Slim Tea Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Richard (Senior Reviewer) October 11, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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 What is it?

Slim Tea is a weight loss drink that’s meant to improve digestion, detox the body, boost metabolism and burn fat. It’s claimed to have been sold over 2 million different times to different distributes and customers.

There are 2 ingredients for weight loss, and additional flavors depending on which of these teas are purchased. They offer Acai berry, raspberry, pomegranate, goji berry, and blueberry. The website claims it will help provide balance to the body while preventing bloating. Each tea pack has no added colors or GMO ingredients.  Our review experts analyze many kinds of diets and they’ve concluded the best for weight loss is the 18Shake Diet. It’s comprised of a meal replacement made to suppress appetite for hours with its rich protein and fiber, and a fat burning diet pill free of stimulants. They’re highly touted by users who say it’s effective for weight loss. Learn more about the 18Shake Diet by clicking this link.

Slim Tea Ingredients and Side Effects
Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Senna Leaves Natural Flavor

Green Tea: This common tea is added to help provide antioxidant support and stimulants such as caffeine. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health mentions:

“There are not enough reliable data to determine whether green tea can aid in weight loss”

They have also expressed concern over its safety:

“There have been some case reports of liver problems in people taking concentrated green tea extracts”

It’s unknown if this also extends to green tea in its whole form.

Due to its added caffeine, it can potentially lead to side effects that include:

  • Anxiety, insomnia, and irritability.
  • Mood swings, diarrhea, and nausea.
  • Upset stomach, frequent urination, and inability to relax.
  • Rapid heart rate, cardiovascular damage, and agitation.
  • Jitters, cold sweats and involuntary muscle twitches.
  • Headaches, migraine headaches, and ringing in the ears.
  • Muscle pain, weakness, and depression.

The company also fails to provide any information on how much caffeine is found via the added green tea. Since caffeine is the only reason why green tea might have a weight loss effect, it’s important to know the total amount.  Excess amounts have also been linked to serious potential side effects. The top ranked weight loss diets are featured in the link provided.

Caffeine is not considered a long lasting solution for weight loss. confirms this by stating:

“Habitual caffeine use leads to tolerance”

“the effects of caffeine will be diminished, often to the point where the only benefit a user experiences is caffeine’s anti-sleep effect”

In order to keep experiencing caffeine’s effects, it’s advised to take a month long break. Caffeine is not a very effective ingredient, and it can be found in many other foods. Taking repeat amounts of it will ensure there are no benefits for weight loss.

Another study by the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews showed that it:

“appear(s) to induce a small, statistically, non-significant weight loss in overweight or obese adults”

They also concluded that:

“Because the amount of weight loss is small, it is not likely to be clinically important. Green tea had no significant effect on the maintenance of weight loss”

Therefore, this key active ingredient in Slim Tea is not enough to produce any weight loss effects.

Other important considerations to make are explained by the University of Maryland Medical Center:

“People with heart problems or high blood pressure, kidney problems, liver problems, stomach ulcers, and psychological disorders particular anxiety, should not take green tea”

“can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications”

One has to consider possible interactions, the amount of caffeine added, and many other potential issues.

Not everyone reacts to this ingredient the same, for some much less is needed for there to be an effect. Because of this type of dosing, it’s important to consider what kinds of reactions one has to this.

Senna Leaves: Natural plant used to help promote laxative effects. The sennosides found within irritate the stomach lining, which then promotes bathroom use. It can take a few hours before its effects are experienced, sometimes up to 12 hours… This is why it’s often advised to take it before bedtime.

Possible side effects can include:

  • Stomach pain, digestive issues and cramps.
  • Diarrhea, nausea, and weakness.
  • Reddish and brown urine.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, and increased urination.
  • Irregular heartbeat, dizziness, and mood changes.
  • Severe stomach pain, low potassium, and dehydration.
  • Uneven heart rate, loss of appetite, and discoloration of the eyes and skin. also adds:

“There are no regulated manufacturing standards in place… many herbal compounds and some marketed supplement have been found to be contaminated with toxic metals or other drugs”

The makers of Slim Tea add no notice on whether or not their Senna is sourced from a wholesome extract.

One interesting recommendation by is to:

“Do not use this product for longer than 1 week without the advice of a healthcare provider”

The makers of Slim Tea never offer this important warning. Continued use can have serious health risks which need to be considered.  The manufactures make it seem as if this is a long term solution for weight loss. Healthy options for weight loss are possible via the top ranked diets.

 Slim Tea Quality of Ingredients

There are just 2 active ingredients and one flavoring agent. Green tea can be found in many different tea brands, and there’s no notice of this green tea being anything unique. Though green tea has had questionable results, and leading health sites mention there’s no possible weight loss effect that isn’t just from the caffeine.

Senna is not recommended for longer than 1 week without the recommendation of a healthcare provider. It’s known to potentially cause many serious side effects. Since use is extremely limited, this brand is not a long-term solution for weight loss.

These 2 ingredients can also be found in many other teas. No evidence is provided by the manufactures to help show why this version is any better.

A list of the top weight loss diets is made available by clicking here.

The Price and Quality of Slim Tea

Sales are offered direct from the official website, with a 25 package serving costing $5.99.  No money back guarantee is offered however.

Nothing unique is added in Slim Tea that can’t be replaced with other similar products. There’s no mention from the manufacturers that due to the added Senna, it’s not advised to take it for longer than a week period. They also fail to mention the laxative effects which are what Senna is often used for.

Green tea is another cheap ingredient which can easily be replaced. Due to the 2 sole active ingredients being potentially side effect causing and not unique, this brand is a poor mixture of ingredients. To see which weight loss diets made it to the top ranked list, click here.

 Business of Slim Tea

The company is known as Mekor, LLC, and they can be reached via the following customer service contact information:

Phone Number: (888)

Address: PO Box 926

Tenafly, New Jersey 07670

Email: [email protected]

No returns are allowed, and the company offers an auto ship program. This is not recommended however, as this makes it so people are locked into contracts with a company.

Not much information is available about the company outside of their own website. One listed address did show that they operate out of a house however.

Customer Opinions of Slim Tea

Here are select reviews from some customers online:

“Did not do anything for me, I did exactly what stated and nothing at all”

“Didn’t work for me”

“kinda disappointed and was hoping this would help ne lose a lot more weight”

“It doesn’t do anything it says this just constipated me”

Many said there wasn’t anything to this tea that any other tea doesn’t already provide. Some did experience side effects such as bloating, dehydration, constipation, and stomach issues.

There were a few people who did manage to lose weight, but it’s unknown if this was caused by their diet and exercise.

Some found the taste unpleasant and artificial tasting. There were also concerns that there isn’t much different between Slim Tea and other detox teas. The best weight loss diets are featured in a list found here.

How Does Slim Tea Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Easy to follow
  • Cheap Price
  • Fast Results
  • Slim Tea
  • 29 /100
Conclusion – Does Slim Tea Work?

Before making a final decision on Slim Tea, it’s important to take a look at the customer reviews, kinds of ingredients used, and what the likelihood of weight loss is. The additives found in this are already found in other similar brands, though this is not an effective weight loss solution. One of the ingredients in green tea can cause side effects, and it’s not proven to help with weight loss. Senna can promote many side effects, and it’s advised to only take it for a week long period. This fact is not mentioned by the makers of Slim Tea.

Out of all the weight loss diets available, the 18Shake Diet was reviewed as the overall favorite. It’s made up of a fat burning, stimulant free diet pill, and an appetite suppressing meal replacement. Customer testimonials and reviews have given it glowing reviews for its weight loss effects.

18Shake Diet is manufactured in a GMP certified 3rd party reviewed facility. This ensures routine quality and potency for each ingredient offered. Click the link cited here for more information about the 18Shake Diet.

5 Responses to Slim Tea Review

Trudie says:

Ive been taking Garcinia Cambogia for thirty seven days and eating low calorie dinner,working out every other day at gym, doing cardio at home, doing pilates. I kept gaining and get extra seven in three weeks beliving to doctors new. I use to weigh one hundred thirty two lb and now i am 161lbs.

Kaitlin T. says:

My doughter don’t use it, my doctor likes it.

Laurie lewis says:

I been using it for three days & I only had one bowel movement. how is it cleansing me or detoxing????. It taste so bad I have to use some sugar not a lot but enough so it won’t be so bitter.. .. I’m not satisfied at all !!!!

Barrie Lewis says:

At first you need to steep it so it is very strong. You need to drink it after a meal while it is very hot. I use 3 sweetener packs to about 6 or 8 ounces. If you tend to have constipation you may need to start with 2 bags. Increase your fiber and drink plenty of water. Always follow meals with a hot beverage when you are trying to cleanse.

Sandra Laam says:

Had to discontinue drinking.once I drank I would literally be doubled over in not worth the risk of my health.

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