Diet and Nutrition

Cholesterol Facts on The Dr. Oz Show

Tune in this Wednesday, October 6 to The Dr. Oz Show to learn just how important your cholesterol levels are when it comes to your health.

From HDL (the good cholesterol) to LDL (the bad cholesterol), Dr. Oz will explain exactly what these numbers mean and why your cholesterol may be a ticking time bomb for your health.

High cholesterol has been associated with an increased risk for heart disease. Find out what you can do to get your levels in a healthy range to reduce your disease risk with Dr. Oz’s Five Step Plan. (more…)

Celebrate National Vegetarian Awareness Month By Improving Your Health

October 1st marked the start of National Vegetarian Awareness Month, and whether you are a full-blown vegetarian, or simply understand the important role fresh fruits and veggies play in your overall health, everyone can enjoy the benefits of taking a few days off meat.

A diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, and one that eliminates meat and animal proteins that are high in saturated fat and raised on chemicals is hard to argue with. In addition, those who follow a vegetarian diet, on average, have lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and a lower incidence of obesity. (more…)

Chicken Safety on The Dr. Oz Show

Tune in this Thursday, October 7 to The Dr. Oz Show when Dr. Oz investigates the safety of chicken.

Touted as a lean protein source, chicken is one of the most popular meat consumed in the country. But whether it’s risk for salmonella or other food-borne illnesses, Dr. Oz will reveal just how safe or unsafe the poultry industry practices are. (more…)

Christina’s Story Continues on the Rachael Ray Show

Tune in this Friday, October 8 to the Rachael Ray Show for the continuing real life weight loss story of Christina, an obese teenager who is desperately trying to lose 70 pounds before this year’s prom.

Each Friday, Rachael will be checking in with Christina to receive an update on her weight loss progress and learn about her week’s challenges and successes.

This week, Christina’s story takes an unexpected turn when her mother confronts her own past and admits she once weighed 300 pounds. As her daughter’s journey begins, their bond will be tested. Plus, Christina overcomes her fears and joins us in the studio for the first time. (more…)

Bob Harper on the Rachael Ray Show

Tune in this Thursday, October 7 to the Rachael Ray Show when the Biggest Loser’s Bob Harper stops by to discuss his new workout DVD, Bob Harper’s Inside Out Method.

Bob shares his tips for getting a better body and by watching the show, you can enter for a chance to win a set of his workout DVDs. Bob is also going to reveal the inside scoop on his newly launched website, My Trainer Bob, a one-shop place to keep you inspired, motivated and healthy. (more…)

Holiday-Proof Your Diet and Fitness Plan

Maruchy Lachance is president of Running Ninja!, a lifestyle brand for runners by runners. Running Ninja! offers a wide variety of apparel and gifts for runners to keep you happy and inspired while you’re on the run.

The holidays are almost here, so now is the time to holiday-proof your health and fitness plan!

It happens every year around this time. Your well-intentioned co-workers, family and friends start baking and sharing treats. Someone places a small plate of cookies or brownies in the break room, or your sister stops by with some cupcakes or your friend gifts you with an autumn basket filled with candies and other confections. You nibble here and there and before you know it you’re consuming about an extra 500 calories a day. (more…)

Ultra-Running and Race Day Nutrition

Nick Billock is an avid ultra-marathoner and trail runner who has run 25 marathons and 13 ultra-marathons including 3 100-mile finishes spanning 25hrs, 39min to 30hrs, 52mins.  He is also a blogger, covering running, his service in the Navy, and the day-to-day happenings in the life as a husband and father of two beautiful girls.  Nick resides in northeast Ohio and blogs regularly at

Ultra-running (as defined by any running race longer than the marathon of 26.2 miles) requires a whole different nutritional viewpoint when compared to the gels and quick shots of Gatorade normally encountered during a road race up to the marathon. Ultra-marathons most often take place on the trails of national and state parks with the 50K (31.2 miles) being the most popular race distance, then followed by the 50-miler and 100-miler. All these distances are covered with no rest or stopping, except for the occasional aid stations where runners refuel.

This is where nutrition and the endurance runner meet. From the 50K to the 100-miler, runners will find themselves on the trails for 5 to 30+ hours. This requires knowing what to eat, how often to eat it, and how that changes over the event. A rule and a mantra that many ultra-runners live by is: Eat, Eat, Eat; Drink, Drink, Drink; Pee, Pee, Pee. All must be true, especially the last; it’s a good indication that your body is still operating as it should. (more…)

Fall is the Perfect Season to Jump-Start Weight Loss

For 16 weeks, Lori Jackson, a mom of three and grandmother to two, will be checking in with to share her personal experience with Nutrisystem. The good, the bad, and everything in between, see first-hand how the Nutrisystem program works.

Nutrisystem Week 11

With the cool fall mornings and the leaves falling from the trees, I am thinking crisp apples. We can slice them, sprinkle some cinnamon on top and bake for a few minutes. I would have sprinkled a bit of sugar also but I really think I am over that right now. I also love yellow squash and sweet potatoes. Sliced and sprinkled with some garlic and salt and roasted in the oven, I cook these with carrots and asparagus. This is a great veggie mix that tastes wonderful and is very colorful.

Fall is such a great season for healthy foods. But just remember, there can be too much of a good thing. So practice those moderation skills! (more…)

8 New Food Rules From 13 Scientists

Michael Pollan had his 64 rules for eating healthy and in recent weeks, 13 scientists who were appointed to an advisory committee released their new “food rules”. This early release of “rules” is not yet the final dietary guidelines for Americans, so now is our chance to have some influence by providing our feedback. Final dietary guidelines will become available at the end of 2025, so make sure to give your 2 cents in our comments section and we will work to roll these up and help steer our country to a healthier place.

1. Eat fewer calories. The average person needs to consume roughly 2,000 calories per day. Most don’t know what they should consume for their individual height and weight, let alone how much they are actually eating. To find out what your daily calorie consumption should be, visit: DIR Health Calculator. (more…)

Kids Not Drinking Enough Water

When we talk about childhood nutrition issues, it’s usually centered around food. But, according to a new study, kids are also falling short on their daily water needs as well.

The researchers studied about 4,000 children from two to 19-years-old who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2005 and 2006.

The children between two and five years old drank about six cups of water each day, while those between six and 11 drank six and three-quarters cups per day. The older kids (12 to 19 years old) drank about 10 cups per day.

When examining the differences in boys and girls, the researchers found that girls were less likely than boys to drink enough water. (more…)

Buying in Bulk Helps You Eat Healthy on a Dime [VIDEO]

Do you ever find yourself in one of those warehouse stores where they sell in bulk, but you’re afraid you’ll never get through the whole thing without getting tired of it? Well, this week’s healthy on a dime tip will help you save your dimes and your time.
