • Rapid heart rate, jitters, and cold sweats.
  • Insomnia, stomach problems, and diarrhea.
  • Vomiting, headaches, and tightness in the chest.

Nettle Leaves: This plant is used to help increase urine flow and prevent inflammation. Web MD adds:

“is used for many conditions, but so far, there isn’t enough scientific evidence to determine whether or not it effective for any of them”

They also mention possible side effects:

“it might cause stomach complains and sweating… can cause skin irritation”

It is particularly harsh when it makes skin contact. The top ranked weight loss diets are made available via the link here.

Guarana Fruit: The seeds of this fruit are one of the most caffeine heavy ingredients for any natural ingredient. It is used to increase energy, raise metabolism, and suppress appetite.

Web MD adds:

“Guarana is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in high doses for a long time”

The kinds of side effects it may produce are similar to caffeine. Since no information exists on the amount of caffeine found in SkinnyMint, its unknown how to properly dose this tea.

Caffeine found in this does not have a long lasting weight loss effect. This stimulant is often limited to just sleep loss when taken repeatedly.

Hawthorn Berries: This plant helps to improve blood flow, widen blood vessels, and provide antioxidant effects. Web MD adds:

“It is not known whether hawthorn is safe when used long-term”

It can also lead to side effects that include:

  • Nausea, sweating, and stomach upset.
  • Nosebleeds, palpitations, and insomnia.
  • Dizziness, headaches, and other issues.

A list of the top ranked weight loss diets are provided when you click on this link.

Psyllium Husk: This fiber source works as a laxative. It’s often given to people who are constipated. Possible side effects include:

  • Allergic reactions, gas, and bloating.
  • Dizziness, trouble breathing, and rash.
  • Chocking, chest pain, and vomiting.

Due to it potentially causing choking, it’s often advised to take this with plenty of water.

Senna Leaves:  Herb used to promote a laxative effect by irritating the lining of the bowels. Concerns about it safety exists, and Web MD mentions:

“POSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth long-term or in high doses. Don’t use senna for more than two weeks”

The reason for the limited use is because it can cause imbalances of electrolytes, which may cause heart and liver problems, muscle weakness, and many other damaging effects.

It’s important to note than SkinnyMint recommends using their teas for up to 28 days, which is 14 days more than what is recommended by health sites. Follow the link provided here for a comprehensive top ranked list of the best diets.

 SkinnyMint Quality of Ingredients

The additives in this have been shown to potentially cause side effects. There’s an unknown amount of caffeine added, and ingredients like senna leaves and psyllium husk may promote digestive issues.

You’ll see in the “Customer Opinion of SkinnyMint” section that there were numerous customers who not only failed to lose weight, but they also had side effects.

The ingredients in this may promote side effects, and there’s no assurance of weight loss benefits. Many of these additives are already found elsewhere for cheaper. It’s because of all these reasons that SkinnyMint has a poor mixture of ingredients.

The Price and Quality of SkinnyMint

A bag of the 28 day detox sells for $54.90.  Many of these ingredients are already found in other tea brands for cheaper.

There are some added ingredients which aren’t often added such as guarana and psyllium husk. However, these additives have been shown to be potentially harmful.

The night time blend has been shown to potentially cause digestive issues. The morning boost also has unknown amounts of caffeine.  Without determine the exact milligram strength, it’s unknown if it’s safe to use, or if it passes the recommended daily advised limit for caffeine which his 400 mg.

There’s also no guarantee on opened products, so one has to buy multiple bags and sample one to see if they experience any positive effects. This makes it an extremely poor weight loss tea. See which weight loss diets were rated as the best overall via the link provided here.

 Business of SkinnyMint

The name of the company is Bodyboost Pty Ltd, a London based company and their US contact information is:

Phone Number: (347) 602-4551

Address: 4910 Longley Lane Suite 101

Reno, Nevada 89502

Email: [email protected]

The company offers returns for 60 days only on unopened products.

There are very few details about how the company operates, or how they deal with customers.

Customer Opinions of SkinnyMint

Reviews for SkinnyMint can be difficult to find, since the company pays models to market their brands on social media sites. However, there are some unbiased opinions online. Here are some quotes from verified customers:

“the stomach pain and the feeling of nausea all the time”

“I will have to go to the doctor and get checked because I feel like I have rectal bleeding going on”

“It cramped my stomach so badly I thought I was dying and I felt as if I was going to throw up”

“all I could focus on were the terrible, gut-wrenching stomach cramps that came out of NOWHERE”

Currently on the company has a total of 14 extremely negative reviews out of 23.

People have complained about a combination of a lack of weight loss and serious side effects. Symptoms listed include headaches, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, frequent bathroom usage, and ill feelings.

Certain people said that they couldn’t go to bed due to the stomach pains and constant bathroom usage. There were others who felt that the stimulant effects were too strong, and that it gave them too much energy. To see which weight loss diets made it to the top, click here.

How Does SkinnyMint Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Easy to follow
  • Cheap Price
  • Fast Results
  • SkinnyMint
  • 44 /100
Conclusion – Does SkinnyMint Work?

Before you make a final decision on SkinnyMint, it’s important to look at the customer reviews, the kinds of ingredients used, and the likelihood for weight loss. Many common additives are found in SkinnyMint which are already used in other teas for much cheaper. However, there are added ingredients in this which have been shown to potentially cause digestive issues and stimulant related side effects. The majority of customers have also commented that they experienced both uncomfortable and severe side effects. This tea blend is also incredibly expensive for the ingredients offered.

The highest rated weight loss diet was the 18Shake Diet. It offers a meal replacement for appetite suppression and a fat burning diet pill. Testimonials are available on their official website; people mention they have lost significant amounts of weight. There’s clinically studied ingredients which help promote weight loss both safely and effectively.

It’s also manufactured in a GMP certified facility to ensure routine quality for each ingredient. No added preservatives, fillers, colors, or stimulants are included. For more information about the 18Shake Diet, click the link provided.

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