Diet and Nutrition

Jenny Craig iPhone App Makes Dining Out Easier

Are you one of the many people using Jenny Craig to lose weight? With more than 600 centers around the world and thousands of followers, Jenny Craig has been a leader in successful weight loss programs for more than 25 years. But, one area that has caused some difficulty for those on the Jenny Craig plan is integrating dining out with their successful weight loss.

Now, there’s an iPhone app to solve that dilemma. With the free Jenny Craig Dining Out iPhone app, you can search thousands of restaurants to get the skinny on your favorite foods. The app offers the following:

  • Nutritional breakdown of popular items at many national restaurants
  • Search by restaurant, item, keyword, or calorie amounts
  • Dozens of Jenny Craig dining out “Hot Tips”
  • Test your knowledge in the Quiz – and unlock exclusive content!
  • Animated Visual Portion Guide for understanding common serving sizes
  • Map restaurant locations
  • Links to Jenny Craig’s forums, Facebook, Twitter feed and more! (more…)

Jessica Simpson Goes Vegan

When Jessica Simpson announced the following on her Twitter account, the gossip sites perked their ears:

“Shocked my system with a vegan diet, special Pu-erh tea from China, and cupping since Friday! Who am I right now? This might be too clean!”

Jessica Simpson is one of the best examples of how Hollywood stars’ waistlines are over-analyzed and scrutinized if they so much as gain five pounds. But, since stars generally look so great, when they go public with their dietary and/or fitness habits, people understandably take interest.


Genetically Engineered Salmon May Be Coming

I will preface what I am about to say with this: I know next to nothing about genetic engineering. Let me rephrase that; I know nothing about genetic engineering. So, when I say that I think that genetically engineered food seems like a very bad idea to me, it’s just a hunch.

Messing with Mother Nature rarely seems like a good idea to me. So, when I hear the news that the Food and Drug Administration is considering the approval of the first genetically engineered animal-based food for consumption, it worries me a little.


The Simple Secret for Boosting Your Weight Loss

John McGran, chief editor at Diet-to-Go, has been covering the fields of diet, fitness and health since 2000. He writes from the perspective of a dieter rather than a dietitian.

Each year Americans spend billions upon billions of dollars on fancy diets, pills, gizmos and gadgets, when the real secret to more effective weight loss is the price of a pen and notebook.

Yes, my fellow dieters, the right way to double the number of pounds you lose is also the write way – keeping a food journal!

That’s no misprint. Keeping a food journal – and jotting down every last bite of food you eat throughout any given day – can lead to double the weight loss for those who pick up a fork more than they pick up a pen.


PETA Sexiest Vegetarian Next Door 2025

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, consisting of more than two million members and supporters. PETA focuses on four main areas of animal cruelty: factory farms, laboratories, the clothing trade, and the entertainment industry. PETA thrives on public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns. You can get more information at

PETA has been holding a contest for several years now known as the Sexiest Vegetarian Next Door. The Sexiest Vegetarian Next Door is a contest that consists of hundreds of men and women applying to be the next hottest and most successful vegetarian. Both men and women apply for the contest and share their success stories and photos. Thousands of people (not necessarily PETA members) vote for their top choices and each year’s winner gets a free trip for two to Hawaii.


Tune In: Jillian Michaels on the Rachael Ray Show

Tune in this Tuesday, June 29 to the Rachael Ray Show when Jillian Michaels stops by to share her summer shape-up tips.

If you’ve been avoiding going sleeveless this summer because of the shape of your arms, this show is a must-see.


Gluten-Free Baking Products From America’s Oldest Flour Company

I love baguettes! Something about a fresh baked French stick to dip in olive oil or put on a yummy spread is such a delicious treat. As one of the thousands who must avoid wheat and/or gluten, I could never find an option that was gluten-free and suitable for my diet.

That is until I was introduced to King Arthur Flour Company. Founded in 1790, King Arthur Flour Company is America’s oldest flour company. Clearly they know what they are doing, and with the company being 100-percent employee owned, each individual is fully invested in its success and growth.


Lady Gaga’s ‘Pop Star Diet’

Lady Gaga has shed some light on her diet practices in an interview with the Daily Telegraph. None of it has to do with her alleged involvement with the Baby Food Diet:

“I’m on a very strict healthy pop star diet. I don’t eat bread, just vegetables and salad and fish. Eating like that is much better for me anyway, but on Sundays I sometimes eat pasta,” the singer revealed.

So, even someone known for her excesses (at least in the wardrobe department) can even exercise a little moderation.


Eat Protein Foods, Not Protein Supplements

Protein drinks have become more and more popular over the years, and are most commonly recognized as used by gym-dwellers. But now, it is not uncommon for average exercisers to drink them. Even use by teens and pregnant women has been on the rise!

Our bodies need protein. It is responsible for building and repairing tissues (especially muscle), and works as many chemical messengers in the body, like enzymes. Not only that, but protein (along with fat) helps raise your satisfaction and fullness. These important functions give people the impression that the more protein they eat, the more beneficial it will be. But as with everything else, there is a limit!


Stephen Rice’s True Weight Loss Story: Down an Amazing 120 Pounds

BEFORE: Stephen (right) with brother James

It’s tough enough being a teenager, but being one who is overweight presents all kinds of challenges, particularly from peer pressure and the sneers from unforgiving kids.

Brothers often have a competitive relationship, which can create friction throughout the formative years. Maybe it was that natural sibling competitive drive, or maybe it was just good old-fashioned brotherly love. Whatever it was, the weight loss story of 16-year-old Stephen Rice is an inspiring one that needs to be told.

Stephen’s brother James was spotlighted on just a few short weeks ago for his amazing 160-pound weight loss. Not to be outdone, younger brother Stephen had a transformation all his own.


Paleo Diet: Were Cavemen the Picture of Health?

So, you’re looking to start a diet, or just a lifestyle change, and you really think it’s time to get back to basics. Well, you can’t get much more basic than the increasingly popular Paleo Diet, also known as the Caveman Diet.

Let’s take a trip back in time, to 10,000 years ago when cavemen had to fight for dinner, and what they ate was all natural; none of that processed man-made stuff that we call food today.

The Paleo, Paleolithic, or Caveman Diet may be known by different names, but they all share the same philosophy: our ancestors’ eating habits are worth mimicking. That is because, proponents will say, our bodies are designed for the foods that were available to our early Paleolithic ancestors.
