The Great American Smokeout always falls on a Thursday, one week before Thanksgiving Day. It is an annual event created to help inspire and challenge the 45.8 millions of Americans who use tobacco to finally kick the habit. The American Cancer Society held the first smoke out in 1977, and since then there have been several changes in rules and regulations concerning smoking in public places. As a result of these changes, the use of tobacco products is viewed less as a norm and more as a serious addiction that can severely damage one’s health.
The American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout is a key leader in spurring a cultural revolution in tobacco use. A big part of the day, which takes place on November 17, 2025, is geared toward educating smokers not just about the health risks of smoking but also about the myriad of ways one can stop.
Hypnotism, acupuncture and nicotine patches are clever ways to help you quit smoking, but if you’ve tried these to no avail, taking up a yoga practice may be just what you need to find success. The following are some examples how and why yoga can help you quit smoking, not just on November 17, but for good!
Inhale, exhale, repeat.
When you start a yoga program you will be required to take lots and lots of really big deep breaths. This will help you clear, open and strengthen your lungs and their capacity to take in fresh air. You will be less likely to light one up if you have just spent a blissful hour in yoga breathing beautifully.
Holding yoga poses forces you to focus on the task at hand. With practice, you will get better at not letting your mind wander and distract you from your intention. The ability to focus will help you stay on course with your desire to quit smoking.
Know Yourself
Yoga has a mysterious way of revealing to us our inner most self. If you are open to who you are at your core, you will soon discover the reasons why you sabotage your health by smoking cigarettes. Finding out why might just be the very thing that motivates you to take charge of your life and give up your habit.
Feel Fabulous
Flushed, detoxified, realigned and ready to take on the world are just a few small benefits of a regular yoga practice. Feeling great is a side effect of your time and attention to your mind and body in yoga. The more you do, the better you will feel. The better you feel the less likely you will be tempted to engage in behavior that compromises those feelings of pure and radiant vitality.
Also Read:
Weightlifting May Help Smokers Quit