Diet and Nutrition

Kirstie Alley’s Diet Blamed for Dance Floor Spill

Much has been made of Kirstie Alley’s mishaps on “Dancing with the Stars.” When her partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy’s leg gave in as they made a move on the dance floor, what went through everyone’s mind was “Kirstie’s weight issues were to blame.” Whether or not that is true, the perception is reality and it had to be mortifying for the actress who has publicly battled with her weight for many years.

The emotional effects of such a public exhibition of one’s health struggles are probably on display in her desperate attempt to find a quick fix. Alley has gone on record as saying that she has been following a low-calorie diet. While calorie restriction is a must for weight loss, if it’s done to an extreme it can be dangerous, or at the very least, set one up for failure.

Alley took another big spill during a taping of “Dancing with the Stars,” this time falling off a stage.

“When I fell off the stage, I [saw] three stairs below me and I started going into slow motion and in my mind, I go, ‘okay there are three stairs, you have on heels, jump bitch’ because you’re either going to break something or you’re going to take control of this and that’s why I jumped.” (more…)

Proper Planning is the Key to Eating Healthy While Camping

There’s probably not one person alive who hasn’t been camping. Sleeping under the trees, cooking over a fire, enjoying the fresh air of the great outdoors – what’s not to love? Camping is a great family and budget friendly activity;  it’s an inexpensive way to spend quality time together. Pack up the car, grab your sleeping bag and you are on your way. But what will you eat? If you are out for more than a few hours, you’ll soon discover that being outdoors works up a tremendous appetite. Many of the traditional camping foods are not so healthy, especially perennial favorites like grilled hot dogs, canned meat spreads and gooey s’mores. Is there a way to enjoy the benefits of the great outdoors without resorting to those admittedly easy to pack but maybe not so good for your diet foods?

Just as in your daily life, one of the main secrets to planning healthy camping meals is the need to take the time to plan and prepare your meals. It’s much easier to grab a pack of hot dogs and some buns and leave town, but a little bit of advance planning will help you avoid resorting to bags of chips and cold fried chicken.


Carrie Fisher Drops 30 Pounds with Jenny Craig Diet

Photo: Star Wars Wikia

It’s been nearly 35 years since Carrie Fisher first made the hearts of science fiction nerds all around the world skip a beat as Princess Leia in the original Star Wars trilogy. But even a Princess can’t stop the sands of time and the weight loss difficulties that come with aging.

Since last November, Fisher has been endorsing the Jenny Craig diet and has apparently been reaping the diet’s benefits – she has reportedly lost 30 pounds.

“I feel much better,” Fisher, 54, tells People. “My blood pressure is down.”

Back in her Star Wars heyday, Fisher was a very petite 105 pounds, but like anyone else who goes on to live a sedentary lifestyle, the pounds began to pile on.

Last year Fisher decided to go public with her weight issues. In her autobiography, Fisher reveals that she has suffered from bipolar disorder and drug issues. However, it wasn’t until she went on tour to perform her autobiographical play entitled “Wishful Drinking” in 2025 that her weight started to go up. (more…)

5 Favorite Fit Tech Tools to Help You Reach Your Goals

Pamela Hernandez owns Thrive Personal Fitness in Springfield, MO where she focuses on weight training for weight loss. She writes a blog for her web site,, sharing vegetarian recipes from her kitchen, exercise strategies, lifestyle tips and stories from her own journey. You can also follow Pamela on Twitter @ThriveFit or pick up more tips on Facebook,

Some days I feel really lucky to live in the day and age we do. Can you image trying to figure out how many calories are in your lunch or keep yourself entertained while running without modern technology?

I love the fact that I can check out nutritional information online before heading out for a meal or go to YouTube for a quick and easy demo of a new exercise. Technology certainly makes the journey to health and fitness a lot easier.

Of course the problem is deciding which technology to use. There are almost as many apps and online fitness tools as there are diets. You could spend hours exploring each and every one, trying to decide which one has the features you need. Or you could get so overwhelmed with choices that you don’t do anything at all.


How I Stay Healthy on Summer Vacations

Maruchy Lachance is president of Running Ninja!, a lifestyle brand for runners by runners. Running Ninja! offers a wide variety of apparel and gifts for runners to keep you happy and inspired while you’re on the run.

Vacation is usually a difficult time for those of us who try to be mindful about our weight. We are often tempted to abandon our good eating and fitness habits. Some of us try to come up with ways to have our cake and eat it too. I have a friend that will lose extra weight prior to his trip in an effort to return without extra pounds. Then there are those who obsess over every nibble and wind up putting a damper on their vacation and on those traveling with them.

Not long ago, my husband and I dealt with this issue and decided it was time to bring the sanity back to our vacations while still honoring our commitment to a healthy lifestyle. (more…)

A Simple and Effective Diet Plan For Diabetics

This guest post comes from Gale Tern, author, alternative health proponent, and blogger at Arthritis Pain Central.

According to the National Diabetes Fact Sheet, approximately 8% of the U.S. population, or 26 million people, have diabetes. And 79 million people are prediabetic (blood sugar levels higher than normal). As you can see there are a lot of people who suffer from this disease or are at risk of developing it.

While most of us refer to diabetes as the sugar disease, diabetes mellitus (it’s technical name) is actually a group of diseases where blood sugar levels are elevated. They are elevated either because the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, or because the body does not respond to insulin which is produced by the body. Elevated blood sugar levels produce the classic symptoms of diabetes- increased thirst, frequent urination, and increased hunger.

Type 1 diabetes refers to insulin-dependent diabetes where the body does not produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes, or insulin resistant diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes. In this type of diabetes the body fails to properly use insulin.


Meat Glue Turns Scraps into Prime Cuts of Meat

When I go to the grocery store and buy steak, I assume that what I’m buying is a prime cut piece of meat. However, a new report shows that consumers are being misled about the quality of their meats and even lied to about what it is that they are actually buying.

It’s an industry secret that meat markets and grocery stores do not want us to know about. Unfortunately, the meats that we buy at our local delis might be several smaller pieces of meat that have been glued together using meat glue.

Wait, meat glue? What is that?! Meat glue is transglutaminase, a family of enzymes that when applied to separate pieces of meat have a reaction that bonds the meat pieces together, forming one solid piece of meat. Meat scraps are sprinkled with meat glue, rolled up in Saran wrap, and refrigerated for six hours. After the six hours, the meat is unrolled and a new piece of meat is revealed.


Do You Know What’s Really In Your Food?

By Descygna Webb

Last week there was a particularly interesting episode of the TV show The Doctors that I had a chance to view. They were discussing what’s really in the foods you’re eating. An in depth view of some of the common chemicals in foods was featured, and the results were both shocking and a bit disgusting.

The Doctors reviewed several different products that are commonly eaten by people and some products that are targeted at children. The show revealed that there are toxic ingredients lurking in many of the most common grocery items you may be purchasing each week. Everything from potato chips to donuts to produce is under attack in this show.


Forget Drinkified: How PepsiCo Could Build a Better Snack

CEO of Pepsi Indra NooyiIn the May 16 edition of The New Yorker, John Seabrook delves into the ways that PepsiCo is working to reposition itself in light of the global obesity crisis. “Snacks for a Fat Planet” is bookended with the author’s interactions with Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo’s C.E.O. Nooyi argues that it’s not enough for the company to make snacks that taste good, but also be “the good company.”

Nooyi is clearly a leader who understands the huge potential for corporate good, both for the bottom line and for society. She also sees that the health crisis created by obesity does not bode well for the future of PepsiCo’s profits, no doubt a factor in the company’s efforts to make healthier products. Earlier this year, the company began making a number of Frito-Lay products with natural ingredients. They also have plans to reduce the amount of sodium and sugar in their products by 25 percent by the year 2025, under guidelines created by Derek Yach, the former World Health Organization cabinet director.


Ancient Humans Ate Grass Based Diet

Some new discoveries about ancient humans shows that grass was the base of their diet instead of nuts, as previously believed.

The oldest set of human remains that scientists study is nicknamed the Nutcracker Man, and an examination of his teeth revealed that he ate a diet that was mostly grass plant based. There have been countless diets that follow the same principles, such as the Caveman Diet and the Paleo Diet, which base eating habits on those that were followed many years ago by humans.

Diets like the Caveman Diet and the Paleolithic Diet focus on the idea that if a food wasn’t available to ancient humans, you shouldn’t eat it. This eliminates a lot of unhealthy and processed foods that we’ve grown used to eating like bread, bleached flour, refined sugars, processed oils and anything that came after the development of agriculture.


Dr. Siegal’s Announces New Plan 10X Cookie Diet

Dr. Siegal Plan 10X Cookie Diet LogoThe wildly popular Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet recently released a new variation on their classic weight loss program, featuring newly formulated cookies. The Dr. Siegal’s Plan 10X consists of smaller, better tasting cookies that are intended to be eaten more frequently throughout the day.

The classic Dr. Siegal’s cookie diet, which is also still available, is centered around 90-calorie cookies that are eaten six times per day, whenever you are hungry. The New Plan 10X cookies are 60 calories, and one or two should be eaten every two hours, up to 9 cookies per day. On both plans, you will eat a 700 to 500 calorie dinner every day, which should be as healthy and nutritionally balanced as possible.
