How to Maintain Your New Year’s Resolutions

It can be difficult to keep your New Year’s resolutions when you’re busy planning Super Bowl snacks and decadent Valentine’s Day desserts. Some studies have reported that if you commit to a task for three months, it becomes a habit, so it’s important to keep your eye on the prize, at least until March. DietsInReview chatted with Keri Glassman, nutritionist and author of The O2 Diet about ways we can buckle down and keep our resolutions no matter what challenges we face.

Write it down. By writing our goals or resolutions in a journal, we may feel more accountable to them. However, jotting down your notes isn’t just a practical tactic. “Write your resolutions down and put them everywhere as constant reminders: in your wallet, on your desk,” Glassman said. “Read and assess the resolution every day [to help you stay motivated].”

Formulate a Plan B. “If one of your goals is to never eat a bagel again, you are setting yourself up for failure or deprivation,” Glassman said.  “Don’t try for drastic changes – that’s a main reason resolutions don’t stick.” For example, if you normally eat out 3 nights a week, it’s probably not realistic to resolve to eat home every single night. Make sure the goals you’re setting are realistic and achievable and if you assess them and realize they aren’t working, compromise with yourself.

Don’t get frustrated if you “mess” up one day. If your goal is to practice healthier eating habits, don’t worry about what you’ll be eating weeks from now. “Take each day and each meal as an individual opportunity to eat well,” said Glassman. “If you fall off the wagon, just get right back on the next day. Then, re-read your resolutions.”

Forgive yourself. Think of every day as a new day- and a new opportunity to set the goals that you wanted to achieve for yourself earlier on in the year.  “Do not have a “black and white” attitude about your diet,” said Glassman. “Often people set themselves up for failure rather than success. They make big resolutions and become very unforgiving because they may not succeed. Set your sights high, but lay out a realistic road map to get there.”

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