Diet and Nutrition

New Study Shows People-Pleasers Eat More at Social Gatherings

Finally, an explanation as to why so many people tend to eat more food at social gatherings than in any other situation.

A new study shows that individuals who tend to be people-pleasers were found more likely to eat equal amounts of food as their peers, or more in order to make others feel comfortable, as compared to those who care less about making others happy.

The study examined 100 college students who were required to take a questionnaire to assess their sociotropy, a personality trait associated with people-pleasing. The students who scored high in people-pleasing categories were those who said they ‘tended to put others’ needs before their own, worried about hurting others, and were sensitive to criticism, among other behaviors.’ (more…)

How to Cook with Chocolate

Chocolate is one of my very favorite foods. Chocolate ice cream, truffles, dark chocolate bars – I love it in all forms. And contrary to what some might think, chocolate is actually very healthy – that is, when eaten in the right forms and in moderate amounts.

After all, not all chocolate is created equal – you won’t reap the same health benefits from a Mars Bar that you would from a few squares of antioxidant-rich dark chocolate. So before you consider this article a license to go on an all-out candy binge, know the facts first and then proceed with your chocolate-loving habits.

What is chocolate? First, the egg before the chicken. Chocolate is derived from cocao beans, which are the seeds of the fruit from the cacao tree. The Aztecs were thought hold the cocoa bean in high value and even used it as currency. (more…)

Foods Rich in Isoflavones Are Known as Natural Birth Control

If you are frequently forgetting to taking oral contraceptives at the same time every day, you are increasing the chances of becoming pregnant. If you don’t want to switch to another form of birth control are there any foods that might help or hurt your contraceptive chances?

I spoke with our resident expert on all things food-related, Mary Hartley, RD, and this is what she told me. “Foods that are high in isoflavones have been called ‘natural contraceptives.'”

Isoflavones are plant-based estrogen-like compounds that could, in theory, create hormonal imbalances that affect ovulation and interact with birth control. Genistein, the most potent isoflavone, is found in legumes, and so soy foods, peas, peanuts, chick peas, and fava beans have been thought to influence fertility. Wild yams (not to be confused with sweet potato yams) contain the isoflavone, diosgenin, but it has a very weak effect compared to the body’s own reproductive hormones. At this point, the potential health benefits and risks of the various isoflavones are under investigation, but there is no current data to suggest that normal intakes are likely to cause hormonal imbalances. (more…)

Calorie Crunch: Eat Healthier at Mexican Restaurants this Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo is this Saturday, which means we’ll all be digging into Mexican food – and margaritas – galore.

If you’re planning on dining at home, check out this spicy Cinco de Mayo-inspired recipe round up that includes Eva Longoria’s spicy serrano guacamole and spicy Mayan truffles for dessert. You’ll be able to make all of your favorite kicked up Mexican dishes in the comfort of your own home while impressing your family and friends.

But, if you’re the restaurant type, we’ve got you covered there, too. Consider this your quick guide on how to eat healthy at your favorite Mexican restaurants. We’re comparing classic Mexican dishes like tacos, burritos, and quesadillas, as well as each restaurant’s most popular desserts. We’re warning you now, it’s not pretty. But armed with the knowledge of what’s in your food, you’ll be able to better navigate the tempting Mexican food-scape this holiday weekend. (more…)

Luna Introduces New Fiber Bars in Three Delicious Flavors

If you’re the snack bar type like me, then you have something new to rejoice over.

The LUNA Bar company has just released a new line of healthy snack bars that have a specific emphasis on fiber. The bars come in three delicious flavors – vanilla blueberry, chocolate raspberry, and peanut butter strawberry. And they all pack an impressive nutritional punch.


Eat More Food and Weigh Less with Volumetrics Eating

Eat more and lose weight? Yes, it can be done, when following the Volumetrics eating plan.

The Volumetrics concept is simple: eat a higher volume of food within a healthy calorie range and you’ll lose weight, even if it feels like you’re eating way more than usual.

Volumetrics creator and Penn State nutritional sciences professor, Barbara Rolls, PhD, is the author of a new book “The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet.” Its premise is that dieting – or healthy eating, rather – really comes down to calories per bite. “By choosing foods that have fewer calories per bite, your portion size grows, but your overall calorie count decreases,” she says.

Rolls has studied the science of satiety and how it affects hunger and obesity for the last 20 years, and what she’s found is that the amount of food we eat has a greater effect on how full we feel than the number of calories in the food. And furthermore, that if you’re full on a diet, you’re more likely to stick to it. (more…)

Put Some Spice in Your Cinco de Mayo with Capsaicin

The famous Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo – recognized in both the U.S. and Mexico – is just around the corner, and we’re looking to spice things up with a dose of capsaicin – the compound that gives hot peppers their kick. We also included a round-up of some seriously spicy recipes to cover all of your Cinco de Mayo celebration needs: Appetizers, entres and dessert, we’ve got you covered.

Starting with what exactly capsaicin is (pronounced CAP-SAY-UH-SIN), it’s a chemical compound found in spicy peppers like jalapeño, cayenne, habanero and tabasco. It’s what gives the peppers their spicy kick that’s commonly found in traditional Mexican meals.

Capsaicin is primarily found in the seeds of peppers, which is why they’re often removed before being added to a dish. Without the seeds, jalapeños actually have a fairly mild taste and low level of spice. But in addition to its heat properties, capsaicin also offers an abundance of health benefits.

Health Benefits: Just a few of capsaicin’s healing benefits include headache relief, sinus soothing, arthritis relief, and inflammatory reduction. If you can believe it, studies have shown capsaicin to be extremely effective in relieving and preventing headaches, sinus headaches and even migraines. It’s also been shown to provide arthritis relief when applied as a topical cream. And when it comes to a plugged up nose, capsaicin possesses powerful antibacterial properties that are very effective in fighting and preventing chronic sinus infections, as well as clearing out congested nasal passages. (more…)

True Food Shopper’s Guide: Your Guide to Non-GMO Foods

The term genetically modified organism or GMO is sneaking into many news stories as of late. Consumers are becoming more vocal about their rights to know what is in the food they’re purchasing. Currently, the U.S. has no laws requiring companies to label their foods as a GMO. Thankfully, The Center for Food Safety has created a food guide to aid shoppers the next time they head to the store.

The True Food Shopper’s Guide is a perfect tool for those looking to navigate any grocery store and avoid purchasing the unlabeled GMOs on the shelf. GMOs are foods that have been created in a lab. In these GMO labs, genes are artificially inserted into the DNA of foods crops or animals. The resulting GMO can be engineered with genes from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals, or even humans.

When polled, the majority of Americans said they would not choose a GMO food, if it were labeled. Since we do not have the luxury of labels, unlike most other industrialized countries, knowing what our foods contain is a mystery. However, the shopper’s guide takes away the wonder and puts the right to know back in the consumer’s hands. (more…)

Best Foods to Eat to Stop Exercise Pain Before it Starts

By Gale Tern

One of the best ways to lose weight and feel better is through exercise. Science tells us that regular exercise makes us healthier and increases our feelings of well-being. The release of chemicals within our bodies called endorphins is what induces that good feeling and even reduces our perception of pain. However, exercise sometimes comes with the price of soreness, aches and pain. But minor aches and pains should not prevent you from getting your workout on.

Here are some things you can do to prevent injury and the hurt that sometimes comes with exercise.  

Before Workout

1. Drink plenty of purified water throughout the day before you start exercising. This will hydrate your body and reduce cramping and soreness during and after your routine.

2. Consume anti-inflammatory herbs and nutrients such as tart cherry juice, ginger, vitamin C, and turmeric. Try drinking 8 ounces of tart cherry juice before you exercise. You can dilute it with water if it is too tart. In addition, you can add anti-inflammatory herbs like ginger powder and turmeric to your favorite fish and chicken dishes.

3. Stay away from alcoholic beverages before you exercise. They can dehydrate you and lead to cramps and soreness.

4. Add one teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate not baking powder) to 8 ounces of water. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach at least one hour prior to exercise. Sports scientists learned several years ago that baking soda taken before athletic performances not only increased performance but reduced soreness and cramping afterwards. That’s because baking soda reduces lactic acid build-up in our muscles. (more…)

Green Coffee Bean Supplement Equals Weight Loss Without Diet or Exercise

When weight loss is the goal, most professionals will only recommend two prescriptions: diet and exercise. There is no magic pill that will create healthy and lasting weight loss, or at least there wasn’t. Even health professionals are surprised by the findings that green coffee beans are having on weight loss.

The baffling research is showing that individuals who take green coffee bean supplements are losing weight despite exercising or even dieting.

The recent green coffee bean study was published in the Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Journal. The research followed 16 adults who supplemented their diet with green coffee bean for 12 weeks. Throughout the study, the subjects lost an average of 17 pounds each. These individuals changed nothing about their lifestyle other than taking the supplement and ended up losing 10.5% of their overall body weight and 16% of their overall body fat.

Another perk? No side effects were reported during the study. In a country where obesity is literally an epidemic, this news about green coffee beans is amazing. (more…)

A How-to Guide for Medifast Lean and Green Meals

The Medifast weight loss program is a great one for those that want to lose weight quickly through meal replacement.

While on the Medifast program, participants have five meals that are all prepared by Medifast, and in addition, one daily ‘Lean & Green’ meal. The Lean & Green meal consists of five to seven ounces of lean protein, three servings of vegetables, and up to two healthy fats, depending on your lean protein choices. Dieters can choose to have their Lean & Green meal at any point during the day and can also divide it up into two different portions and eat half of it at a time.

Some tips for choosing your lean portion of the meal include meats that are grilled, baked, broiled or poached – but nothing fried. Also strive to eat at least two servings of fish per week that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Some of the seven-ounce options for the lean portion of the meal include fish, shellfish, game meat, ground turkey or any other meat that is 98 percent lean, or meatless options like egg whites and egg beaters. (more…)