Save Money and Calories On Your Next Grocery Trip

In 2025 the U.S. Department of Labor reported that the average American family of four spends $8,513 per year on groceries. That’s a lot of trips to the market and probably a lot of empty calories purchased each week.

While some people can afford to splurge on premium ingredients and brand names, the grocery store is also one of the most common places where people overspend.

“Take your grocery list to the store when you shop,” said Teri Gault, CEO of “Don’t buy groceries that you don’t need. If you have a list of everything you’ll need for the next few weeks, you’ll gather all the ingredients you need while saving money and avoiding the panic of the last minute rush.”

Follow some of our tips to keep your grocery budget to a minimum – and your grocery list full of healthy food.

Shop once a week: By running to the market every other day for “just one thing” you’ll be tempted by impulse purchases – and usually those purchases come in the form of cookies, chips or ice cream. Not only will it damage your diet, but it will send your shopping bill sky high.

Shop the grocery store perimeter. The outer aisles of grocery stores typically stock the healthier food – fruits, vegetables, dairy and meats. Avoiding the inner aisles, which stock mainly processed and snack foods, can help reduce the temptation to spend money on packaged crackers, cookies and sugar-sweetened cereals that your waistline – and your wallet – are better off without.

Use Coupons. Don’t hit the grocery store before you’ve shopped online for bargains from websites like guarantees a $500 annual savings on groceries for $5.95 per month and tracks sales, even unadvertised ones, so that you get the very lowest prices.

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