Diet and Nutrition

Lose 10 Pounds and Change Your Life on The Dr. Oz Show

Tune in this Monday, September 13 to the Doctor Oz Show to learn how dropping just 10 pounds can change your life.

On this season of the Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Oz is challenging all Americans to lose 10 pounds by following his five rules for weight loss without changing what you eat.

Plus, learn how to cook 10-minute dinners that contain less than 400 calories and taste delicious and find out Dr. Oz’s approved miracles for accelerating fat loss. (more…)

Finding the Right Health and Diet Products on The Doctors

Tune in this Wednesday, September 16 to The Doctors to find out the difference between health products and health foods.

What foods, products and procedures are right for you? Are artificial sweeteners safe? The Doctors Health Investigator, Liz Vaccariello, uncovers the truth. Not only are there tons of products and seemingly healthy foods to choose from, but there is also a lot of conflicting information about what products are safe and which ones are not. (more…)

High Sugar Food Shockers on the Rachael Ray Show

Tune in this Monday, September 13 to the Rachael Ray Show when Dr. Ian Smith unveils a list of foods that contain a surprisingly large amount of sugar.

If you think the meals you serve your kids are healthy, this is a must-see episode. The Rachael Ray Show with expert, Dr. Ian Smith is exposing five everyday foods that have shocking amounts of sugar. And they might be tucked in your child’s lunch box today! (more…)

How Much Did Your Meal Really Cost?

Ilya Rachman, MD, PhD, is a practicing physician, clinical instructor at the UCLA School of Medicine and founder of Taking care of patients, being their advocate, educating and empowering them to lead a healthier and happier life has become the sole focus of his career.

If you still measure your food in dollars instead of calories, I hope you have enough money to waste. Here are three bite-sized thoughts to chew on:

1.  Do you REALLY think that the 950-calorie fast food lunch with 1000mg of sodium only cost you ~ $3.99?! Did you  forget to add the $20 co-pay for that cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes medication? How about all the other medical expenses related to weight-induced problems like heartburn, joint pains and others? Oftentimes, people do not realize the expense of weight related diseases. Aside from the hassles of doctor visits and prescription refills, medical care is a costly affair that in many cases could be avoided by making healthier food decisions in our daily lives. (more…)

Avoid the Quick Weight Loss Fix

Maruchy Lachance is president of Running Ninja!, a lifestyle brand for runners by runners. Running Ninja! offers a wide variety of apparel and gifts for runners to keep you happy and inspired while you’re on the run.

We have all seen the commercials selling those exercise devices that you strap on to a body part and it promises to work your muscles. And how about the “delicious” shake that promises weight loss. It better be delicious if that is all you are going to ingest for the next 30 to 60 days!

The secret I want to let you in on is that weight loss and fitness are not as difficult as these diet pushers want you to believe.

The average person is advised to eat between 1,800 to 2,000 calories a day. If you were to count those calories you would see that it’s a great deal of food. Why would you replace your caloric intake with a shake filled with chemicals when you can take in those calories by eating actual food? (more…)

You Can Have Your Party Feast and Eat it Too

Josie Maurer is a freelance writer and founder of She lost over 40 pounds after the birth of her fourth child through sensible eating and exercise, yet she still maintains her love for large slices of cake.

Watch out for that party food! Are you hungry for dining out? When it’s time to enjoy a happy food extravaganza, it can be hard to stay on course with healthy eating. Restaurants do not typically post nutrition numbers on their menus, and dinner parties are a haven for delicious hors d’oeuvres as the thirsty cocktails flow. But how can you enjoy the eating bliss from an occasional night out without that bloated, guilty feeling as try to burn the fat?

Healthy eating plays a major role in your weight loss results. Moderation is important, too, but you should also give yourself some wiggle room to delight in all kinds of delicacies, especially given the opportunity to enjoy a special eating occasion. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shares this same philosophy. In a January 2025 article published on the CDC website, they state: “Healthy eating is all about balance. You can enjoy your favorite foods even if they are high in calories, fat or added sugars. The key is eating them only once in a while and balance them out with healthier foods and more physical activity.”

You can savor the tasty moments of a food event and still achieve your fitness goals. Eating like a bird is not required. So how do you do it? (more…)

5 Secrets to Maintaining Weight Loss

Dieting is difficult, but most people have a harder time maintaining a lower weight than getting it down. Yo-yo dieting is a problem many face. Here are five tips to help you maintain that goal weight, and maybe even get back down to it.

1. Think about calorie density. In other words, pick foods that have few calories compared to their weight. These are foods like fruits, vegetables and soups that have a lot of water and fiber. You’ll feel full sooner.

2. Portion control is always important. Just because you’ve reached your goal weight doesn’t mean you can start eating as much as you want. Try using smaller plates or buying single serving items. (more…)

10 Healthy Foods That Ain’t All That Healthy

John McGran, chief editor at Diet-to-Go, has been covering the fields of diet, fitness and health since 2000. He writes from the perspective of a dieter rather than a dietitian.

Face it friends… we’re suckers for flashy food labels and cleverly worded marketing claims that lead us into temptation by making us think a food or drink is good for us.

Acai berries anyone? You’ve probably seen the deluge of ads for this “amazing… as seen on Oprah… fat fighter… grown in the Amazon rainforest”… blah, blah, blah…

Trouble is, according to the food watchdogs at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, “there’s no evidence whatsoever to suggest that acai pills will help shed pounds, flatten tummies, cleanse colon, enhance sexual desire, or perform any of the other commonly advertised functions.” (more…)

7 Ways to Make You Want to Drink More Water

Sahar Aker is a veteran TV news health reporter now running – a fun and informative website featuring the latest news and videos on diet, fitness, and the obesity epidemic. FatFighterTV will keep you eating right with healthy recipes, having fun with weekly giveaways, and entertained with our new Petsercise video series.

You’ve heard how water is good for your body, maybe even seen the latest research on how it can help you lose weight. But drinking enough H2O isn’t always easy, especially because plain ol’ water can get a little boring sometimes. So, how can you spice it up? Besides the go-to squeeze of lemon or lime, here are 7 ways to help you gulp water down.

  • Fill a pitcher with water, ice, and chopped fruit, like strawberries, cantaloupe, or kiwi. Bonus – when you finish the water, you can eat the fruit.
  • Add chopped cucumbers and lime to your H2O.
  • Pour limeade into ice cube trays and freeze them. Plop one into a glass of sparkling mineral water. (more…)

Study Finds Why Fish Oils Fight Diabetes

Fish oils have many health benefits, including lowering triglycerides, blood pressure, and regulating abnormal heart rhythms. It can also reduce the risk of death from heart attack and strokes, and slows plaque buildup in the arteries.

Now researchers from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have identified the molecular mechanism that makes omega-3 fatty acids such a great health benefit, particularly in reducing chronic inflammation and insulin resistance.

The scientists say omega-3 fatty acids activate a “macrophage receptor,” which is found in abundance in the fat of people who are obese. (more…)

Announcing: Season Two of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

Fans of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution are looking forward to season 2 to start mid-season. Although offers very little information, it has been reported that they have ordered another six episodes for season 2 of Food Revolution, which recently won an Emmy for Outstanding Reality Show.

This season, Jamie will take on America’s second largest city, Los Angeles, California. The focus will include people of all ages in schools, offices, homes, and restaurants in L.A. Will the residents of Los Angeles respond differently to Jamie’s education about processed food and cooking lessons than the citizens of Huntington, West Virginia, who were offended by his ‘help’? L.A. certainly has a different reputation, but an obesity problem does exist in Los Angeles.

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution from Fresh One and Ryan Seacrest Productions is loosely based on Jamie’s UK series, Jamie’s Ministry of Food and Jamie’s School Dinners, which helped reshape school food in Great Britain. Jamie is the author of several best-selling cookbooks, and his newest cookbook Jamie’s America: Easy Twists on Great American Classics and More! will be released by Hyperion in October. (more…)