Diet and Nutrition

Activision and Pepsi Promote Childhood Obesity

Kids are heavier than ever and get too little exercise, as school physical fitness has nearly evaporated and home activities revolve around computer games. So, to ensure that the computer time is extraordinarily bad for kids’ health, Activision and Pepsi have teamed up in a cross-promotion from Hell.

Activision and Pepsi have come up with “Rank Up XP,” a cross-promotional deal that is implemented via the new video game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The offer goes like this: When gamers buy certain Pepsi products, such as Mountain Dew or Doritos, they get redeemable codes to use for “Double XP time” in Call of Duty. Since I’m not familiar with the game, I can only say that it gives people a distinct advantage (presumably in Internet play?). (more…)

4 Ways to Eat Your Yogurt

By Jennipher Walters for

I have such an on-again, off-again relationship with yogurt. I’ll eat it daily or twice daily for a month and then, out of the blue, drop it like a hot potato. Which is dumb. Because that “hot potato” is full of good-for-your-tummy bacteria, calcium and deliciousness. Whether it’s a flavored yogurt or plain yogurt that you snazz up with some mix-ins, I have now realized that I should have never broken up with yogurt, even if it’s just for a weekend. Hopefully, yogurt will take me back. Check out our ideas below to keep your yogurt-relationship full of surprise and nutritious excitement!


An Apple a Day: Healthy Recipes and Cooking Tips for Fall’s Favorite Fruit

Late August marks the beginning of apple season around the country and while a lot of farms in your home state might offer apple trees ripe for the picking, Washington, New York and Michigan are the top three apple-producing states in the nation.

Even if you know your apple types, you might still find yourself confused by the apple varieties on the market and hanging from the trees at your local farm. While different types of apples have different culinary applications, most apple varieties work in sweet or savory recipes.

Apple Popularity

According to the Michigan Apple Committee, the Honeycrisp variety, which is only available in September and October, is continually growing in popularity. Honeycrisp has a crisp, juicy bite and a sweet flavor, perfect for eating or adding to salads.


Fat Tax Levied in Denmark

It’s finally happened: a fat tax is being implemented. Before you get hot under the collar, it’s not happening stateside. Yet. Denmark is the country bringing about the first tax to directly attack obesity.

“It’s the first ever fat tax,” said Mike Rayner, Director of Oxford University’s Health Promotion Research Group, who has advocated for quite some time the idea of taxes on unhealthy foods.

“It’s very interesting. We haven’t had any practical examples before. Now we will be able to see the effects for real.” (more…)

Biggest Loser’s Simply Sensible Meals Make Dinner for Two a No-Brainer

So you want to eat like a Loser? Then Simply Sensible meals seem like an easy solution. You’ve probably seen them in your grocery store, in the refrigerated prepared meals section. They’re relatively affordable, about five dollars for a meal that will feed two people.

But are they really that good for you? We spoke with Cheryl Forberg, RD, the nutritionist for Biggest Loser, and she told us that she was involved with the creation of the Simply Sensible meals, albeit “not in the kitchen.” We also spoke with Mary Hartley, RD, the nutrition director at Calorie Count, for a more third-party voice.

“Anything with the Biggest Loser brand is something I look at,” Forberg told us about her involvement with the show’s branded foods items. “This is especially true of the [Biggest Loser] eating plan because I co-wrote it.”

Forgerg explained that the meals were developed based on the Biggest Loser eating plan, a balance of lean protein, carbs, and good fats. (more…)

A Guide to Healthy Fall and Winter Squash

During the spring and summer, a lot of the produce at the farmers market is familiar: fresh tomatoes, bright yellow ears of sweet local corn and bell peppers so large they’re nearly unidentifiable.

When autumn rolls around, it’s not hard to spot familiar apples and pumpkins, but you might find yourself overwhelmed with the variety of squash that suddenly fills the produce stands.

To keep you from falling victim to any winter squash conundrums, we’ve pulled together a guide of some of the most common, and some of the lesser known, types of winter squash you might come across this season.


Ocean Spray and Chef Ming Tsai Create a Cranberry Bog in NYC for a Few Lucky Fans

Ever dined in Rockefeller Center? Ever dined in a cranberry bog in Rockefeller Center? Seems crazy, but will be a reality for a few select guests this month.

Ocean Spray is hosting a limited invite event on October 18. The 30 guests lucky enough to attend “The Cranberry Mix & MINGle” will dine in a pop-up restaurant inside the makeshift bog. Attendees will be treated to creations from the famed Chef Ming Tsai. The foods and drinks will all be cranberry inspired and infused. From Ming’s cranberry “mocktails” to savory dishes, the coveted seats will be well fed.

Ocean Spray hosted a Facebook recipe contest to win tickets to the event. Contestants were to submit cranberry themed recipes for a chance to win a cranberry themed trip to New York City.


Nutrisystem’s Newest Deal: Lowest Prices of the Year

Nutrisystem FoodsIf you’re looking to slim down before the holidays, you’re in luck, because Nutrisystem just announced their fall sale. The lowest prices of the year, signing up for this meal-delivery service can cost you as little as $3.00 per meal. During this special offer, the basic four-week women’s plan with auto-delivery has been reduced from $352.23 to $233.28, and the equivalent men’s program has been reduced from $385.56 to $263.28.

Many people find that meal delivery services are a convenient way to lose weight, because it takes away the hassle and temptation of grocery shopping. Nutrisystem is one of the biggest names in meal delivery, providing customers with calorie-controlled pre-prepared meals and snacks. They offer tailored plans for men, women, seniors, vegetarians and diabetics. On Nutrisystem, you can expect to lose one to two pounds per week.

Take Advantage of This Special Fall Sale Here!


Tune-In: An HCG Diet Experiment on Dr. Drew’s LifeChangers

Tune in Tuesday, October 4, 2025 as Dr. Drew addresses the HCG Diet.

Dr. Drew’s LifeChangers will follow a viewer as they complete the controversial HCG diet. The show will highlight the pros and cons of the newest diet craze and the episode will also feature a nutritionist explaining the dangers and benefits of other popular diets such as the Paleo diet, the gluten-free diet, and the Dukan diet.

Check out Tuesday’s show for lots of information regarding safe weight loss and weight maintenance.

Tune-In: Biggest Loser’s Dolvett Quince on Rachael Ray

Tune in Tuesday, October 4, 2025 for personal trainer powerhouse Dolvett Quince on The Rachael Ray Show.

The Biggest Loser’s newest trainer Quince will be in the studio answering questions as the audience gets to know this new celeb trainer. Quince will also be giving tips for healthy snacks, including a figure-friendly treat to enjoy while watching TV (but only The Biggest Loser, of course!)

Be sure to check out Tuesday’s episode of Rachael Ray to learn some important tips from on an important subject!

Gluten Free Treats for Classroom Halloween Parties

October brings about the official start of holiday parties. For parents of school aged children, this season will last all the way until February. It’s a fun and exciting time for kids. It can also be a frustrating time for a child with a gluten allergy.

The season kicks off with Halloween and fall classroom parties. Whether you’re the parent of a child with gluten allergies or needing to be conscience of other children, there are several easy and fun treats you can prepare.

While there are many brands of gluten free flours to make particular baked goods, this list is comprised of items that are naturally gluten free and available at all stores. When it’s understood how easy gluten free cooking is, it’s even simpler to make the extra effort to accommodate.
