Diet and Nutrition

We Love Van’s Muffin Crowns

Muffins are one of those things we quickly give up when we start watching our weight. And for good reason. Some the size of a softball made with starchy white flour, butter, loads of sugar, and likely some syrupy canned version of what used to be fruit combine to make a breakfast that will have you crashing before you can wash it down with coffee. Or, there are Van’s muffins. If you need a muffin fix, then reach for these.

Found in the frozen natural foods section at most major grocery stores (we’ve found ours at Super Target and Kroger), these make a nice addition to a balanced breakfast. We actually prefer them as dessert.

The best part is, it’s not a softball-sized muffin. It’s actually the best part of the muffin – the muffin tops, or as Van’s calls them, muffin crowns. In a portion-crazed world, these are just right for a quick breakfast, a snack, or a dessert. (more…)

Going Vegan? 5 Ways to Transition to a Plant-Based Diet

By Jenilee Matz

If you doubted that veganism is gaining popularity, then let this be a sign that it is. Former President Bill Clinton is a vegan, and let’s be honest — if Bubba can do it, so can anyone.

What’s a vegan? Vegetarians don’t eat meat, but vegans take it a step further. A vegan doesn’t eat meat, dairy, eggs, or other animal products such as honey. A vegan eats a strictly plant-based diet. People choose to follow this diet for health, environmental, or ethical reasons.

At first glance, following a vegan diet may seem overwhelming, if not impossible. But it doesn’t have to be. These five tips can help make the transition to veganism easier:

1. Don’t go cold turkey on animal products. Instead, gradually wean yourself off non-vegan foods. If you’re making a chicken stir-fry, only use half your usual amount of chicken and replace the other half with tofu. Continue to reduce the amount of animal protein you use, and increase the amount of plant-based protein until you don’t miss the animal protein at all. Try these other vegan substitutions: (more…)

Simple Ways to Keep it Healthy This School Year

Getting children ready for school can be a daunting task. There are new clothes to buy, new books to pick up, and a plethora of new after school events to add to the schedule.

Perhaps that is why finding time to prepare and provide nutritious meals and snacks can be such a challenge for many parents who want to give their children the best school experience they can. Unfortunately, not giving higher priority to what types of foods our kids eat can actually hurt their performance in school.

You don’t have to carve out hours of time or be an expert chef to ensure that your children eat healthy throughout the school year. In fact, incorporating just a few of the following healthy eating tips can get your family eating well without missing any of the important events that make school time a memorable experience.


Learn How to be a More Intuitive Eater

By Lisa Turner for

As obsessed as we are with food and diets, you’d think we’d be thin and healthy by now. So why are we Americans still universally less-than-fit and soft around the middle?

The fact is, diet tips, rules and tricks won’t work if we’re ignoring the mental and emotional side of eating. Why do we still overeat—or eat the wrong things? Most of the time, when we’re craving cookies, we’re really hungry for love, sex, friendship, peace, a sense of purpose and meaning. And when you’re gripped by that kind of hunger, all the tips and tricks in the world won’t save you.

Next time you’re ready to embark on the next fix-me-fast diet, try something different: instead of focusing on the food, tune in to address the emotions that make you stray. Here’s how to start: (more…)

An Early Holiday Survival Guide

Maruchy Lachance is president of Running Ninja!, a lifestyle brand for runners by runners. Running Ninja! offers a wide variety of apparel and gifts for runners to keep you happy and inspired while you’re on the run.

We are still a couple of months away from the holiday season, but now is the best time to start planning to avoid the stress and time constraints that may undermine your year’s worth of hard work! Begin by listing all your holiday stressors, then come up with simple solutions for each. My rule of thumb is “keep it simple.”

Holiday shopping: I no longer shop, I send checks. While many say this is impersonal, I assure you no one has ever returned my gift and the bonus is that it saves me time, money and my sanity! If you must shop then try online shopping, or purchase your gifts and decorations before the holiday rush. (more…)

20 Reasons Bacteria Does a Body Good

By Michelle Schoffro Cook for

It may come as a surprise to learn that there are many reasons to love bacteria, but after pouring through medical journals, I found that there are at least 20 reasons to love health-supporting probiotic bacteria. They include:

1. Digestion and Nutrition

Certain types of bacteria help ensure that food is adequately broken down and that the nutri­ents are synthesized and absorbed by the body.

2. Anti-Toxic Effects

Probiotic bacteria help to ensure that toxins are not absorbed into the blood and at the same time, help keep harmful bacteria in check. This aids gut and immune system health.

3. Allergies

Research by scientists at the Osaka University School of Medicine found that certain probiotics were effective in the treatment of nasal and sinus symptoms linked to allergies. Published in International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, the specific strains they found to be effective include: Lactobacilli casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, L. acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium longum. (more…)

Chris Pratt Too Fat for Movie Role

Chris Pratt, best known for his role on Parks and Recreation, was in for a shock when he auditioned for a rare dramatic movie role: he was told he was too fat.

“My agent called me and said, ‘Chris, they really thought you were good, but they think you’re too fat,'” says Pratt. He seemed to take it in stride: “I was like, ‘F*ck, really? That sucks. OK, well, I can lose weight. Did you tell them I could lose weight?’

And that’s what he did. Pratt proceeded to a three-month period of hitting the gym and in that time he didn’t even know he had the part yet. Thirty pounds down, he finally found out he got the supporting role in the Brad Pitt-led project “Moneyball” playing major league catcher and first baseman Scott Hatteberg. Pitt plays Billy Bean, the general manager of the Oakland A’s. (more…)

Del Monte Files a Lawsuit Against the FDA for Cantaloupe Recall

We should be able to trust the Food and Drug Administration to protect us against foods that might not be safe for our consumption, right? I never would have questioned this before, but after Del Monte Fresh Produce recently filed a lawsuit that could have long-term consequences against the regulatory organization, I am starting to have my doubts.

Let me explain: The FDA recently forced Del Monte to halt the importation of its Guatemalan cantaloupes because there was a possibility that the fruits could have been contaminated with salmonella. Then, Del Monte fired back against the FDA with a lawsuit. This all seems like standard operations, but the problem is that in the future, it is possible that the FDA will become more reluctant to issue warnings against possibly-contaminated foods for fear of being taken to court.


Mineral Basics: Your Complete Guide to Iron

Although iron is classified as a trace mineral, it’s essential for overall health. Many of the body’s functions rely on iron and if you get too little, your body can’t function properly. On the flip side, getting too much can also be detrimental to your health.

There are two main types of iron; heme and non-heme. Heme iron is the type found in meat, poultry and fish. Non-heme, on the other hand, can be found in both plant and animal sources. The biggest difference between the two types is how well the body absorbs them. Heme iron is much more easily absorbed by the body than non-heme iron, yet most of our dietary supply comes from non-heme sources. Enriched breads and cereals, lentils, legumes, dark leafy greens, and some dried fruits are foods rich in this type of iron. Although the iron found in these foods is typically harder to absorb, your can improve your body’s absorption rate by pairing your non-heme-rich food sources with a food high in heme iron, vitamin C, citric or lactic acid, and certain sugars.

Most of the body’s iron is found within two proteins: hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin is found in the body’s red blood cells while myoglobin is found in the muscle cells. In both, iron helps accept, carry, and release oxygen to the cells of the body. In addition, iron keeps your immune system strong and helps your body produce energy.


SkinnyGirl Cocktails Eliminated from Whole Foods’ Shelves

Natural grocer Whole Foods recently decided to pull the popular SkinnyGirl cocktail line from their shelves.

Whole Foods claims that the low calorie alcohol beverages contain unnatural ingredients. Lisa DeFazio, MS, RD, and Hollywood Nutrition Expert, said that Whole Foods allegedly removed the popular beverages because they contained caramel coloring, which was not within their definition of “natural.”

According to the Whole Foods blog, natural can be quite a complicated definition.

“‘Natural,’ on the other hand, doesn’t have a strong governmental definition when it comes to food, so my team (the Quality Standards Team) spends quite a lot of time defining which ingredients make up the natural foods we sell in our stores. The basic tenets of our standard require that our products are free of artificial preservatives, colors, flavors, sweeteners and hydrogenated fats,” Joe Dickson, Global Quality Standards Coordinator for Whole Foods wrote.


5 Low-Calorie Drinks for Labor Day

By Jenn Walters for

Summer may be winding down with Labor Day weekend, but there’s still time to squeeze in some summer fun, whether it’s throwing a barbecue or swimming in the pool. If, along with your final summer hurrah, you’re looking for something to drink that won’t derail your diet, read on for the five low-calorie beverages we’re sipping on—in moderation and with a designated driver, of course!

5 Low-Calorie Alcoholic Summer Drinks

1. Michelob Ultra Lime Cactus. While lime in a beer seems a tad weird in, like, January, in June it’s pretty much perfect for summertime drinkin’—light with a little refreshing citrus. Plus, a 12-ounce serving contains just 95 calories.

2. Bella Bella Bellini. This bellini recipe is a peach—in a good way! Only 94 calories and with enough fruity flavor to make you feel like you’re vacationing in the tropics even if you’re just in your backyard, it’s easy to make, too!

3. Skinnygirl Margarita. After getting hooked on Bethenny Frankel’s reality TV shows, we just had to try her Skinnygirl Margarita. You won’t be fooled into thinking this is the margarita from your favorite Mexican restaurant, but it is just sweet enough to please, and it definitely satisfied our margarita tooth (like a sweet tooth for margaritas, obviously). At 100 cals for a 4-ounce serving, it’s perfect treat for a summer day. Don’t want to spend the dough on the pre-made stuff? Make this skinny margarita recipe yourself!
