Caralluma Fimbriata Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Richard (Senior Reviewer) November 10, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Caralluma Fimbriata is a natural cactus extract used to reduce appetite and support weight loss. Traditionally used as a way to prevent famine, it’s now been researched to determine what possible effects it may have on supporting weight loss.

Once often boiled and cooked as a food source this succulent was traditionally used to prevent people from going hungry in the desert. It’s also said to help prevent thirst and increase endurance. Extracts of it are now sold in supplement form as a way to keep dieters from overeating. Our review experts analyze several weight loss diet plans, and in their research they found that the 18Shake Diet is the most effective for weight loss. It’s a combination of a fat burning diet pill and an appetite suppressing meal replacement shake. Learn more about the 18Shake Diet by clicking the link here.

Caralluma Fimbriata Ingredients and Side Effects
Caralluma Fimbriata (dosage strength may vary)

Caralluma Fimbriata: Cactus found primarily in India and claimed to help reduce appetite, quench thirst, and aid in endurance. Typically administered twice daily at a total of 1,000 mg a day.

Information on proper dosing is unknown and there are different interpretations on what the proper dosage strength should be. Web MD has also revealed:

“long-term safety is not known”

Potential side effects may include:

  • Constipation, gas, and stomach pain.
  • Upset stomach, indigestion, and nausea.

These kinds of effects are particularly common in the beginning stages of supplementation. For a comprehensive list of the best weight loss diets, follow the link provided.

A clinical study was also performed by the Government Medical College of India and they found:

“failed to yield any positive results on anthropometry and appetite”

When compared to a placebo Caralluma Fimbriata failed to have any effect. This study was also performed over a 12 week period which tested the biology of the participants to check for certain whether or not they experienced weight loss.

Side effects were also experienced in this study though they were mild and passed with time.

Due to the mixed studies and lack of information, it’s clear that more research needs to go into this ingredient before it can be selected as a functional weight loss ingredient. Follow the link here for a comprehensive list of the top ranked weight loss diets.

It’s a likely possibility that the reason why was used as a famine food is due to the natural fiber and filling nature of cactus. Whether or not it has any special properties for suppressing appetite and thirst has yet to have been proven scientifically.

The only thing for certain is that it has shown the possibility for side effects related to indigestion and nausea.

The claim made is that this ingredient will:

“render various body enzymes inactive, disrupting the normal fat formation in the body”

It’s not only said to help provide a physical reaction, but also intended to work deep in the brain:

“may affect the brain’s ability to control appetite”

While this is claimed as a great benefit to this extract, the lack of science makes it impossible to truly know whether or not it will have a positive effect.

Caralluma Fimbriata Quality of Ingredients

Side effects are not extreme but there’s also been a lack of scientific studies to prove this ingredient works for suppressing appetite. It’s possible that in the past when it was used to suppress hunger that the fact it’s a vegetable might have helped.

Any source of fiber or even edible food will help to promote appetite suppression.

Judging from the available information it’s unclear whether or not this ingredient is truly effective in its claimed benefits. has also found:

“it is not known exactly how Caralluma suppresses appetite”

Without more information there doesn’t seem to be any good reason to use this ingredient. Trying an ingredient which is both unproven and unknown as to how it works can be potentially dangerous.

There’s a lack of quality information not just of the short term effects, but also long term effects.  This calls into question whether or not it’s truly a safe and effective ingredient. It’s impossible to determine this fact and one might be wasting their money in sampling it.

Click the link provided for a list of the best weight loss diets.

The Price and Quality of Caralluma Fimbriata

Prices vary depending on the specific brand chosen. There are also different dosage strengths but unfortunately due to a lack of research, it’s unknown what an optimal price would be. This makes it impossible to determine what strength one should choose, or if there’s a benefit to a chosen strength.

Pricing range and on a 60 day supply often sells for around $20.

Due to a lack of clinical studies it’s unknown whether or not this ingredient would be effective for weight loss. To learn about which weight loss diets were rated as the best, click on the link here.

Business of Caralluma Fimbriata

There’s not one single source for Caralluma Fimbriata. Each company will provide their own claims and dosage strengths as well as dosing requirements.

Typically companies will add this ingredient as a pure extract to supplements. When looking at companies it’s important to ensure a GMP certification for routine 3rd party inspections and safe handling.

Some companies will also fail to offer a money back guarantee or they operate an auto shipment program. It’s important to be careful of these kinds of businesses as they will often lock people into monthly contracts which automatically subtract funds from one’s credit card.

Customer Opinions of Caralluma Fimbriata

Here are some select reviews from users of Caralluma Fimbriata supplements:

“I don’t know if this works for everyone but for me it gave me bloating, gas, and constipation”

“all it’s doing is making me even more hungry. I eat twice as much and have actually gained weight”

“I failed to see any changes at all in either appetite or mood”

“taking it for about 4 weeks and made changes to my diet. Have yet to feel anything”

Many were disappointed to find they didn’t notice any changes. Some actually became hungrier and gained weight while using Caralluma Fimbriata.

There were even issues from those who made sure to take it repeatedly for weeks. Sometimes certain ingredients can take longer for them to make a change in the body. Customers however still complained of a lack of effects.

There were also side effects experienced by users. This included things like nausea, indigestion, bloating, intestinal gas, and other related stomach heavy effects.

Click on the link provided for a list of the top ranked weight loss diets.

How Does Caralluma Fimbriata Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Easy to follow
  • Cheap Price
  • Fast Results
  • Caralluma Fimbriata
  • 47 /100
Conclusion – Does Caralluma Fimbriata Work?

Caralluma Fimbriata is an ingredient long used as a way to prevent famine. While as a whole vegetable it makes sense it would affect hunger, in supplement form there’s a lack of evidence to show what kind of effects it may have. Many users have complained about a lack of weight loss, and some have actually gained weight. Clinical studies have also shown that it produced no effect when compared to a placebo. There’s a lack of information about its long term use and whether or not it’s truly effective for appetite suppression.

Our review experts analyze many kinds of weight loss diets, and they’ve concluded the best overall is the 18Shake Diet. It’s a combination of stimulant free weight loss diet pill and an appetite suppressing meal replacement. Benefits include decreased hunger, increased fat burning, improved metabolism, and many other potent benefits.

Customers have provided glowing testimonials and before and after photos to showcase results. A GMP certification is also provided to ensure routine quality control inspections. Discover more about the benefits of the 18Shake Diet by visiting this link.

One Response to Caralluma Fimbriata Review

Tiffani says:

My nephew like it, my cousin use it!

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