Diet and Nutrition

Money Hungry Gets Down to Game Play in Episode 2 Recap

As the second episode of Money Hungry begins, we see quite a few of the contestants exercising and singing a little song. We hear about how well everyone is getting along and how tight the house is – talk about foreshadowing.

Watch the full recap video to hear my take on everything that happened in this episode, including the low-down on my crush on Jamie!


Pop-Tarts Cafe Offers Fun But Unhealthy Food

Pop-Tarts World Store. Image via: AP Photo/Richard Drew.

Leave it to NYC to create a culinary creation called the Pop-Tart World Store. Located in nowhere else but Times Square, the Pop-Tarts Cafe is fun and funky take on one of the country’s most processed iconic foods: The Pop-Tart.

According to the New York Times, the Pop-Tarts World Store also features the Pop-Tarts Cafe, which will offer about 30 different menu selections from Pop-Tarts Sushi to “Fluffer Butter” (“marshmallow spread sandwiched between two Pop-Tarts frosted fudge pastries”).

The fun and zaniness factor of the Pop-Tarts Cafe is clearly off the charts but sadly, its nutritional statistics are also pretty extreme. (more…)

7 Celebrity Fad Diets

Oh, Hollywood celebrities… their lifestyles are just as wild as their eating habits. And, all of us who closely follow their lives in the pages of Us Magazine and TMZ are just as wacky, especially when we copy their dieting practices.

Recently, Yahoo! Shine asked the health experts at Mayo Clinic to evaluate seven fad celebrity diets. Here is the skinny on everything from baby food to eating nothing but purple-colored foods.

The Cooler Cleanse

  • Description: A three- or five-day juice detox diet where you replace meals and snacks with Cooler Cleanse juices that are delivered fresh to your door. Hayek is one of the co-creators of the Cooler Cleanse and swears by it as a way to keep her looking young, svelte and beautiful.
  • Benefits: Quick and short-term weight loss; Promotes a feeling of lightness; Contains healthy and natural ingredients; Liberates you from eating processed and refined foods, even if just for a few days.
  • Cost: $58 per day


Love Peanuts? We Have an iPhone App for You

National Peatnut Board App for iPhoneThe National Peanut Board has launched a free iPhone app, called Peanuts: Energy for the Good Life. It features recipes, facts and even a little tool to help you curb snack cravings. While peanuts are high in calories, they contain more protein than any other nut, and contain many other nutrients. According the to the board, 90 percent of Americans have a jar of peanut butter in their homes.

Naturally, the app discusses the health benefits of peanuts and has over 30 dietitian recommended recipes featuring the legume. I’m particularly excited to try the masala slaw, with ginger, cilantro, cabbage and, of course, peanuts. Some of the desserts look pretty high-calorie, although delicious–maybe not so diet friendly. But the app isn’t just about discovering new ways to eat peanuts. It also has a meditation feature, guided by the relaxing voice of Stephan Bodian. Bodian practiced as a Zen Buddhist monk for ten years and is the author of Meditation for Dummies. Finally, the app has a note tool that you can set to remind you take a break or even have a healthy snack.

Get Peanuts: Energy for the Good Life now.

Also Read:

Prevention‘s Peanut Butter Diet

The Best Low-Fat Peanut Butters

Diabetic Peanut Butter Cookies

What is Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge eating disorder affects two percent of the population overall and eight percent of people who are obese. It is an eating disorder in the “Not Otherwise Specified” category.


Binge eating disorder is characterized by periodic out of control food binges, but it does not include purging or overexercising to compensate for the calories ingested.


  • Episodes of binge eating, defined as eating an abnormally large amount of food and feeling out of control of eating, twice weekly on average for six months
  • Binges include shame about the amount ingested, eating when not hungry, rapid ingestion, and/or physical discomfort after eating
  • Episodes of binge eating cause emotional distress
  • Purging and other compensatory behaviors are not associated with binge eating disorder
  • Binge eating disorder cannot be diagnosed if one has an active diagnosis of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa (more…)

The One Minute Diet Tip to Stop From Losing Control

Guest bloggers, Kenneth Schwarz PhD and Julie North Schwarz are the authors of Maria’s Last Diet and Breaking Up with Food. Dr. Kenneth Schwarz is a psychologist and psychoanalyst specializing in personal change and goal achievement. Julie North Schwarz writes about the non-food issues related to women’s weight loss. For more help with the psychological side of dieting, visit their website: Maria’s Last Diet.

It takes less than a minute to blow a diet. Here’s how to stay on your diet. It only takes one make-or-break minute.

Here are four simple ways to stop losing control.

1. Slow down
People get into diet trouble when they act on impulse. You are probably in the habit of reaching for food instantly, without thinking. It might be a reaction to something painful, hard, or annoying. It might be a response to feeling proud, or relieved. But reaching for food automatically can render you helpless, a creature of habit. You can change this by simply slowing down. You don’t need to take a hot bath or go for a walk. Just slow down, take a moment. That’s all. (more…)

Do You Ever Become Skinny after Weight Loss?

Guest blogger Tony Posnanski is the author of The Anti-Jared. Tony struggled with weight loss his whole life until he realized he was not going to be fooled anymore. He has lost more than 200 pounds and maintained it for more than a year. Tony works out six days a week, eats better than before, and has a new outlook on things!

What is skinny?

I have heard it all of my life. Heck, I have said it all of my life. What is it to be skinny? I knew what it was like to be overweight. You know, fat, chunky, thick!

I knew what it was like to wake up in cold sweats.
To walk and feel back pain.
To not be able to put on a seat belt.
I knew what it was like to have to get clothes specially made for me. I knew what it was like to think I would die any minute.

But skinny?

I think that many people want to be skinny. Does skinny even exist I wonder? (more…)

Americans Lie About Their Weight

The first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have one. This may be happening for Americans and their perception of their own weight.

According to a new government survey released this week, after polling 400,000 people by phone, they found that 27 percent of Americans are obese. The problem is, a more accurate and scientific study on the number has it closer to 34 percent.

What this means is that not enough people are being honest about their weight. The good news is that the gap between fact and fiction is closing. (more…)

Cancer Cells Love High Fructose Corn Syrup

Cancer Cells Grow on High-Fructose Corn SyrupThere’s a new reason why you should cut down on high fructose corn syrup: they feed cancer cells as well as fat cells. A research study found that pancreatic cancer cells grew and multiplied faster on a diet of fructose.

The study set out to see if the cancer cells metabolized glucose differently from fructose. Researchers found that the cells not only have a mechanism that digests the fructose differently from glucose, but “can readily metabolize fructose to increase proliferation.” These findings indicate that reducing the consumption of refined fructose, like high fructose corn syrup, may be beneficial to cancer patients and even slow its growth. (more…)

8 Ways to Avoid the Sandwich Lunch Rut for Back to School

This year, make lunch not only part of the back to school thrill, but something your kids can look forward to each day! Instead of dreading yet another PBJ. Let them pick out a reusable, insulated lunch container (they make some that match their backpacks!) and let them help plan lunches at the start of each week. Their involvement will ensure everything gets eaten, because they helped choose it, and will heighten their interest in nutrition, as you teach the difference between healthy foods and junk foods.

Don’t let yourself or them fall into the sandwich rotation rut. All of these ideas work just as well for your child’s lunch box as they do yours.

Taco Kit: Send them with a build-your-own-taco kit complete with shredded low-fat cheese, chopped tomatoes, shredded lettuce, seasoned turkey meat or shredded grilled chicken, and soft whole grain tortillas. Include salsa or a scoop of homemade guacamole on the side.

Little Dippers: Pack protein-rich hummus with a variety of whole grain pita chips, red bell pepper slices, sliced cucumbers and carrot and celery sticks. It’s all the protein and veggies they need for a deliciously different lunch. (more…)

What We Can Learn from the Minnesota Starvation Study

During World War II, Ancel Keys and the University of Minnesota conducted the most revelatory experiments to look at the consequences of human starvation.

For those who aren’t familiar with the study, its purpose was dual: to determine the physiological and psychological effects of severe and prolonged dietary restriction and the effectiveness of dietary rehabilitation strategies that would serve as a base to guide the Allied relief assistance to famine victims in Europe and Asia at the end of the war.

Its laboratory simulation of human starvation was controversial, but all of the 36 men selected for the study were willing volunteers, many of whom did the experiment as a way to make a meaningful contribution to the war.

Over the 24 weeks of the active phase of the year-long study, these men consumed an extremely reduced calorie diet to lose 25 percent of their body weight. The diet consisted of 1,800 calories and was comprised of the foods eaten during the war era, like potatoes, macaroni, turnips and dark bread. They were also instructed to expend 3,008 calories a day and walk 22 miles each week.
