Beat the Holiday Bloat with 3 Yoga Poses

Pass the mashed potatoes, pass the gravy, and pass the Yorkshire pudding, but don’t be surprised about what else you’ll be passing.

Your holiday indulgences can be a challenge to your digestive system. If Mylanta, Beano, or any other so-called gas and bloat-relieving brands are treatments you’d rather avoid, try the following yoga poses to help ease your discomfort.

Wind Relieving Pose

With a name like this, I’ll bet you can guess what this pose is intended to do. If you are in need of a little gas passing, try practicing this pose. Most importantly, make sure you are ready and prepared for the relief it will bring.

Lie on your back with both legs extended onto the floor. Bring your right knee toward your chest and wrap both hands around your right shin. Next, lift your upper body toward your thigh. Press your belly into your thigh as you breathe. Take up to five deep breaths before switching sides.

Garland Pose

Although it sounds like something you would do while decorating your Christmas tree, this pose will help you refresh your abdominal region.

Stand with your feet a few inches wider than hip width apart, toes pointing out on a slight angle. Begin to slowly lower your hips until you’ve come into a deep squat.

Place your palms together, and use your elbows to press your knees out to the side. Lift the crown of your head and chest away from your hips. This lifting action will lengthen, stretch, and create space and energy flow in your abdominal area. Hold this pose for at least 5 deep breaths.

If you cannot place both feet flat on the floor, wedge a rolled blanket under your heels for support. If your knees do not allow for this pose, you can continue by sitting in a chair and propping your feet up on two vertically aligned yoga blocks.

Bow Pose

To complete the package, wrap up your yoga practice with bow pose.

From a prone position, bring both arms back by your sides. Lift your arms and chest up off of the floor until you feel your belly pressing gently into the mat. Next, raise both legs up off of the floor and bend your knees to ninety-degrees. Stay in this position, or, grab the tops of your feet and press your feet into your hands until you feel your legs and chest lifting just a slight bit more. Gently rock forward and backward as you inhale and exhale deeply, feeling your belly gently pressed and massaged under the weight of your body. Stay in the pose for up to 5 deep breaths.

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