Diet and Nutrition

CONSUMER ALERT: Egg Recall Sparked by Salmonella Outbreak

Eggs RecalledThe Centers for Disease Control found that eggs are behind hundreds of food poisoning cases that occurred throughout July and June. Investigators in Minnesota, Colorado and California have traced the rotten eggs back to Wright County Egg. The finding has prompted a massive nation-wide recall, and the FDA is continuing investigation.

Food Poisoning Journal estimates that 280 million eggs have been involved in the recall. The list of major brands affected are Lucerne, Albertson, Mountain Dairy, Ralph’s, Boomsma’s, Sunshine, Hillandale, Trafficanda, Farm Fresh, Shoreland, Lund, Dutch Farms, and Kemps. The contaminated eggs were sold to restaurants and grocery stores. (more…)

New Senate Bill Passed to Improve School Lunches

Kids love pizza, hamburgers and french fries for school lunch, but parents are often reluctant to encourage the purchase of these unhealthy meals. But a new bill that passed in the Senate this week will help reluctant parents with better school lunch choices.

Estimated to cost more than $4 billion, because the federal reimbursement rate will increase six-cents per meal, the new bill will raise standards for all foods sold in schools, including vending machines. In addition, the number of children who qualify for free lunch would rise. The bill still needs to go to the House for consideration. (more…)

The Great Salad Lie

This guest post was written by Zalmi Duchman, CEO of The Fresh Diet, a Florida-based meal delivery company whose food is based on the 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 30% fats diet concept.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say, “I’m trying to lose weight, I’ll just have a salad.” Now don’t get me wrong, salads can be a great method of weight loss – at least in theory.

A good salad can be packed with vegetables, beans and other legumes, lean meats and more. All great sources of nutrition and packed with vitamins.

We all know that vegetables are low in calories (except for starchy vegetables), high in fiber, and can be extremely filling – which is why salad has gotten the reputation as the king of the diet meals. (more…)

NoOodle, The No Calorie Noodle

If you’re  a pasta-loving, carb-watching health enthusiast, you’ve probably heard of or tried the Miracle Noodle, a zero-calorie noodle-like product that is made from the konjac plant.

The plant is sometimes referred to as elephant yam, even though it is an entirely different plant from the orange tuber yam that we are familiar with. Konjac is widely used in Japanese and Asian cuisines. It contains a kind of fiber called glucomannan, which has been associated with controlling blood sugar levels. The fiber is often used as a thickener in foods.

Now, a company called NoOodle has created an entire line of super low-calorie noodles and entrees.  (more…)

Health Buzz: Women Who Give Up Sex, Signs You’re a Health Nut and the Salad Potluck

This week’s hot health buzz from

Lessons Learned from Eat Pray Love

Julia Roberts’ much-anticipated new movie Eat, Pray, Love, based on the non-fiction book of the same name, released August 13. Julia plays Elizabeth Gilbert who travels Italy, India and Bali in search of herself, and teaches some valuable health lessons along the way.

50 Percent of Women Would Give up Sex to Not Gain Weight

In recent research published as the Nutrisystem Diet Index, they reveal that half of women would give up sex for a summer if it meant they could avoid gaining ten pounds; 25 percent of men echoed this statement. It’s a sign that we’re becoming more motivated to avoid weight gain.

Try an Office Salad Potluck

At the office at the Brooklyn Creative League, we join an office potluck each week that features salad as the main entree. It’s a healthier way to socialize with our colleagues. Give it a try! (more…)

10 Healthy Snacks for 100 Calories or Less

We all love to snack. But when it comes to most processed snack foods, not only are they packed with calories, they are also void of nutrients. Even if you’re an angel with your snacking options, it can get kind of boring. Sometimes, you need your snack to have a bit more flair to it.

Here are 10 fun healthy snacks that contain 100 calories or less:

1. One-half of a 100-calorie English Muffin topped with two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese: 85 calories

2. One cup of chopped mixed vegetables like cucumbers, bell peppers and celery mixed with one chopped kiwi, fresh dill, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper: 80 calories

3. Half of a medium apple spread with one wedge of Laughing Cow Light Cheese (any flavor): 75 calories

4. One instant oatmeal packet (plain) mixed with a no-calorie sweetener and cinnamon: 100 calories (more…)

Flavored Water Isn’t a Substitute for the Real Thing

Water is life. Water transports vital nutrients in your body and flushes out harmful toxins, while lubricating joints, aiding in digestion and regulating body temperature. Water is also essential for weight loss to keep your metabolism running efficiently to allow you to burn maximum fat while curbing those dehydration cravings that love to mask themselves as hunger.

You know all of this. You know you are supposed to drink your eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to keep you properly hydrated, especially while exercising. All too often, however, people make the mistake of thinking if something is liquid, or marketed as a beverage, it counts towards your water intake. Not so.

Some are obvious: soda, coffee, tea and anything else with caffeine actually works against you, dehydrating your system and leaching calcium from your bones. They also pack a caloric punch that will undo any burn you just put in at the gym. Those are no brainers. (more…)

Penny’s Low-Fat Desserts Offer Sweet Relief

If you have a sweet tooth, we have a food find for you!

Penny’s Low-Fat Desserts are a new specialty line of muffins, cookies and muffin tops that are sure to fulfill your need for something sweet and carbo-licious.

The company was founded and created by Penny Pearl who has a degree in Consumer Services and Nutrition from Rutgers University. Penny is always on the search for tasty, low-fat, low-calorie treats, so she decided to put her nutrition expertise and culinary skills to use and thus created a complete line of desserts that are not just low in calories, but high in fiber, all-natural and made with zero trans-fats. Best of all, Penny’s Low-Fat Desserts come in individually-wrapped single servings, making portion control a cinch and a yummy portable snack just a grab away.

Penny’s Low-Fat Desserts is the first company to develop no-sugar-added desserts using stevia, an all-natural, zero-calorie sweetener. All of Penny’s Low-Fat Desserts are rich in whole grains and many are egg-free with no cholesterol. Two of the cookies are also dairy-free. (more…)

Dr. Joel Fuhrman Shows How to Live Disease-Free

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Dr. Joel Fuhrman is a board-certified family physician and nutritional researcher who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. As one of the nation’s leading experts in nutritional medicine, he has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, The Discovery Channel, and more. Dr. Fuhrman is the author of the bestselling Eat to Live and his latest release, Eat for Health.

Eat for Health not only guarantees permanent weight loss, but that you can reverse diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, asthma, headaches, allergies, and much more. had a chance to speak with Dr. Fuhrman about his two-book set and his scientifically-tested nutritional program. Here is an excerpt of that conversation.


Biggest Loser’s Michael Ventrella Ready to Take on Childhood Obesity [VIDEO]

A healthy lifestyle is still a work-in-progress for Biggest Loser’s season nine winner Michael Ventrella. He was the heaviest contestant in the show’s history, and went on to win by losing more weight than any contestant before him. At only 30-years old, he weighed 526 pounds, and won the season by losing 227 pounds for a finale weight of 299 pounds.

With this much focus on the scale numbers, it was striking to learn that Michael doesn’t weigh himself anymore. He says that with the encouragement of his trainer Bob Harper, he now solely relies on inches, and takes measurements of his waist, chest and biceps. He proudly shares that the waist keeps getting smaller, while the arms and chest are getting bigger. He’s not just focused on losing weight these days, but picking up more lean muscle mass.

Checking in with us from the Biggest Loser Resort, where he’s spent the past week, Michael looks happy and fit.

Watch now to learn more about what Michael’s life has been like since leaving Biggest Loser, and what his goals are to ensure he pays it forward.


Biggest Loser’s Ashley and Koli on Love, Weight and the Biggest Loser Resort [VIDEO]

Don’t think that the confetti falls on the Biggest Loser finale and the contestants walk away with a clean bill of health and a pass to settle in to their new reality. No, for many, there can still be much work to do on their weight, continued learning on fitness and nutrition, and the effort to instill new healthy habits. That is the case for season nine finalist Ashley Johnston and season nine at-home winner Koli Palu.

The two spent the past week at the Biggest Loser Resort, where Ashley says she’s still working to trim away an additional 15 pounds to reach her goal. She says she’s not in any hurry though, and happy to lose it at a slow, healthy rate of about two pounds per week. Joining her is Koli, who transversely is working to gain weight. He says his finale weight of 188 pounds “would be impossible” to maintain, and he’s working to reach the 220-230 range, a weight he thinks is healthy and sustainable.

Ashley and Koli aren’t just good friends spending a week at the Resort, though. It broke last week that the two are now a couple, a relationship they say was founded in becoming the best of friends at the ranch, and that they decided to push to the next level during their recent trip to the San Francisco Triathlon. When asked why Biggest Loser turns out so many lasting relationships, as opposed to the many failures by Bachelor and Bachelorette, he says “this is experience is totally real” and bashes the idea of meeting someone and falling in love in a brief four-week period.

Watch now to hear the happy duo talk more about their weight loss, what they love about the Biggest Loser Ranch, and to hear about their blossoming romance.
