Diet and Nutrition

Lemonade Diet Review

Summer and lemonade go hand-in-hand. That may partly explain a current spike in interest in the so-called Lemonade Diet. While the Lemonade Diet, also known as the Master Cleanse or Maple Syrup Diet, has been around for about half a century, interest really began to rise after it became public knowledge that Beyonce followed the diet, losing 20 pounds on the Lemonade Diet for her role in “Dreamgirls.”

What is the Lemonade Diet?

The Lemonade Diet, created by Stanley Burroughs more than 50 years ago, is a fasting plan that will definitely shed pounds quickly. Its followers drink anywhere from six to 12 glasses of lemonade daily. There’s a recipe that includes maple syrup and cayenne pepper.


4 Secrets to Celebrity Fitness

Abs like Lady Gaga. Arms like Katy Perry. Amanda Seyfried’s butt. We all want to look like the celebrities, but most of us don’t have access to the trainers or the time. Let’s face it, it mainly comes down to not having the money that stars have for fitness.

In a recent online article for That’s Fit, trainer to the stars Harley Pasternak shared some of the secrets. The author of “5-Factor Fitness: The Diet and Fitness Secret of Hollywood’s A-List,” Pasternak is known for training  some of the best-known bodies in the biz, like Miley Cyrus, Halle Berry, and Jessica Simpson. His premise of “less is more” definitely has merit.


Healthy Snacking Helps You Lose Weight

For many people, snacking has achieved ‘four letter word’ status as a diet buster. Parents tell their children: “No snacking before dinner!” Dieters tell themselves “No snacking, period!” But snacking isn’t a bad thing… it’s what (and how much) you snack on that matters.

Problems with Snacking

In recent years snacking has become super-sized. Packaged foods, like a single serving bag of pretzels, actually have 2-3 servings. Snacks like these aren’t so harmless and can harbor half of your suggested sodium intake for a day. Sweet snacks like cinnamon rolls from vending machines have 460 calories, 22 grams of fat (two tablespoons of plain butter!), and 32 grams of sugar (about 15 teaspoons almost twice the daily limit). Snacking on foods devoid of nutrients and multiple servings is not the kind of snacking you want to do on a regular basis.


5 Healthy Frozen Meals

Sometimes cooking up something healthy for every meal can be a daunting task. So, before you pick up the phone to order a greasy delivery pizza, check out this list of the healthiest and tastiest frozen meals. Not only is there a healthy pizza with a whole-grain crust, there are also Indian, Asian and Southwestern dishes.

Many dieters find that prepared meals help them stay on track with portion control. Each of these dinners made the grade to be one of SELF‘s Healthy Food Awards. We’ve created a serving breakdown, so you can get a quick look at the nutrition facts before you head to the frozen food aisle to stock up.

View The Best Healthy Frozen Meals Slideshow

How to Stay Hydrated in the Summer

With the hottest part of summer here, staying hydrated is even more important. stay hydrated this summerDehydration can lead to vomiting, dizziness and palpitations. Even if you’re not out sweating in the sun, these tips from FitSugar will help you stay in top form.

1. Be sure to hydrate before you workout, but don’t chug before you jump on the treadmill. To avoid compromising your workout, sip on two to three cups starting 60 minutes prior to exercise.

2. Replace soda with sparkling water. Most flavored versions are calorie-free, and still have that refreshing bubbly taste.

3. Carry a  reusable water bottle. Refilling a water bottle is cheaper and better for the environment, plus, you’re more likely to get all the liquid you need if it’s always on hand.

The Connection Between Soda and Bone Loss

Attention all Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper lovers: Soda has been linked to osteoporosis, a condition that is marked by bone loss and puts you at risk for fractures, splints and breaks.

We all know by now that the sugar in soda is linked to a host of health conditions, from obesity to dental cavities. Now soda is earning demerits for its association with degrading the skeletal system.

The problem though is not with all sodas, but with the colas. So drinks like Sprite, 7-Up and Mountain Dew don’t appear to have the same bone-weakening effect as dark sodas do.

Researchers at Tufts University found that women who regularly drank cola-based sodas (three or more a day) had almost four percent lower bone mineral density in the hip, even when calcium and vitamin D intake were accounted for.

So what exactly is in dark sodas that is putting your bones at risk?


Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien on The View

Tune in to The View on Tuesday, July 13 when Hungry Girl, Lisa Lillien stops by to whip some of her newest and healthiest dishes.

The Hungry Girl just released Hungry Girl 1-2-3 and Hungry Girl Happy Hour, both of which feature new meals, snacks, desserts and of course cocktails, courtesy of the imaginative and calorie-conscious, Lisa Lillien.


Never Diet Again Follow Up on the Oprah Show

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Tune in this Monday, July 12, 2025 to the Oprah Show when Geneen Roth, author of Women, Food and God, returns to discuss the nitty gritty of ending the battle with food.

With books flying off the shelves since Oprah first had Roth on the show in May, Oprah put anyone who has ever battled with their weight or dieting up to a 60-day challenge to apply Roth’s Seven Rules of Eating and see where it takes them.


Exercise is Not a License to Overeat

Maruchy Lachance is president of Running Ninja!, a lifestyle brand for runners by runners. Running Ninja! offers a wide variety of apparel and gifts for runners to keep you happy and inspired while you’re on the run.

A couple of years ago I noticed that I had put on a few pounds. The 10-pound weight gain snuck up on me and I only noticed it when I could no longer wear my jeans comfortably. In spite of my commitment to health and fitness, I had somehow fallen off the wagon. So, I had to retrace my steps and see where I picked up these extra annoying pounds.


It’s OK to Take Your Stomach on Vacation

Josie Maurer, creator of, spreads the message of finding balance between fitness and your greedy side. She lost over 40 pounds after the birth of her fourth child through sensible eating and exercise, yet she still maintains her love for large slices of cake.

Pack those bags and drop the dog at the kennel. It’s vacation time, baby! But please don’t leave your stomach at home. As vacation eating draws near you may experience a rapid heartbeat and sweaty palms from the mere thought of fast food on flights, beautiful buffets, and poolside martinis. Those calories can add up, but there is a silver lining.

You don’t have to feel like you’re vacationing inside a pressure cooker from the stress of food temptations. Stuffing your stomach way past full is obviously not recommended. With a routine of good eating habits at home, uncontrolled eating on vacation will only leave you bloated, lethargic, and in search of Alka Seltzer. But it’s your vacation. You earned it. And that food is looking good. (more…)

100 Calorie Snack Ideas

Snacking on junk food can lead to the downfall of any healthy-eating regimen. We often eat chips straight from the bag or ice cream right from the carton, without paying attention to how much ends up in our mouths and stomachs. On the other hand, feeling hungry and deprived makes dieting much harder and less likely to succeed.

The solution? Pick a healthy snack or pay attention to quantity. Even sugary and fatty foods don’t have to break your calorie bank if you keep the portions small. From tomatoes to M&Ms, here to help is a quick guide to 100 calorie snack ideas that will satisfy that need to nibble between meals.

View 100 Calorie Snack Ideas Slideshow