Diet and Nutrition

Dr. Oz Will Discuss the New Science Behind “Eat More, Weigh Less”

Dr. Oz will have all of our attention on this Friday’s episode of The Dr. Oz Show. He’s claiming that there are ways to eat more and weigh less. This is the premise for his upcoming “Snack Attack” episode.

Dr. Oz will be discussing new science that proves snacking on the right foods at the right time can turn a body into a fat burning machine. The episode will be teaching viewers what and when to eat. Dr. Oz will be displaying foods that target specific problems. One high protein snack is being called the “belly blasting tri-fecta.” He’ll also be giving food alternatives to curb salt cravings and kill a sweet tooth. Perhaps the most enticing snack Dr. Oz will discuss is one that he says will keep one full for two and a half hours. In addition to all these snacks, many more simple and quick snacks will be announced.

Gail Simmons will also be joining the show on Friday. Simmons is a trained culinary expert, a food writer, and a television personality. Simmons is a regular judge on Top Chef and is the host of Top Chef: Just Desserts. Simmons’ new book, Talking with My Mouth Full, was just recently released. The memoir is said to trace Simmons’ career, how she started as a young chef and became a professional eater. Hopefully the pro will weigh in on the snack menu as well.


Switch Hands During Meals or Snacks to Prevent Mindless Eating

By Abra Pappa for

Have you ever sat in front of the TV with a full pint of ice cream and before you know it your spoon is scraping the bottom of the container, yet you have no memory of tasting beyond the first five bites? Or, how about that full bowl of popcorn that you were just going to have a few nibbles of, why is there nothing but salt and butter residue on the bottom of the bowl? How did it happen? How did you go from knowingly consuming a few bites to unknowingly finishing the entire thing? This, my friends, is mindless eating. Mindless eating is one of the biggest dietary pitfalls that keeps you trapped in an unhealthy relationship with food and your body.

Mindless eating happens for a variety of reasons, from eating out of boredom to eating out of sadness. The eating functions to block an uncomfortable emotion and as its name suggests it happens without any awareness at all, it is of course, mind-less.

Mindless eating is best addressed with a good healthy dose of mindfulness. Bringing a sense of mindfulness to all instances of eating can literally stop the compulsion in its tracks. Geneen Roth, New York Times Bestselling author and weight loss guru, says it best, “Awareness and compulsion cannot coexist.” As we begin to tap into awareness, or mindfulness, eating compulsion can begin to subside.

As it turns out, tapping into mindfulness can be as simple as the ‘ol switch-a-roo. (more…)

Best Life Announces Member Panel in Honor of 5th Anniversary

bob greene's best life dietThe online diet program Best Life, created by Bob Greene, is celebrating its fifth anniversary by launching a “Best Life Member Panel.” The panel is made up of successful Best Life members who have volunteered their time to share their experiences and help others along their weight loss journeys. They will be available to answer questions from other members, in addition to sharing their stories and advice over the course of the next six months.

“We are always looking for the best way to answer our members’ questions, and also give the most up-to-date information about nutrition, exercise and weight loss,” Bob Greene told DietsInReview. “We thought the best way to do that is with a format like this, where it incorporates the voices of the experts.”

Combined, the ten members have lost nearly 440 pounds, and many have maintained weight loss for a number of years while others are still working towards their goal weights. “It really is a nice mix of people,” says Susan Rubio, who is joining the panel. She has been a member of The Best Life for five years, and runs an exercise thread on one of the community boards. “I really feel like the program has done so much for me that I really want to be able to pay it forward,” she says.


Shaun T. Joins Dr. Oz to Reveal Revolutionary Fitness Secrets

On Wednesday Dr. Oz will be welcoming fitness superstar Shaun T. to his stage. He’s being billed as the “man with the miracle plan to bring your body back.”

Shaun T., or Shaun Thompson, is the face and body behind Hip Hop Abs and Insanity. Both are at-home workouts that have been sold on DVD to millions. Shaun is going to reveal how he’s helped thousands of women get fit and back into their skinny clothes. Many before and after pictures and Insanity subscribers will be present during the show to prove his methods work.

Shaun will be letting us all in on the techniques behind the Insanity workouts that make them so effective. He claims that in just 15 minutes a day one can see a major transformation in their bodies. The workouts are a maximum interval training method, which is a method of exercising where one works out strenuously for 3-4 minutes and the rests for about 30 seconds before ramping up again. All of Shaun T.’s workouts can be done without a gym and in your own home. He states, “all you need is your body.”

Shaun will also be revealing his three revolutionary rules to burn fat all day long. He emphasizes that there are ways to keep burning fat even while you’re not working out. Dr. Oz and Shaun will cover some major dietary boosters to help people meet their weight loss and fitness goals.


Joe Bastianich’s Heart-Healthy Diet Includes Pasta, Wine, Gelato, and Ironmans

So you’re an Italian who loves good food, even better wine, and you have your name behind some of the finest restaurants in the country. Sounds like the good life, right? Then, you visit the doctor and learn that you have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and you’re going to have to make some changes. For many, this would be an end to the road of a life of feel-good, taste-good indulgence. However, it might have just been the beginning for Joe Bastianich.

“I’m enthusiastic to share how healthy living transformed my own life,” Joe told us in an interview. His diagnosis of these early indicators for heart disease forced him to make some changes in his lifestyle, and the result is inspiring and attainable for anyone. He credits diet, exercise and medication with helping him to “no longer have any medical conditions.”

Joe has previously taken Lipitor, a popular cholesterol-lowering drug that he also represents, and follows a heart-healthy diet and a daily fitness regimen which he credits with helping him to change the course of his health. “Lipitor, regular exercise, and a new way of thinking about food and eating,” point this proud Italian in a better direction.

He says he fell in love with running, something that is “very much a part of my life.” Last year he completed the world championship ironman competition in Kona, Hawaii, and next month you’ll see him running the LA Marathon. He’s looking at a half-ironman competition in Italy this summer, too. For him, “running, cycling, and swimming is my personal time, my meditation time.” More than his fitness and general health, his training contributes to his “mental health and overall productivity.” He takes time every day to eat right and allow himself to train. (more…)

Is Chipotle’s Softer Approach More Effective Than Scare Tactics? [VIDEO]

Chipotle, the fast casual restaurant known for using local and fresh ingredients got in on the lime light during Sunday’s Grammy Awards too. The Mexican chain aired a two minute commercial depicting the harsh realities of food production and food distribution in the United States. Animated scenes illustrated how the once healthy family farm has turned into a manufacturing plant with bloated unhealthy animals processed more like car parts than food.

The commercial is set to the tune of Willie Nelson covering Coldplay’s song, The Scientist. The chorus lyrics state, “I’m going back to the start.” This also narrates the scene when the farmer is fed up with modern practices and begins to return his farm into what it once was; open fields, not cages, with healthy animals, not medicated overgrown products.

While the message is stark, the ad itself isn’t off putting. The soft song mixed with cute, little, animated animals makes you stop and think without grossing you out or scaring you into vegetarianism. Chipotle has always taken a positive stance with their food. The company’s motto is even “food with integrity.” Chipotle’s sales for 2024 were up 11.2% and net income was up 20%.

Other recent ad campaigns regarding health have recently come under fire for scaring and bullying people into eating healthier. A New York Department of Health ad campaign linking large portions to type 2 diabetes and amputation really got people talking (us included.) Another health campaign by Strong4Life in Georgia started major backlash on Twitter. The obesity ads depicted overweight children with slogans like, “WARNING: It’s hard to be a little girl, if you’re not.” These ads were meant to motivate with fear and even a little sadness.

Tim Ferriss’ Surprising Health and Weight Loss Secrets on The Dr. Oz Show

Tim Ferriss is the author of the best selling book The 4 Hour Body and a self-proclaimed human guinea pig. He’s tested many health and fitness theories on his own body to be able to provide fully researched and proven advice for some of our biggest health complaints. He shared some new and very interesting things he has learned on Dr. Oz’s show recently.

Ferriss covers the spectrum of human health. From metabolism to mood, he offered some great insight and very unique remedies to our biggest issues.

The 5-minute deep freeze is the method Ferris advised as a metabolism booster. The deep freeze is a cold shower ranging from 5 to 30 minutes. The cold temperatures are said to activate brown fat, the fat-burning tissue that burns energy to keep us warm. Shivering in the cold shower indicates that energy is being used to keep the body temperature up, therefore boosting your metabolism.

Millions of people are taking prescription antidepressants to keep their serotonin levels high and keep their moods positive. Ferriss explained that 90% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut so eating fermented food such as kimchi (Korean pickled cabbage) and its healthy probiotic bacteria will help serotonin in your gut move to the brain. Lacto-fermented food such as sauerkraut or plain yogurt can also aid in increasing serotonin levels and increasing mood.


Half-Portions Offer Restaurant Goers Calorie Savings

entree and side dish of riceResearchers found that one third of customers opt for half portions of rice or noodles when given the option, even when the cost in not significantly less. Cutting down the serving size of starchy sides like these can represent a major calories savings, even when the entree remained the same.

The research was conduced at a popular Chinese restaurant not far from Duke University, typically frequented by students, staff and visitors to the campus hospital. The standard serving of rice or noodles is 10 ounces for 400 calories. Patrons where asked, “Would you like a half-order to save 200 calories?” Depending on the day, 14 to 33 percent of patrons said yes. Moreover, those who ordered the smaller side dishes also ate less, the researchers determined.

The researchers also tested to see if adding calorie counts to menus and offering a small discount for smaller servings would motivate patrons to eat less, however these changes did not affect ordering habits. We’re more likely respond to visual cues to tell us how much to eat, rather than slowing down and waiting for our bodies to trigger feelings of fullness.


Nutrisystem Chef’s Table Meals Impress Our Taste Testers and Dietitian Alike

Just days before the new year Nutrisystem announced its new program, Nutrisystem Success, and a new spokesperson, Janet Jackson. With a focus on fresher, higher quality foods and updated dietary guidance, we were immediately interested in finding out for you what was really going on in those little frozen boxes.

We haven’t always been generous in our reviews of the Nutrisystem product. Shelf-stable, packaged, processed foods that sometimes leave little more to be desired than a freeze-dried, just-add-water hamburger or hotdog didn’t exactly send us on a path of praise. So believe us when we say we’re very impressed with Nutrisystem’s Chef’s Table line, part of Nutrisystem Success.

Nutrisystem Success is a refreshing change to what’s expected of their product. When the large cooler showed up at my office I knew we were headed in the right direction. Inside, packed in dry ice, were the seven Chef’s Table meals. The cooler is how each Nutrisystem Success customer receives their meals. I’d already heard quite a bit about them during my previous interview with Michael Solomonov, one of the five premiere chefs who created these new meals for the brand.

“With the guidance of the educated people at Nutrisystem, we’re highly motivated to make the best possible food for people to diet, lose weight, and keep it off,” Solomonov told us. He credits the expertise, creativity, and high level of technology the chefs were working with to allow them to come up with meals that inspire great change for Nutrisystem.

Each meal comes in a well-designed box, as any frozen meal would, and includes a brief profile of the chef who created it. On the Chef’s Table Moroccan Inspired Chicken package you’ll find Michael Solomonov; it’s a meal Nutrisystem users have already given four out of five stars. The technology he speaks of is a steamer bag that simulates poaching. “We can extract as much flavor as possible with lower sodium and fat that are low on the glycemic index,” notes Solomonov.


We brought in taste testers to give the Nutrisystem Success Chef’s Table meals a try. They were given no information other than the instruction to share their brutally honest opinions. Our taste testers were a trio of sisters who stair step in ages from 49 to 52. One is married, one is engaged, and one is single. Each works a full-time job; two have adult children. Two of them have used Nutrisystem previously; all of them have tried a variety of diets. A few months ago they challenged one another to a weight loss challenge, so they seemed like the perfect people to try these meals.

We met on a Sunday afternoon, just in time for everyone to be hungry for lunch. And they were! Following the package instructions, we placed each meal in the microwave for about five minutes. Unlike typical frozen meals, these don’t come with trays inside, the food is just neatly arranged inside the steamer bags. We placed each bag on a plate and had to carefully open them (if you pick it up like a bag of popcorn you’ll have a mess and disarrayed meal on your hands). This was especially true of the Butternut Squash ravioli, which was quite messy and happened to be the least-liked meal, with a score of 1.6.

On a scale of 1-5, the meals received an average score 3.4 from our taste testers. Their near unanimous favorites were the Arroz Con Pollo with a 4.6 score, and the Adobo Pork (which was also our favorite) with a 4.3 score.

We were all immediately struck by the aroma of the meals, which filled the entire house. In almost every instance the food perfectly matched the pictures on the boxes. They didn’t appear processed or of low quality; instead, the food looked as fresh as possible and we were glad to see that it tasted that way too. Fresh herbs and spices were very noticeable. Our taste testers made frequent mention of the generous portions – you didn’t have to go hunting for meat or pieces of sweet potato or other vegetables. By the end, each of our taste testers said they felt full and satisfied. They unanimously agreed that they would recommend these meals to others.

See this slideshow for a look at their review, scores, and comments on each of the seven Chef’s Table meals.

View Nutrisystem Chef's Table Review Slideshow


After our taste testers were more than satisfied, we handed the packages over to our resident dietitian, Mary Hartley, RD. Overall, Mary says that the Nutrisystem Success Chef’s Table meals are “fine” and “okay.”

In almost all cases the meals matched her criteria for healthy frozen foods:

< 250 Calories
< 7g Fat
< 2g Saturated Fat
< 350 mg Sodium
> 2g Fiber
<7g Sugar

“These meals are basically OK, although the beef and ricotta have a bit too much sodium and saturated fat, as would be expected for those foods,” she said. Too much sodium was the biggest offender for exceeding those benchmarks. Surely they aren’t using it for flavor, because all of the herbs, spices, and produce offer plenty of that on their own.

Within the ingredient lists themselves, nothing stood out to us as alarming. In fact, we were quite impressed with the simplicity of the ingredients. As Mary noted, “I don’t see any unsafe ingredients such as artificial colorings, BHA, or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.” The ingredient lists might look lengthy, but Mary says it’s only because they spell out the sub-ingredients.

“I approve and do not see any red flags,” is her final thought. “These foods are fine for those that like them, and they are much better than the old Nutrisystem food.”


From our staff, to our dietitian and our taste testers, everyone agreed that the Nutrisystem Chef’s Table meals are a far cry from anything they’ve served customers before. And we all mean that in the best way possible! The expertise of the chefs involved in creating these meals is evident, and it’s clear that Nutrisystem has prioritized making meals as simple as possible that truly provide their customers something that’s good for them and good to eat.

See the latest Nutrisystem Coupons to get started!

Overeating Linked to Higher Risk of Memory Loss

doughnut with pink frostingNew research from the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ has found that elderly patients who eat higher levels of calories are more likely to suffer from memory loss. Researchers found that patients who overeat the most were twice as likely to suffer from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as patients who ate less than 1,526 per day. MCI is a form of memory loss that is more severe than normal age-related memory loss and less severe than Alzheimer’s. The study was led by Yonas Geda and will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s conference in April.

The survey analyzed the eating habits of 1,233 dementia-free participants between the ages of 70 and 89. The participants self-reported their daily eating habits, and were divided into three groups depending on their caloric intake. The lowest group consumed less than 1,526 calories per day, the middle group ate 1,526 to 2,143 calories, and the highest group ate between 2,143 and 6,000.

The results were adjusted to account for other factors that have been shown to affect memory, including level of education, diabetes and a history of strokes. Although researchers do not understand the biomechanics that link higher levels of calories to brain function, they theorized that unnecessary calories stimulate stress hormones in the brain that may contribute to memory loss.


The Doctors Explore the Science of Love for Valentine’s Day

The Doctors are going to get us all in the mood for love this Valentine’s Day with a jam packed episode planned for February 14th as they dive into the science behind love.

The Doctors will be welcoming back “Sexpert” Dr. Ruth Westheimer. Dr. Ruth will be addressing the audience’s most curious sex questions.

Amongst the advice from Dr. Ruth, The Doctors will be giving quite a bit of their own. Keeping with the romance theme, the benefits of making out will be explained. Did you know that kissing releases the “love hormone” oxytocin? Or how about the fact that the lips have 100 times more the nerve endings than the fingertips? They also determine making out can slim you. A couple makes out the entire episode while hooked up to heart monitors and calorie counters and burn a whopping 575 calories!

Dr. Ordon will chime in with ways to get the skin ready for your big Valentine’s Day date. He introduces two romantic and healthy facial recipes. An organic chocolate-covered cherry facial is sensual and medicinal as cocoa can fight free radicals and cherries are a natural anti-inflammatory. He also offers an emerald and roses facial comprised of a green tea mask and rose petals. The tea can prevent wrinkles and the rose petals seal in moisture.