Saturday Morning Drills: Seven Squats to Sexy Sculpted Legs

If you’re the least bit interested in health and fitness, there’s a good chance you’ve done a few squats in your life. But have you ever really thought about how beneficial they are for your body?

First and foremost, squats aid in adding muscle to your frame. The more muscle you have, the more fat your body burns. For every pound of additional muscle you gain, your body burns another 50-70 calories per day. Squats also help maintain mobility and balance, boost your sports performance so you can do things like jump higher and run faster, and even help prevent injuries. They’re also the exercise that works the most muscles at the same time, targeting your legs, entire core and of course, your backside.

This morning as you get up and around to do your weekend chores, take a few minutes to get a quick leg workout in. All you need is about 20 minutes to go through this entire squatting routine. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Also Read:

Saturday Morning Drill: Bikini Body Blast

Top 5 Quad Exercises

The Perfect Squat

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