Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels Reunite on The Doctors

Tune in Thursday, November 17, 2025 to see Bob Harper reunite with Jillian Michaels for an episode of The Doctors.

Michaels’ long time partner on NBC’s The Biggest Loser, Harper will be putting her against her co-host Dr. Travis Stork in a Cross Fit competition. Cross Fit is the very effective strength and conditioning program used by many law and armed forces for training. The program is also used to train many elite athletes. Tune in to see if Dr. Stork can hold his own against Michaels as Bob Harper goes into full training mode and surely shows them no mercy.

Watch now as Bob does the “WOD,” or Workout of the Day, with Jillian and Dr. Travis Stork.

CrossFit’s Workouts of the Day are daily workouts posted on their website you can complete with minimal equipment or access to a fitness facility. They can include anything from pushups, rope climbs, pull ups and rowing machine relays, with the whole focus on completing the workout in the fastest time possible for you, or complete the most reps you can to do your personal best. Even if you take a CrossFit class where you are completing your WOD with a group of other people, your whole goal is to do you best and compete against yourself, which leaves room for others to encourage you along the way to push your hardest.

You can do The Doctors WOD at home. Do each of the following exercises for 30-seconds each, and repeat the circuit six times.

  • Box Jumps- 30 seconds
  • Sumo Deadlift High Pole- 30 seconds
  • Push Press- 30 seconds
  • Ball Slams- 30 seconds

Repeat this workout 6 times.

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