Diet and Nutrition

Back to School: Vegetarian and Vegan Cookbooks

Vegetarian Cookbooks for College StudentsMany students find themselves cooking for themselves for the first time in college, and also trying out new ways of eating. For the college student who’s new to cooking or new to eating meat-free, having a guide in hand can be extremely valuable. Here’s a back-to-school ready round-up of vegetarian cookbooks aimed at college students.

1. The Starving Students’ Vegetarian Cookbook
by Dede Hall

This cookbook features quick and cheap recipes, that often require only on pan to prepare. Most of the recipes serve one or two, so students feel obligated to cook for others or eat the same recipes for days. On draw back is heavy reliance on microwave recipes (if you don’t have one) and on canned and processed foods, rather than healthier, fresh produce.

2. The Students’ Vegetarian Cookbook
by Carole Raymond

Raymond has lots of advise for those new vegetarianism and cooking for themselves, from choosing produce to tips on how long it’s safe to store veggies. It also encourages students to cook with a wide range of ingredients, so that meals are not only vegetarian but also balanced. Many of the 135 recipes are quick and the instructions are concise. Few recipes in The Student’s Vegetarian Cookbook require kitchen appliances like blenders or juicers, a major advantage over other books.


Biggest Loser Stars Phil and Amy Parham Help Overweight Americans [VIDEO] 

This summer, Biggest Loser 6 contestants Phillip and Amy Parham published their first book, “The 90-Day Fitness Challenge,” and continued their journey of helping Americans get fit. For August and September, they are the featured sponsors of the newsletter, and below you can learn more about their mission.

When “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution” launched on ABC, the UK native set out to change the way people eat in what has been dubbed “the fattest city in America,” Huntington, West Virginia. But when he appeared on the “Late Show with David Letterman,” Letterman told him his mission was hopeless. The White House recently declared war on childhood obesity. There’s no doubt we have a battle on our hands—but is it already lost?

“Not even close!” say Phil Parham and Amy Parham, stars from NBC’s “The Biggest Loser.” Combined, Phil and Amy lost more than 250 pounds on the hit TV show. Viewers related to the Parhams immediately, as their struggle with weight was—like it is for most people—more than just about food. (more…)

Crave Control: Three Tips to Beat Snacking

Healthier Snack AlternativesSnack foods are a major diet downfall. You may get cravings late at night, after work or in the early afternoon, but no matter the time of day, the caloric consequences can be high. Here are three tips to talk yourself out of a craving.

Take Ten. Make yourself wait ten minutes after that craving hits. Think about how you’re feeling. Are you grumpy? Tired? Anxious? Sad? Try to find something that will alleviate these feelings without food. Instead of a snack break, try taking a short walk, meditating, or stretching. Or consider having a chat with someone who cheers you up.

Six Tips for a Healthier and More Filling Breakfast

Healthy BreakfastsMore and more research is showing that a healthy and filling breakfast is beneficial to weight loss. Here are some tips for getting more nutrients into that morning meal.

1. Think outside the cereal box. Breakfast is a great time to get whole grains into your diet. Try cooking up some brown rice, quinoa or polenta for a new take on breakfast grains.

2. Go for the protein and fiber combo. It will keep you full and energized all morning. Try putting beans and spinach or other green veggies in an omelet.

3. Get a serving of fruit in your pancakes. Stir in slices of apples, bananas, kiwi or strawberries, and don’t miss our blueberry pancake recipe.

Does Fox’s New Bob’s Burgers Promote Childhood Obesity?

Fox recently released clips of a new animated series, Bob’s Burgers, slated to begin this fall. The main character, Bob, owns a burger restaurant struggling to stay afloat. His family, as is typical of many Fox animated series, is unhelpful and obnoxious, with smart remarks and crude comments rampant throughout. Such behaviors draw children in, especially as the show is a cartoon – even though the target audience is adults.

Food marketing (in both commercials and television shows) has been directly linked with child food choices and their diets. As the majority of food marketing is for unhealthy foods, such as sugary breakfast cereals, Lunchables, ice creams, soft drinks and fast food, this directly impacts the quality of children’s diets. After all, kids want what they see, and this can ultimately affect their weight. (more…)

DNA and Weight Loss on The Dr. Oz Show

Tune in this Monday, August 2 to The Dr. Oz Show when Dr. Oz discusses how your DNA may be hindering or progressing your weight loss success.

There have been many studies on the nature-versus-nurture debate when it comes to our predisposition to our body’s metabolism, body weight and ability to lose weight. In this episode, Dr. Oz explains just how much your genetics may have to do with your health and weight.

A famous study conducted at Stanford University looked at the long-term effects of weight loss using a few different diets assigned at random. Results showed that some participants lost weight on one type of diet, such as low-fat, while others did not. The study then tested participants’ DNA for three specific gene variations and found that those using the best diet for their DNA lost as much as 2 1/2 times more weight than those not using their best DNA diet.


Do You Know What is in Your Water?

Did you know that your water may not be as clean as you think? I recently had my routine physical with standard testing and blood work done and when the results came back I was surprised to learn that I had elevated lead levels. Chatting with my doctor, we discussed the sources of lead, which can be the following:

  • Paint
  • Dust
  • Soil
  • Drinking water
  • Children’s toys
  • Lead-glazed ceramics
  • Car batteries
  • Radiators
  • Some inks


How to Eat Healthy on a Cruise

Guest blogger, Vicki L. VanArsdale is a freelance writer, certified personal trainer and nutrition consultant. By adopting a healthy and active lifestyle, she has lost 100 lbs. Her mission is to motivate and inspire people through her actions and words. Get healthy from the inside, out is her motto. Learn more on Vicki’s blog.

If you’ve ever been on a cruise you know all about the midnight buffet and endless food choices:  pizza, burgers, breakfast, lunch, ice-cream, multiple-course dinners, decadent desserts and alcohol. No matter what you’re craving, you can probably find it.

So, how can you eat healthy on a cruise? Don’t panic. It is possible. But it’s up to you to make those healthy food choices. 

I just returned from a cruise vacation where I had to navigate my way through buffets of tortes and tortellini. Here are my tips and suggestions for how to eat three healthy meals and not go overboard while on board.

Breakfast: You can usually find a wide variety of fresh fruits, plain oatmeal or other high-fiber cereal, and even non-fat or low-fat yogurt. Add nuts and seeds, peanut butter or fresh fruit to your cereal or yogurt for a healthy punch. Other healthy breakfast options include hard-boiled eggs and grilled tomatoes.


Nutrisystem Easy to Work With

For 16 weeks, Lori Jackson, a mom of three and grandmother to two, will be checking in with to share her personal experience with Nutrisystem. The good, the bad, and everything in between, see first-hand how the Nutrisystem program works.

Nutrisystem Week 3

Hi everyone…  Hope your week has been a good one. I am still trying all the different choices that Nutrisystem has provided for me, and still I am able to say that most of the meals have been very good. There are a couple that I could not eat, but it is a very good percentage of meals that taste great. The crispy rice cereal was very pasty tasting, and I am not a big Chinese food eater, but decided to try the orange chicken with rice and veggies… I just could not do it.  I am sure that someone that likes orange chicken would have loved it.  It looked really good, but didn’t suit me. (more…)

The Meal Plan That Helped Drew Carey Drop 80 Pounds

Comedian and The Price is Right host Drew Carey has his trademarks. One is the black-rimmed glasses. The other is his “everyman” rotund shape. While the glasses remain, Carey has lost the weight. And while you may expect a clever quip as to his motivation, it was really simple:

“I just got sick of being fat,” Carey told Us magazine.

But his motivation was a little deeper – and serious – than that.

“I always thought I was going to die before I was 60,” he says. “My father died of a heart attack in his 40s. I’m not an idiot. The writing was on the wall.”

Even then, it took him years to read that writing. Nine years ago, complaining of chest pains, Carey was diagnosed with heart disease. (more…)

Chelsea Clinton’s Vegan Wedding

The biggest news all over the world this weekend is the wedding of President Clinton and Senator Clinton’s daughter Chelsea. While Rhineback, New York is abuzz with tight security and throngs of media-hungry paparazzi, vegans and locavores are celebrating as well.

Ms. Clinton has been a vegetarian for the past ten years and for her $2 million wedding this weekend, she is applying her plant-based eating preferences to the entire weekend-long lavish affair.

Clinton will be serving an all-vegan and gluten-free wedding cake to her 300 guests. According to Life and Style magazine, Chelsea does not tolerate gluten very well, the protein found in grains like wheat, rye, barley and oats that can cause an allergic reaction in those who can’t metabolize it.  

In addition, she and her husband-to-be, Marc Mezvinsky, are sourcing all of the wedding’s fare from local Hudson Valley farmers. But it’s not going to be an entirely all vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free event. The beef that will be served for the dinner will be grass-fed and organic.
