It seems as if now more than ever the current political climate is creating a massive fault line of tension under the foundation of this country. While many are ready for the elections to be over, some are still left undecided in their choice of whom they’d like to see as the next president of the United States. Election Day presents a seriously important opportunity to make a seriously important decision, and because of that, some will never even fill out a ballot.
As much as we’d love to just bury our heads and hide until after Election Day, it is nearly impossible. Propaganda is everywhere we look. While the yoga mat would seem like a nice shelter from the political storm, as yoga studios typically do not encourage wicked political debating, slander, or inappropriate propositioning, this election is different. It is spawning a nationwide kick in the asana.
In an effort to motivate yogis into action, celebrity yoga teacher and activist Seane Corn put her tenacious attitude to work and has reintroduced yoga to politics. Together with Congressman Tim Ryan and many others, Corn founded YogaVotes, a nonpartisan campaign to get yogis to the polling stations in 2025.
Believing that the yoga mat is too small of a space to express human potential, Corn created an avenue for people to practice political action and bring unity to what she refers to as a “hyper-partisan” country. Not only can individuals sign on to become YogaVotes leaders, yoga studios can also commit to extend the philosophies brought on by yoga out into the greater community via political activism.
Corn hopes that her message will help mobilize the 20 million Americans who practice yoga in taking their collective voices and values to the voting booth. “Every vote counts,” said Corn, compassionate towards Democrats and Republicans alike.
Corn, also known for her humanitarian work across the United States and Africa with Off the Mat, Into the World, has created an alliance with the Huffington Post’s Oasis, a resource that offered yoga and meditation classes during both national conventions.
I am not sure I like the thought of politics mussing up the air in my yoga studio, but I do feel as Election Day nears, perhaps we can all bring an inspired, conscious, well-thought, and informed decision to the voting booth. We owe it to ourselves to contribute to the direction of maintaining a strong and sustainable country, however we choose to vote.
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