Saturday Morning Drills: Sculpted Sexy Thighs

If there was a part of my body that I wish would just magically look the way I want them to I would have to choose my thighs. Like other women who are pear shaped, slimming and firming the lower part of my body is very challenging.

You would think the best way to fix this problem is to eat better and exercise right? Not exactly. If those are the only things you do, you will be disappointed with the results. So what in the world can you do? The answer is strength training.

You may be thinking I want to slim down my thighs, not make them bulky! Then you probably believe strength training will end up making women look like body builders on steroids. We advise you need to stop thinking that immediately. Women have no need to worry about looking that way because we lack the high testosterone levels found in men (unless you actually are taking steroids, which is another issue entirely). For women, strength training can help you transform your body into a lean, fat-burning machine by increasing sexy muscle tone and reducing body fat.

When you have more muscle than fat, your body is burning more calories which in turn helps you burn even more fat, helping you get those sleek and firm thighs.

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