Diet and Nutrition

NYC Says No To Sodas Purchased With Food Stamps

UPDATE [8/24/2025]: The USDA has rejected the proposal to ban soda purchases made with food stamps.

With obesity numbers skyrocketing and the associated medical costs out of control, New York City has decided to make a major change to their food stamp program. The program, now called SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), serves more than 1.7 million New York City residents. City Health Commissioner Tom Farley and New York State Health Commissioner Richard Daines have asked the USDA for a food stamp waiver for two years during which recipients would not be allowed to use their food stamps to buy sodas.


Sweet Potato Ranked First in Nutrition

By the time you read this, some of you will still be munching on Thanksgiving leftovers. But I wanted to take a quick look at one of the items on most people’s holiday plates: the sweet potato. Now, most of us are going to have it with all kinds of sweet treatments such as brown sugar, butter, or marshmallow, but if you can stand just adding a wee bit of butter or butter substitute, you are not only in for a treat, but a sweet nutritional surprise.

Maybe the most amazing thing about the sweet potato is how highly regarded it is by health professionals. In fact, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) ranked the sweet potato the most nutritious vegetable of all. (more…)

Dr. Mike Moreno is the Man Behind the 17 Day Diet

Diets come and diets go. And while some of them are crazy fads that disappear a lot faster than the pounds do, some new diets are rooted in sound nutrition… and the public picks up on it.

The 17 Day Diet was originally intended as a holiday diet plan, created by Dr. Mike Moreno, which makes it all the more pertinent at the moment. But the plan can be done at any time. The main attraction to the 17 Day Diet is the “body confusion” approach. That means that you keep your body guessing, so to speak, by changing up what you eat. This keeps your metabolism from getting stuck in a rut.

While the name 17 Day Diet may sound like a fad diet, because your first impression is that it’s only 17 days until you get to your goal weight, that actually refers to the period of each eating cycle.

Part of the reason the 17 Day Diet is on the rise is its high-profile featuring on Dr. Phil and The Doctors. For more details on how the diet plan works, check out our 17 Day Diet review and 17 Day Diet meal plan review. In this post, I want to look into who is behind this rising star in the diet industry. (more…)

Health Buzz: The 17 Day Diet, Weight Watchers’ New Points System and The Twinkie Diet Lessons

Weight Watchers Announces PointsPlus Program

It’s the biggest change to the Weight Watchers program in 13 years, and will completely change the way dieters count their POINTS.

Healthy Lifestyle Trumps Genetics

Blaming your mom for your heavy hips or your dad for your round belly? That excuse won’t cut it anymore thanks to new research.

The 17 Day Diet

The new book by Dr. Mike Moreno is primed to be the next big thing in dieting. Learn more about this low-carb, cycled method of eating that’s supposed to improve your metabolism for weight loss. Also, check out the Dr. Moreno’s appearance on Dr. Phil below.


Make Right Now Resolutions for Real Results

Emily Fonnesbeck is the Registered Dietitian for the Biggest Loser Resort.

New Year’s Resolutions. I actually don’t like them much. If a change is needed, and you are committed to making that change, a calendar date shouldn’t matter. Why wait until January? It is hard for me to take people seriously when they wait until then to make the change.

Or maybe I am being too harsh? Maybe what happens is people feel overwhelmed even though they know a change is necessary. Maybe they wait until after the holidays when they feel their temptations of office treats, holiday parties and big family dinners will be over. And maybe they lack the confidence to make the change when everything and everyone around them is telling them to overeat and under exercise.


Weight Watchers Announces New PointsPlus Program


The most successful healthy living program, Weight Watchers, just made a huge announcement today about their Points program. In fact, this is the biggest change that the company has made in its Points program, since it started 13 years ago.

The new PointsPlus™ program replaces the Weight Watchers Momentum program. According to Weight Watchers, “the PointsPlus™ program is the new way to lose weight developed by the experts at Weight Watchers. We’ve combined the latest nutritional science with the proven Weight Watchers approach to develop an effective system for making healthy, satisfying choices. All this gives you an edge that can help you reach your weight loss goals.”

So exactly what does the new PointsPlus program mean for you? (more…)

Super Foods for Super Beauty on the Dr. Oz Show

Tune in this Thursday, December 2 to the Dr. Oz Show to learn what foods will make you look beautiful on the inside and outside.

Dr. Oz will reveal what five super foods you need to eat for super beauty. You don’t need to look any further than the produce section of your grocery store or local farmer’s market to find natural ways to get rid of acne, erase wrinkles and undo sun damage. (more…)

What Is Hot in Health on the Dr. Oz Show

Tune in this Tuesday, November 30 to the Dr. Oz Show to get the pulse on what is hot in health.

Dr. Oz will give you the inside scoop on some of the hottest trends and research findings in health, some of them even have the country’s most beloved doctor in shock.

Find out if you can really lose weight on the Twinkie Diet and learn about a new research that suggests sometimes carrying a few extra pounds around the middle might actually be beneficial to your health. But that’s not all. (more…)

Dr. Oz’s Ultimate Antioxidant Checklist

Tune in this Wednesday, December 1 to the Dr. Oz Show to learn about the foods you need to be eating to prevent disease and enhance your longevity.

Dr. Oz’s ultimate antioxidant checklist makes healthy living and eating easy and simple for you. This list narrows down the top fruits, vegetables and supplements you need to incorporate into your diet to feel great and look younger. (more…)

Your Guide to Good and Bad Fats

The American vocabulary uses “fat” as a negative adjective when actually, some fat is beneficial to your health. When it comes to diet, certain types of dietary fat an aid weight loss and help improve bodily functions.

The Harvard School of Public Health says to avoid trans-fats, limit saturated fats and choose healthy fats. What are healthy fats, you may ask? The “good fats” include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which have been said to help lower disease risk.


Christinas Story on the Rachael Ray Show

Tune in this Friday, December 3 to the Rachael Ray Show to catch up on Christina’s Story.

It has been a few weeks since we’ve seen Christina, the obese teen who is determined to lose 70 pounds by prom. On this episode, Christina is back in the studio for a pep talk and some fresh ideas for her diet. She’s taking a lesson in Rachael’s cooking school to learn a healthier version of her favorite pasta dish – spaghetti marinara. (more…)