Diet and Nutrition

Restaurant Menus Inaccurately Count Calories

In an effort to meet consumer expectations and comply with new state regulations, most restaurants and fast food joints have begun listing calorie counts on their menus. This information is used by consumers to make educated and well thought-out decisions about their meals. It’s supposed to help fight obesity by allowing the health-conscious population to enjoy eating out without entirely giving up on their nutritional goals.

A study was recently published in the Journal of American Medical Association that exposes the truth about restaurant menus. According to CBS News, nearly one in every five restaurant menus contains inaccurate calorie counts. In most instances, the laboratory results revealed a measly 10 calorie difference. However, some menu items (close to 20 percent) contained more than 100 calories over what the menu claimed, with one dish setting the record for inaccuracy at being 1,000 calories off.


Popular Fast Food Chains Commit to Healthier Kid’s Meals

Finally some good news to report about the fast food and restaurant industry! Nineteen restaurant chains have committed to making their kid meal options healthier. In a new era where one in three children are obese and where eating out is more of a norm verses a special indulgence, this is wonderful news.

The initiative is called “Kids Live Well”, and this voluntary action has select restaurants committing to reduce the calories and improve the nutritional value of the meals they advertise to children. The meals will now be comprised of increased fruit and vegetable offerings, a lean protein, whole grains, and a low fat dairy product. All participants have agreed to make certain all meals are 600 calories or less.

Burger King is one of the restaurants involved in the movement. They may be the shining star of the group as they have made a decision to make apples and milk or juice the default choices for their kid’s meals. While fries and soda will still be available, they will have to be requested. Studies have shown that menu items set as the default options are what the consumers primarily stick with.


Keys to Long Life Found on Tiny Greek Island

Experts appear to have found the secret to longevity and it resides in the small Aegean island of Ikaria: siestas (short naps), a healthy diet, and oh yeah, genetics.

Conducted by Greek cardiologists, a study examined more than 1,400 residents of Ikaria (there is just a population of 8,000) over several months in 2025. Thirteen percent of those polled were over 80 years old and more than one percent were over 90.

“While in the rest of Europe only 0.1 percent of the population is over 90 years old, in Ikaria the figure is tenfold, 1.1 percent,” said Christina Chrysohoou, a cardiologist at the Athens university school of medicine. (more…)

Watermelon’s Numerous Health Benefits and a Watermelon Agua Fresca Recipe

By Terri Hall for

Some foods are fun to eat, and watermelon is definitely one of them. That triangular wedge of bright red/white/green and sweet juiciness forbids us to take life too seriously and shout, “SUMMER!!!” As if that weren’t enough, watermelon is packed full of nutrition, hydrates and is low-fat. While many of us think of watermelon as a great snack option, when you tally up its nutritive value, you might consider making this all-star a feature player in your cuisine.

Watermelons are an excellent source of several vitamins:

  • Vitamin A, which helps maintain eye health and is an antioxidant
  • Vitamin C, which helps strengthen immunity, heal wounds, prevent cell damage, promote healthy teeth and gums
  • Vitamin B6, which helps brain function and helps convert protein to energy. (more…)

Food Companies Serving Customers Wood

It’s breakfast time and you want to start your day off right with a healthy and nutritious meal that doesn’t take long to make. You open your pantry and grab the Fiber One Original cereal. Then for lunch time, you are away from home so you run to McDonald’s and get their Premium Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken. Around 3:00, you need a snack so you snack on some Wheat Thins Fiber Selects. Then for dinner, you have some spaghetti and meatballs from Pizza Hut.

What do all of these foods have in common? They all contain wood cellulose, which means that you are eating wood. Many companies, including those listed above, use wood cellulose in their foods all the time, and therefore, you are eating wood on a fairly regular basis. It is shocking to realize that many of the foods we eat when we are trying to make healthier options are so processed that they really are not as healthy as we may have thought.


Cure Your Sweet Tooth in 3 Days on Rachael Ray

This Week on Rachael RayAre you addicted to sugar? Do you crave sweets all day? Is it hard for you to eat a meal and skip dessert? Tune in to the Rachael Ray show on Thursday, July 21 to find out how you can cure your sweet tooth. Rachael Ray hosts an expert who says he can help you banish your sugar cravings in just three days!

Plus, learn about the sugars you don’t even realize you’re eating. Many breads, cereals, and even low-fat diet foods are packed can hide loads of lurking sugar.


Healthy and Fresh Appetizers for Outdoor Parties

Appetizers and finger foods can be the most exciting part of a meal – sometimes they even steal the show from the main dish itself. In the summertime, chips and dips might be convenient but they aren’t always the healthiest pair.

Next time you need a healthier appetizer or hors d’oeuvre, ditch the bag of chips and store-bought salsa and make slimmer versions of your favorite meal starters.

Instead of Ranch or Onion Dip…
Blue Cheese Dip. Most prepackaged dips and mixes have a lot of calories, fat, sodium and even sugar. Making your own, especially one perfect for the Atkins Diet, is a healthier alternative to your store-bought standby.


Exercising on an Empty Stomach: Good or Bad for Burning Fat?

Healthy BreakfastsYou’ve probably heard the claim that exercising on an empty stomach helps boost fat loss. But is there any truth to it? While the answer depends on who you talk to (and what book you read — so many weight-loss books promote the practice), most research studies and exercise science experts agree that fasting before working out is counterproductive.

Working out on an empty stomach makes sense — in theory. Proponents say that you’ll burn more fat because your body doesn’t have carbohydrates to use as energy since you haven’t eaten. However, a February 2025 report published in Strength and Conditioning Journal found that to be untrue. Researchers found that when you don’t have proper fuel in your body, your body has less energy and therefore your exercise intensity and number of calories burned suffers. During intense workouts, your body may actually pull protein from your muscle for fuel — definitely counterproductive since muscle helps to rev metabolism.


Recipes and Foods with the Most Potassium

By Megan Zehnder for

Have a taste for salty dishes? You may want to keep an eye on your level of potassium.

An essential ally to diets high in salt, potassium encourages the kidneys to excrete sodium, keeping blood-pressure in check. Potassium also acts as a buffer to an overly-acidic pH level, which helps prevent bones and muscles from deteriorating.

Experts suggest adults get 4,700 milligrams of dietary potassium per day. What’s the best way to get that? Whole foods are a safer and more natural source than supplements. The list below shows common foods with the highest levels of potassium. When eating fruits and vegetables, opt for raw, roasted, or lightly steamed, as boiling tends to deplete levels of potassium. (more…)

Use Common Sense for Health Goals

Maruchy Lachance is president of Running Ninja!, a lifestyle brand for runners by runners. Running Ninja! offers a wide variety of apparel and gifts for runners to keep you happy and inspired while you’re on the run.

One of my good friends has been diligently working on adopting a healthy lifestyle. For almost a year she has been focusing on non-processed, fresh and lean foods. She also abandoned her couch potato ways and has taken up walking and salsa dancing. Her hard work has paid off, as she is leaner and fitter and within her recommended ideal weight. So when I spoke to her the other day I was surprised to hear that she is attempting to lose an additional 20 pounds. She quickly assured me she had read about an actress with a similar build and height to hers that is her new goal weight. This concerned me so I did a little research and presented her with the following:

It is a common practice to not reveal your true weight, especially in the competitive world of Hollywood. Even the most beautiful and fit actresses do not reveal their true weight and even if the low weight they reveal is true, it probably is not a healthy amount. (more…)

Ten Ways to Enjoy National Ice Cream Day

National Ice Cream Day is July 17 and though one of summer’s favorite snacks can be heavy on the sugar, fat and calories it can also be a nutritious way to consume healthy vitamins and minerals.

If you look in the freezer section in your local grocery store you might be overwhelmed by the plethora of ice cream varieties that tout various health benefits for all dietary needs.

If you’re Gluten-Free
Try Good Karma Organic Rice Divine Chocolate Chip. Made with organic ingredients and rice milk, Good Karma offers nearly a dozen flavors of non-dairy dessert based on rice. Keep it simple with Chocolate Chip but if you like more creative flavors, opt for Key Lime Pie, Coconut Mango or Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge.
